Dick Long is DeadRan across this accidentally. Didn't know much about it other than the description which says 'Alabama-born director' and small-town Alabama mystery.
I've seen so many elitist asshole takes on the South that I figured I'd give it a chance, hoping that for once someone who was a native would give a realistic interpretation of what life is like here without all the country-ass stereotypes.
Colossal mistake. The director (shown below in what is, amazingly, one of his less-creepy pics) clearly hates his roots. This "i could suck a golf ball through a garden hose" looking asshole looks down on the South and its people. He wasn't born an elitist asshole, but he definitely identifies as one. He bent over backward to curry favor with the elite crowd by smearing the South with the same disdain a Cali or NYC filmmaker who's never been anywhere near here would.
Among the touchstone tropes this bucket of fucked-up fruit made sure he included:
- atrocious fake accents
- Christmas trees decorated with beer cans
- Rebel flags
- references to "Meth Mountain" (one of many trailer parks)
- all characters live either in a trailer or in a tract home with broken toys, disabled cars and trash in the front yard
- all characters drive beat to shit cars with mismatched body parts
- every character is dumb, particularly the idiot cops
- all characters constantly have a cooler close by with cold Pabst Blue Ribbon in it
- furniture is early 80s trailer park chic -- wooden couches with brown flowery velvet cushions
- dimly lit bar with men in cowboy hats, plaid shirts and suspenders danchin' wif girls to country music
Every single frame of this film reinforced one negative southern stereotype or another. It was offensive.
- Spoiler - I hope you won't waste your time with this shit, so I have no qualms about spoiling the "big surprise." The 'mystery' is a pair of stereotyped southern bumpkins who try to cover up the death of their friend. They're horse fuckers. The friend died when his asshole was pounded by a stallion (one that whinnied up an ejaculation, of course) and he bled out. Horse fuckers.
"Hey, Lyd, it don't mean nothin'. Me and the boys been doin thangs wif dat hoss since afore me and you even met." Horse fuckers.
Here's the kicker. This film is actually based on a true story. As I was informed by an esteemed member of this exclusive club, the real-life event took place in one of the elite enclaves in the northwest. A man was actually fucked to death by a stallion; his asshole exploded by the big-dick pony. Could this film have been set where it actually happened? Of course, but who's going to believe that?
Let's put it in the south! They down thar fuckin' horses, and cows, and goats, and hawgs and everthang! Hay, let's get that gay alabammer director!! He kin make it all authentic and shit.

Fuck this guy. Fuck this movie.