Ok we all get the 2 camps...
AChop 3.114
Lots of people in between, some being more pro and some being more anti. This is what I will say, are we tired of it yes... a lot of people are. Is there anything else to talk about...no not really. If you find yourself posting on her less grow some nads (Tiger Wench Excluded, she has her husbands).
This is an open forum, everyone decided that when this place was open we would not over moderate or ban people. People are free to bash, cuss, and otherwise pretty much do anything they want. This forum is for adults, its not for everyone (pussies).
My suggestion put folks that you don't like on ignore, and start posting more often about interesting topics. Make shit up, get naked pictures of Ogres mom, (wait I already have those), derail the topic (most of us try to do that). I for one dream of a Tigers X where a majority of our membership doesn't call each other fuck faces.

Fuck Face
Oh, yeah and try some withstraint when making a comment... if it isn't constructive and we've heard your argument 1000 times, we get it. This goes for both sides.