I agree, to a point. Do you, though, deny that the abysmal facilities at Auburn have, in the past decade or more, hindered the recruiting efforts of all the men who have called the HC job their own?
And would you, then, further deny that recruiting (especially in a numbers-driven sport like Bball) has a direct impact on the next year's team?
I do deny it, yes. Coaches have gone into far worse shitholes and produced winners.
I do not deny that recruiting helps, but you know what will draw recruits more than brick and mortar? A team that does not shoot bricks or drop mortar rounds on its own head.
Win and you will get recruits. When you win, your players get looks in the NBA. What's the sole goal for 90% of the kids playing college basketball? Make it to the NBA.
I like Lebo. But we've been through this. He's not the guy.