It was kind of the perfect shit storm in that the sewer business and the occupational tax issue ended up coming to a head at the same time. It took years of crooked politicians to get it right though.
The current tax issue started out as a feud between a Commissioner and a local group of Legislators...the Legislators decided to do something to really piss off the Commission, so they voted to repeal the occupational tax. Three times since then, they have gone back to court and the Judge found in favor of the Commission the first two times. However, for some reason, they sided with the Legislators the last time, that the tax was illegal as is. The Commission and local Congressmen have had a year or two now to make amends and come up with a compromise, but none of them would do it. So, instead of lobbying...the Commission thumbed their collective noses at them. Now, instead of trying to find something or even <Heaven Forbid> cut some expenditures, the Commission decided to try and scare the public into screaming loud enough to make the Legislature replace the tax. you can see, it didn't work.