I'm not projecting his ability to coach into his physical appearance.
This is a response to you stating the man looks goofy. "Goofy" is not typically a word that describes someone you admit would beat the living shit out of you. Or someone you compare to Jack Palance, Chuck Liddell, Jackie Chan, or Mickey Rourke...ok maybe Jackie Chan.
I think lots of people who could beat the shit out of me look completely goofy. They look like assclowns. And for the record I made no comparison between Chizik and Liddell, Chan or Rourke other than to say that if beating Saban's ass were the objective they would be better choices than Chizik. Hell, they might be better for the job he has come to think of it...
But back to appearances. This guy right here could probably kill me to death with his hands, but that doesn't stop him from looking like a ridiculous douchebag. What's your point?