And if the "inevitable" fuck up had to do with boosters paying players or buying them cars, coaches paying players, coaches knowing about boosters paying players, corruption, etc, the NCAA would have fucked us up in a heartbeat. In that case, a sigh of relief definitely would have been in order had we gotten the same penalty for something like that. AU fans are the ones that pumped this book thing up WAY more than it really was, and you guys pumped yourselves up to think the penalties would be horrendous. We were telling you the whole time that this was a fairly minor thing relative to how the NCAA saw it, and I think the penalties showed that as well. Don't get all pissed off at us because the penalties didn't live up to AU fans' expectations of crippling Alabama. On an NCAA scale of bad shit that can happen, this was pretty low on the charts. If you go by what what Alabama said happened, and then that the NCAA agreed with the university on its version of what happened and how, you would find it wasn't as bad of a picture as some posters on AU boards make it out to be.
I love how you bammers keep wasn't as bad as the Auburn fans wanted it to be, like everyone with a brain thought that the NCAA was gonna drop the hammer on y'alls head because of textbooks. Geez bammers, how's that little brother syndrome working out for ya? All I'm saying is, ya better be glad that those records, you know the ones prior to '05, were lost.
Also, rws, what would you say if the NCAA says, okay we'll give you your wins back for the '06 & '07 seasons....but, we're going to take a couple scholarships away, this year and the next. I mean, some of your players are already on pins and needles worrying if they'll be one of the next players to get the Ax or be made to go on Greyshirt, Medical Redshirt, or have their scholarship taken away...even though they started last year.