Wonder Woman 1984HBOMax comes through. I'd been sort of looking forward to this for a while, at least since it was originally scheduled to come out as a summer blockbuster. Guess they just got tired of waiting.
Overall the movie was something of a disappointment. The storyline, such as it was, was completely asinine and had no connection to anything remotely possible.
Good lord, she's something to look at.
The two main bad guys (Pedro Pascal from Game of Thrones and Kristin Wiig from SNL) were horribly, atrociously, miserably miscast. Pascal, who sort of sucked as Oberyn Martell to begin with, was even worse here. He leered and mugged his way through his misbegotten role in one of the worst efforts in a superhero movie I've ever seen. He made nerd twig's Lex Luthor in Justice League look Shakespearean in comparison. It was almost as bad as Tobey McGuire's "emo Spidey" from Spiderman 3. It was just awful. Wiig was flat and never really drew her poorly defined character out. Neither of them worked at all.
But good GAWWWD, Gal Gadot is delicious. The way she moves, I'm gonna dream about that.
One of the biggest expectations I had was setting the movie in 1984, which is in my teenage wheelhouse. Recapturing that vibe (like, say, Fast Times did) was a huge draw. But they didn't do it. The whole 1984 setting was really only used to give Chris Pine a chance to do some wardrobe shots, for a brief opening scene with a red Firebird that was actually a 1981-82 model (and did the damn things even COME in red because I remember black, white and gold but not red) and a quick battle sequence with some thieves in a mall. Other than that it could have been set in 1974, 1994, 2004 or any other random year. The 84 was superfluous.
But damn almighty, that woman looked spectacular in that white dress. Holy fucking lassos. I can't get that out of my mind.
The story itself was so utterly ridiculous and contrived that it just had no weight at all. It's the same story I told my kids about the woodcutter and his three wishes, the same story I told my kids about the Monkey's Paw. But my stories were better and they didn't last almost three hours.
Damnation, Gal Gadot is hot.
I just don't think this movie is going to wear as well as the first one. It was bloated, the villains were buffoonish, the story absurd and the whole 1984 angle a complete letdown.
I think it was maybe trying to say something, but who knows?
Great googly moogly that woman is delectable. I could watch her move for hours. She's got a lithe, athletic, graceful way of moving every part of her body that makes my hope spring eternal.