Welcome to the party Wes. Too bad you were a dumbass and overlooked the previous conversations about this when it has come up.

You downloaded the software by itself or in a system update? It was included in a system update I made in my PS3 over a year ago. It works pretty well and easily with Windows. For you Mac users, there is a way to stream your media to the PS3, but I think it takes a little more fancy footwork to get that going, but there are websites that tell you how to do it.
Basically for Windows based computers, all you have to do is go to each computer and setup Windows Media to allow access to your home network. Then the PS3, as long as it is connected to your home network also, will automatically find those computers. For the videos, you have to make sure it is in the right .avi format or in MPEG4 format for them to play on the PS3. Whenever we are reviewing pictures we have just taken, we prefer using the PS3 to view them on the HD big screen rather than on the computer screen. If you don't want to stream because maybe your wireless network is a little quirky, you can also just connect an external hard drive or storage device to the PS3 via its USB connections and watch straight from the external storage device or copy it over to the PS3's hard drive.
FYI...the movie studios are getting very, very serious about illegally downloading Blu-Ray movies and then using a certain free program that is out there to convert them so that the PS3 will play them in HD. Not that I am saying I have ever participated. I just know a friend who got a letter from his ISP saying that Columbia Pictures had traced an illegal bit torrent download of Tropic Thunder back to his account. My friend had downloaded probably over 100 regular DVDs without a problem, but was warned by his ISP not long after he started downloading Blu-Ray movies.