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5/19 Slimebomb Article


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5/19 Slimebomb Article
« on: May 20, 2009, 11:03:24 AM »
Is this a chink in the armor? We all know Slimebomb's M.O. of hoisting a coach up (especially the bammer ones) and getting his minions to worship the guy, so that one day when things go south he can 180 on them and start his defamation campaign.

It appears to me that a seed of this started once the TigerProwl started becoming a national success. Oh, believe me, he was ridiculing the fuck out of it the first day it broke. But as it started garnering attention and being lauded by the national media, he changed his tune.

Looks like the boulder has budged and is in the early stages of rolling.

Fans blindly support Saban, Meyer
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

That is one of the most famous quotes in the history of global politics, uttered by Lord Acton in 1887 in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton.

Which brings us to Urban Meyer and Nick Saban.

These are the two best coaches in the SEC, perhaps the entire nation. Collectively, they own three of the last six BCS titles.

Nobody would accuse Meyer or Saban of being warm and fuzzy, or even nice or pleasant. I've met both and you could catch a cold sitting next to either.

Recently, both have been in the news for comments made about support or lack of support. Saban ridiculously railed on the Tide Nation for not doing enough to help the team in the Sugar Bowl loss against Utah. Meyer went after former Gators quarterback Shane Matthews of Pascagoula, who now hosts a radio show.

"If you want to be critical of a player on our team or a coach on our team, you can buy a ticket for seat 37F," Meyer said. "You're not welcome back in the football office. You're either a Gator or you're not a Gator."

If one didn't know any better, you would have thought Matthews had accused Meyer of trying to steal his wife. All he did was comment on the Florida passing game last year while the team was struggling. And then he committed the unpardonable sin of picking Ole Miss to upset Florida last Sept. 27 at The Swamp.

Final score: Ole Miss 31, Florida 30.

Predictably, in both cases, the Florida and Alabama fans have stood steadfast behind their fearless leaders.

All of this led Michael Wilbon, the co-host of ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption," to say the other day about Meyer:

"Does this guy have a God complex or what? He ain't the only one. There are the other guys like, oh, Nick Saban, just to pick a guy. And they actually think they are the dictators in these nations. Gator Nation. Tide Nation. They want to tell you what to think. What time to go to the bathroom, whether you can sleep with your wife or have to stay with the team on the road. They want to dictate all terms of everything because that's what those guys can do in college football. Largely, how they got to be as successful as they are. And I hope Shane Matthews keeps bringing the heat."

Well, don't count on that. Matthews had his 15 minutes of fame and the former Florida quarterback, as well as any talk show host in markets like Gainesville or Tuscaloosa, knows if they dare go up against the new breed of college football strongmen, they will be broadcasting on ham radio soon instead of over the air.

Both Meyer and Saban did a nice job of double talk in the aftermath of their controversial statements, but it didn't change the message: Stay on board or get left behind.

From a practical level, one could say this is a perilous road college coaches and their fan bases are going down. In situations like this, there is virtually no room for dissent or even honest discussion, often leading to media members or even subordinates looking the other way. History has shown this can often lead to ruin.

But on the other hand, this is the new world order of college athletics. You go and hire the best, throw all the money in the world at the coach, give him absolute power and scramble to get out of the way.

That happened with Meyer. Ditto Saban.

Mike Bianchi, a sports columnist at the Orlando Sentinel, wrote recently about Meyer and his feelings toward the coach.

"Meyer is obviously a great coach, but he doesn't really cultivate relationships with fans or media. He's simply not very accessible or embraceable. I don't really know Urban Meyer. Does anybody?"

It's the same way here with Saban. I don't believe many members of the media who cover Saban really know him. I suspect the Crimson Tide fan base feels the same way. They are mesmerized by his rock star status. They are intimidated by his presence. But do they really like him?

All they know is he was hired to win and he has. The rest of it's a carnival act. Oh, Saban flies around the state, makes the same psychobabble speech about the process, shakes hands with fans while looking straight past them, and gets on the private plane and does it all over again. Whether it's Mobile or Muscle Shoals, Fort Payne or Foley, it's always the same.

Like Meyer, he makes a boatload of money and is expected to win. And, like Meyer, if he left tomorrow, fans would be unhappy and fretful because he is a winner and has made Alabama relevant again. But would they feel a personal loss?

That's college football. It's big business. It's also why the coaches have turned fans and media into pawns, herding them like a flock of sheep. It's great as long as things are going well. Yet don't forget what Lord Acton said about power and corruption.

It may have been uttered 112 years ago. But it's still just as prevailing and potent today.
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2009, 11:09:46 AM »
The difference in Meyer and Saban is that Meyer is actually the coach everyone thinks he is, and Saban is a fraud! 
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2009, 11:22:14 AM »
I don't remember who it was, but someone once described Finebaum as the guy who waits until the parade has already started, then quickly beats his drum and runs to the front of the parade to make it appear as if he organized it.  I would say that is spot on.
Get ready for the pooper scoopers to start following the elephants around now...the circus is officially in town.
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.


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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2009, 12:23:36 PM »
I don't remember who it was, but someone once described Finebaum as the guy who waits until the parade has already started, then quickly beats his drum and runs to the front of the parade to make it appear as if he organized it.  I would say that is spot on.
Get ready for the pooper scoopers to start following the elephants around now...the circus is officially in town.

Most people don't understand Finebaum.  Especially the ones that call him a bammer homer.  He's a Finebaum homer, plain and simple.  He's out to make ratings and money.  He plays to the lowest common denominator in this state, and that's a big chunk of the bammer nation.  He sets them up, knocks them down, entertains them with rants about Auburn, and yanks their chains when nothing is happening in the sports world.  His show is the radio equal of the al.com bammer and Auburn forums.  A bunch of morons empowered by being anonymous and/or untouchable that spew crap because they can get away with it.  And you don't have to do anything original to get the bammers on your side...the formula is simple and one we all know..."don't let facts get in the way or cloud your thinking".
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2009, 01:04:45 PM »
It appears to me that a seed of this started once the TigerProwl started becoming a national success.
Since when did it become a national "success"? The Prowl visited Craig Sanders, and he has committed to Alabama. So far, I would say The Prowl is 0-1. Now, if by "success", you mean that they got some attention, then ok. But usually when I think something was successful, that means that a goal was accomplished from that action. There isn't much "success" in getting all that attention, but then nothing good coming out of it.

As far as Finebaum, you guys should know better than to read anything he writes.
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2009, 01:14:03 PM »
Since when did it become a national "success"? The Prowl visited Craig Sanders, and he has committed to Alabama. So far, I would say The Prowl is 0-1. Now, if by "success", you mean that they got some attention, then ok. But usually when I think something was successful, that means that a goal was accomplished from that action. There isn't much "success" in getting all that attention, but then nothing good coming out of it.

It's the stupid fucksticks like you that keep harping on "how many recruits committed" that show just how fucking hard it hit home.  It was about publiciity for Auburn you stupid fuck, not a recruiting blitz to fill the class 9 months before signing day!  And the fact that bammers are still using that same tired measuring stick tells me just how hard it hit home.  NOBODY, and I mean NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBODY had any notions that the recruits would see the limos and run up and scream "I'm coming to Auburn".  And I know you're not smart enough to understand it, because you keep on harping on it, but I'll say it again, the purpose was much broader than merely getting a commitment from any recruit.  But you bammers keep beating that same drum.

Auburn fan to bammer:  "That sunset is beautiful, and there's a reason God made it Orange and Blue!"

Bammer:   "That's ridiculous!  Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?   That sunset is a brilliant burst of Crimson and White!  Why, everyone can see that!"
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2009, 01:48:47 PM »
It's the stupid fucksticks like you that keep harping on "how many recruits committed" that show just how fucking hard it hit home.  It was about publiciity for Auburn you stupid fuck, not a recruiting blitz to fill the class 9 months before signing day!  And the fact that bammers are still using that same tired measuring stick tells me just how hard it hit home.  NOBODY, and I mean NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBODY had any notions that the recruits would see the limos and run up and scream "I'm coming to Auburn".  And I know you're not smart enough to understand it, because you keep on harping on it, but I'll say it again, the purpose was much broader than merely getting a commitment from any recruit.  But you bammers keep beating that same drum.

Auburn fan to bammer:  "That sunset is beautiful, and there's a reason God made it Orange and Blue!"

Bammer:   "That's ridiculous!  Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?   That sunset is a brilliant burst of Crimson and White!  Why, everyone can see that!"
You're missing the point entirely. What is the point in getting all of that attention if you do not wish to gain results from it? Do you REALLY believe that the Tiger Prowl wasn't meant to get an edge in recruiting? It was clearly an attempt to stick out in the minds of recruits, and have them think about AU and commit. Here are a few quotes from an AuburnSports.com interview of Curtis Luper on 05/01 regarding the Tiger Prowl:

"The Tiger Prowl was not the end, it's just the beginning," Luper said. "Whatever is cutting edge and new and will give us an edge in recruiting, that's what we're going to do.

"We've forsaken that in the state of Alabama because the state of Alabama is more important to us than anything. Nell Fortner won the SEC with five starters from the state of Alabama and we think that's a good blueprint to follow." Sidenote: Basing your football recruiting plan on what the women's basketball coach did: beyond humorous.

"When we got together as a staff and brainstormed, we tried to think how a 17- or 18-year old thinks. We have to be in touch with today's athlete," Luper said. "Collectively we decided to do it for an entire week in the state of Alabama just to show the emphasis Coach Chizik has put on the state."
Plus, some statements from folks here on this board

Bammers are squirming. Already making excuses for when they lose the in state recruiting battle...

BTW, if you have 10-20 Clients that you really, really want....You do everything, legally, that you can to get them.  That's what Auburn is doing this week.  The next three weeks, they'll split up and go Nation Wide.

Personally, I don't care for it.  Maybe if it just wasn't publicized and given a corny name.  Desperate?  Anything but desperate.  All indicators point to this staff kicking ass in recruiting already.  As was talked about last week, the #1 and #2 RBs in the nation loving Teh Planes was not accomplished through limos and gimmicky names. 

I like the concept of putting the all out blitzkreig on the local recruiting grounds.  Just drop the gimmicks.

If they can land a top 5-10 recruiting class, I don't give a shit if they went out in orange and blue Yugos.

I would not care if they were riding around in a fucking tank nicknamed the "Big swingin' Dick mobile" as long as they land quality recruits. 

What some people are missing is.....The Point.  Most people are just looking at the Limo and saying..Tacky, Stupid, Retarded...etc.  Auburn wanted to recruit the State, together.  BTW, a Stretch Limo is going to get people's attention, especially one that has Auburn Stickers and Flags all over it, no matter what model it is.  Not only is Auburn doing something inventive, it's actually extremely smart.  You don't just have One Coach, that's a decent to great recruiter, going into the schools, you have SEVEN Coaches, that are really good to great recruiters going into the school and making a Splash when they arrive.  When I was 18 yrs old, being recruited by a couple of Universities, if one of those Universities came to my HS in a Stretch with nearly their Entire Coaching Staff (read: Full Court Press), all wearing the same AU Orange button-up shirt (it shows up better when you look into the stands, while you're practicing), that would let me know that these coaches really want me and they're recruiting me harder than anyone else.  Shitbammer, I wouldn't be too sure about that...these coaches are coming up with new ideas every week, it seems.  So, a "Big Swingin' Dick Mobile", probably wouldn't be out of the question.  I mean, you already have the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile, so....that's a start.  All you'd have to do is turn it into a Stretch Limo and paint the Weiner to look like a Dick....Wa La.

At one point, AUChizad pretty much blew a wad listing quotes of recruits saying how impressed they were by The Prowl to further try and prove his point that it was genius. So, was it still not a recruiting blitz on the state of Alabama? Curtis Luper seems to think it was. Thank God for Nell Fortner. Otherwise, Chizik and company would have nobody to use as a recruiting compass.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 02:05:48 PM by runswithscissors »
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2009, 01:58:22 PM »
You're missing the point entirely. What is the point in getting all of that attention if you do not wish to gain results from it? Do you REALLY believe that the Tiger Prowl wasn't meant to get an edge in recruiting? It was clearly an attempt to stick out in the minds of recruits, and have them think about AU and commit. Here are a few quotes from an AuburnSports.com interview of Curtis Luper on 05/01 regarding the Tiger Prowl:
So, was it still not a recruiting blitz on the state of Alabama? Curtis Luper seems to think it was. Thank God for Nell Fortner. Otherwise, Chizik and company would have nobody to use as a recruiting compass.
And you still don't get it.

Find one post from anyone that said this was about getting immediate results in mere weeks following it.

You can get laid tonight, and she will spit your baby out before national signing day.

That's a long time.

You yourself said "It was clearly an attempt to stick out in the minds of recruits, and have them think about AU and commit".

Agreed. Since when does that concern getting commitments 9 months prior to signing day?
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2009, 02:02:18 PM »
So, was it still not a recruiting blitz on the state of Alabama? Curtis Luper seems to think it was. Thank God for Nell Fortner. Otherwise, Chizik and company would have nobody to use as a recruiting compass.

1) I think it remains to be seen how successful of a tool it is/was.  

2) I actually thought the Fortner reference was a pretty good one in context.  She came in four years ago and hemmed up the state talent in high school women's bb when there was no reason for ANYONE of those young ladies to give a second thought about coming to AU.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2009, 02:12:49 PM »
Agreed. Since when does that concern getting commitments 9 months prior to signing day?
Ah, so the plan all along is to have them wait as long as possible before committing. I would think you would want some blue-chippers to commit early to gain momentum with your class. Maybe not. The ultimate goal, whether by tomorrow, or 9 months from now, was to gain commitments. So far in that process, AU is 0-1. While signing day is a long time from now, the goal is to ultimately gain recruits from it. So far, AU has not been successful in that aspect.
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"You're too stupid to realize that I'm one of the levelheaded Auburn fans around here" - The Prowler


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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2009, 02:26:57 PM »
Ah, so the plan all along is to have them wait as long as possible before committing. I would think you would want some blue-chippers to commit early to gain momentum with your class. Maybe not. The ultimate goal, whether by tomorrow, or 9 months from now, was to gain commitments. So far in that process, AU is 0-1. While signing day is a long time from now, the goal is to ultimately gain recruits from it. So far, AU has not been successful in that aspect.
The ultimate goal of the sun is to set tonight around 8:00pm. So far, it has not been successful in that aspect.
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2009, 02:37:09 PM »
The ultimate goal of the sun is to set tonight around 8:00pm. So far, it has not been successful in that aspect.
Millions of years of history sets a precedent that the sun will set today. Weak comparison.
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2009, 02:42:33 PM »
The goal was to get back in these high schools, establish a presence again in neglected recruiting areas and let the State know this staff is serious about recruiting.  All indications are they made a great impression both locally and nationally. If a top prospect, Bama lock or not, has visited your campus twice, and you don't take the time to pull up at his school, you need to be fired.  The fact that he verbaled to Bama means they probably got a good one.  The fact that AU worked on the kid means we're not conceeding shit in this State or anywhere else.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2009, 03:00:58 PM »
The difference in Meyer and Saban is that Meyer is actually the coach everyone thinks he is, and Saban is a fraud! 

That is, without a doubt, one of the more moronic things I have ever read. You sir, are as dumb as a bag of dicks.
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2009, 03:14:26 PM »

That is, without a doubt, one of the more moronic things I have ever read. You sir, are as dumb as a bag of dicks.

A bag of dicks?  A bag of dicks?
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2009, 03:25:36 PM »
A bag of dicks?  A bag of dicks?

I wondered about it as well but just figured I was too old to get all those new sayings.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 04:09:35 PM by Saniflush »
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2009, 03:26:46 PM »

That is, without a doubt, one of the more moronic things I have ever read. You sir, are as dumb as a bag of dicks.
He hasn't brought any hardware to bammer yet (outside of one crootin, and one SEC WEST champeenship).

He lucked into a half-championship he shared with USC (remember USC talking about a three-peat in 05?)
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2009, 03:29:16 PM »
He hasn't brought any hardware to bammer yet (outside of one crootin, and one SEC WEST champeenship).

He lucked into a half-championship he shared with USC (remember USC talking about a three-peat in 05?)
Your coach lucked into 5 wins in the Big 12, but he's a God according to you. Uh-oh, I questioned Chizik's deity status. I guess this means you're going to have to take his penis out of your mouth to tell me how wrong I am. Should you really be casting stones?
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 03:43:06 PM by runswithscissors »
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2009, 03:47:11 PM »

That is, without a doubt, one of the more moronic things I have ever read. You sir, are as dumb as a bag of dicks.
If two heads are smarter than one, a bagfull ought to be like a Norman Einstein.
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Re: 5/19 Slimebomb Article
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2009, 03:53:37 PM »
You're missing the point entirely. What is the point in getting all of that attention if you do not wish to gain results from it? Do you REALLY believe that the Tiger Prowl wasn't meant to get an edge in recruiting? It was clearly an attempt to stick out in the minds of recruits, and have them think about AU and commit.

No I'm not missing shit.  You're the one that just can't get through his thick fucking skull and in to that pile of shit you call a brain that national signing day is 9 months away, and the results, whatever they are, are yet to be known.  An "edge in recruiting"?  Good PR for the school and new staff?  Not an edge at all.  But you fucking idiots keep trying to convince us that since no commits have been made to Auburn since then, that it's a complete failure.  At worst, at the very worst, it did ZERO harm, none, nada, zilch!  At best it showed recruits Auburn was back out on the road working and paying attention to the kids in state.  And to not believe that. to not fucking even acknowledge it, you have to completely ignore all that was said by the kids, and their coaches.  Facts never seem to get in the way with you fucking morons!  You keep on spewing your obnoxiously stupid bullshit here, but it will be better received on by your dumbass bammer buddies elsewhere.  The fact that it's been almost a month and you dumbfucks are still talking about it and still trying to convince us it didn't work is proof positive it did!  
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