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KISS on American Idol


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KISS on American Idol
« on: May 21, 2009, 06:26:06 PM »
First, let me clearly state that I do not and have never watched American Idol.  I know of the show, understand the concept that Simon is a crustry bastard, the black guy is a tub of uselessness and that Paula's a drug addled whore.  I also know that Carrie Underwood's marvelous ass was on there at some point in her life. 

Pause for obligatory Carrie Underwood shot:

It should be noted that Carrie Underwood is a 50-yard liner.  As in I would do her at the 50-yard line during halftime of the SuperBowl while my parents, wife and children looked on via an 80-inch 1080p HD wide-screen.

But back to the show.  Was tipped off by a friend that KISS would be performing.  Now, my boys are getting old. They're about to embark on what I hope will be a farewell tour because, frankly, it's getting a little unseemly.  They are in their 60s for Gene's sake.   So while I played RockBand, I popped the show into the split screen and waited until they came out. 

First there was some homosexual guy in some kind of shoulder cage signing Beth.  That was followed by KISS dropping from the rafters and playing parts of Detroit Rock City and Rock and Roll All Night.  Things blew up, fire flamed.  Gene stuck out his tongue.  The homosexual joined in and wasn't horrid. 

As soon as that part was over I changed the channel.  I later found out that the homosexual who sang with KISS didn't win and that this was apparenty a surprise. 

Okay, whatever. 

Bigger question:  Was it a disgrace for my boys, KISS, to appear on that show or is it a testament to their staying power and relevance that they were invited play?
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Re: KISS on American Idol
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2009, 06:35:02 PM »
I think it shows the staying power of Kiss. I hated it was only Gene and Paul, I would have loved to seen Peter and Ace. Kiss just made millions of new fans by playing on the most watched Tv show. Gene Simmons is a buisness man like Kiss or not the man has skills.
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Re: KISS on American Idol
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2009, 07:16:48 PM »
     I quit watching about half way thru the first season, but the kid that just won is a youth group leader at my brother's church, so I've had to hear all about it this year.
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Re: KISS on American Idol
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2009, 10:40:24 PM »
     I quit watching about half way thru the first season, but the kid that just won is was a youth group leader at my brother's church, so I've hadI will be hearing all about it this yearforever.

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Re: KISS on American Idol
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2009, 11:42:14 PM »
The boys can still rock - I taped the show and went to bed, because I do not have time for Fox's interminable plugs for other shows and movies and washed up hasbeens...  so this morning, I was fast forwarding through to see who won, and then - WHOA - there was KISS - so I stopped and watched... and then fast forwarded to the end.  That was the only part I watched except for the one minute at the end when the gay rocker did not win...

I don't give a damn how old he is - Gene still makes me hot... must be the... shoes... yeah, that's it...
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Re: KISS on American Idol
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2009, 05:28:14 AM »
I think it shows the staying power of Kiss. I hated it was only Gene and Paul, I would have loved to seen Peter and Ace. Kiss just made millions of new fans by playing on the most watched Tv show. Gene Simmons is a buisness man like Kiss or not the man has skills.

Don't think you'll ever see Peter and Ace again.  Too much water under the bridge. 

Gene and Paul like to portray it as Ace and Peter are greedy or druggies or losers and I'm sure there's some aspect of that to it.  But it's also a control thing.  Gene and Paul decide the direction, they determine what songs will be played and whatever.  A&P always had to fight to get their songs on the records -- and their stuff was some of the best IMO.  At a certain point they give up.  A&P were strongly against the direction taken with The Elder -- and were right.  They don't hate each other, I don't think, but they just can't work together.

Interested to see what the new album (due in September) sounds like.  I thought Carnival of Souls, which they buried pretty much as the first reunion tour kicked off, was much better than the typical "you're 16 and I want to grind you out" kind of stuff they kept trying to peddle. 
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Re: KISS on American Idol
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2009, 09:08:56 PM »
I went to one of the many KISS Reunion and Farewell Tour concerts back in 2000.  They actually brought Ace and Peter back for the tour.  I think that was the last time they reunited and played together.  

Peter got out of it altogether.  He became a family man, got married, had kids and stayed home.  There was some homeless guy several years back claiming to be him, but it was later confirmed as a hoax.  The "drug problem" that you reference was likely with Ace, but I didn't find anything confirming or denying the situation.  

Strike some of that...  Peter's had some problems.  Lots of drug issues and other crap....
« Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 09:15:39 PM by GarMan »
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Re: KISS on American Idol
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2009, 09:46:09 PM »
Dude.  I am a walking KISS encyclopedia.  I can tell you pretty much anything and everything you want to know. 

The drugs and alcohol were part of it, but the other part was Gene and Paul insisting on being in control.  Pete and Ace had input that was ignored. 

They tried to help with the Psycho Circus album, but Gene and Paul ditched everything they wanted and did their own thing. 

I love my boys, but the influence of Ace and Peter was always the better part of the band.  Peter especialy.  Beth, Hard Luck Woman, Black Diamond... good stuff. 

I went to probably a dozen or more of the "reunion" shows -- some with different lineups.  I've seen them about 50 times total I guess.
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Re: KISS on American Idol
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2009, 10:05:26 PM »
Dude.  I am a walking KISS encyclopedia.  I can tell you pretty much anything and everything you want to know. 
Oh yeah?  I'm not much of a concert goer, but I do have most of their albums, even some of the 8 tracks. 

The drugs and alcohol were part of it, but the other part was Gene and Paul insisting on being in control.  Pete and Ace had input that was ignored. 

They tried to help with the Psycho Circus album, but Gene and Paul ditched everything they wanted and did their own thing. 

I love my boys, but the influence of Ace and Peter was always the better part of the band.  Peter especialy.  Beth, Hard Luck Woman, Black Diamond... good stuff. 
I can't say that I agree.  I do agree with your three song examples, but Paul and Gene made the band and had the brains to keep it going strong.  Ace and Peter tried their own things, but they never went anywhere compared to the successes of KISS.  I admit that I've enjoyed Frehley's Comet to some degree, but it's nothing when compared to KISS, with or without Ace and Peter. 
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My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them.  - Winston Churchill

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Nothing says "Obey Me" like a bloody head on a fence post!  - Stewie Griffin

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Re: KISS on American Idol
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2009, 07:35:06 AM »
Bigger question:  Was it a disgrace for my boys, KISS, to appear on that show or is it a testament to their staying power and relevance that they were invited play?

One cannot deny their marketing staying power but when you begin showing up on American Idol the last gasps are within sight.
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Re: KISS on American Idol
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2009, 08:40:23 AM »
Oh yeah?  I'm not much of a concert goer, but I do have most of their albums, even some of the 8 tracks. 
I can't say that I agree.  I do agree with your three song examples, but Paul and Gene made the band and had the brains to keep it going strong.  Ace and Peter tried their own things, but they never went anywhere compared to the successes of KISS.  I admit that I've enjoyed Frehley's Comet to some degree, but it's nothing when compared to KISS, with or without Ace and Peter. 

Yes. I have pretty much every album, including some foreign releases, most on vinyl, (my 8-tracks are gone), cassette and CD.  Pinball machine circa 1976, lunchboxes, all the McFarlane action figures and tons of other stuff.

Did not mean to imply that Peter and Ace were greater than any, only that the four of them combined are greater than any of them solo. Sum of its parts and all.  Just would like to have seen some allowances for their input. But Gene is a straight -laced guy, no respect for alcohol and drugs. Ace responded to his diminished input by not showing up or mailing it in.  Several albums feature session guitarists in his place.

Peter was more of a whiner.

He was the first to leave.

By the time Phantom was filmed, both Peter and Ace were on the fringe.  To the point that they failed to show for some scenes (you'll see a black guy being Ace if you watch close enough) and Peter's voice work was redubbed.

The three videos are good: Kissology Vol .I - III.  Lots of good info there.
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