Savage apparently re-injured his Achilles tendon today. It looks as though he won't be playing at all this year. Will get 6th year eligibility for medical hardship if he wants it.
If he bothers you, I'll take care of him.What you've got to do is cut the achillies on the back of his leg right at the bottom.He'll never play football again...because his weight displacement goes back......all his weight is on his right foot and he'll miss everything off to the right. He'll never come through on anything.He'll quit the game.
Kaos, I'm starting to believe what everyone says behind your back.
I'm starting not to give a shit.
Interesting. I don't see anything about it in the usual places?
He knows a guy
He likes scotch.
You're not gonna follow GreaseyWeasel's lead are you? Because if you are, don't forget to post a thread drawing all the attention to yourself.
I will burn your dog.
Do you mean like one of my friends that I refer to as 'dog'? Because that'd be shitty of you if that's what mean.
I will nail your cat to your garage wall.