I love it how you bammers are trying to make it look like we, Auburn fans, are just making everything up, by saying...."Oh, now you're adding to the story or I haven't heard that one, wow". The truth is, there have been other Universities not named Auburn and not in the SEC to turn y'all in. The SEC schools became wise to Mike Slive and his "look the other way" type of running things, that they had to go over his head. It's what I've been saying the whole time, it's nothing new. Also, think of the Textbook as a way for players, not on scholarship, to get the book(s) and sell them back for $$$....and if you think that "Books-A-Million" just started in ('05) you are one naive bammer.
Bammers trying to figure out what the NCAA is going to do to them 
This should be fun
Oh, its the truth? Show me proof that other universities have turned us in. You say it has happened, and that it is fact. I'm waiting on that one. See, thats the problem with you. You just make up whatever silly bullshit you can think of, or that you see on another message board, and spread it around as the truth. Most of the retards on AUN that you so gleefully share this with eat it up with a spoon, because they think the same way you do. They blindly follow anything that is negative regarding Alabama. More so since the arrival of CNS, and noticeably more since the Iron Bowl. And its peculiar how it is always something that can't be proven, but just happens to be word of mouth from "reliable posters" on message boards. Its easy to pander to people who refuse to think for themselves or use common sense.
The way you guys justify it is by always being vague and simply saying "NCAA is investigating something, its gonna kill bammer". Then years down the road, if something happens, then you point back and say "SEE! WE TOLD YOU ALL ALONG!!". It doesn't work that way, champ. I remember about a month after CNS arrived some AU fans were claiming how the NCAA was already investigating, or would be shortly, his recruiting violations. More specifically a South Florida prospect. Still haven't heard anything about that. But, the accusations have continued since. I supposed if you use the shotgun approach, you might eventually hit something. Some of you just come up with anything and everything you can.
And as for the textbooks, there were no profits gained nor was there money involved. The NCAA even admitted as much in copies of papers that were released. The school isn't even being charged with "lack of institutional control", its a "failure to monitor" charge. Again, yet another instance of you just spouting whatever bullshit you can think of.