MalevolentMade for Netflix movie about some fake ghost hunters who try to scam the wrong haunted family.
No real dark scares. A few "whoah" moments.
The film was set in 1986 for no apparent reason. It was about Americans in Scotland for no reason that made sense. There was a lot of backstory that was glossed over and not fully explained. Some of the sets and set ups were a little awkward.
There was a silly throwaway storyline about some drug dealers or something that was probably a lot meatier before editing left it on the cutting room floor.
There was a wasted scene with a Scottish grandfather that was supposed to explain things about the mother of the ghost hunters -- and the mother storyline was in and of itself another empty and unfulfilling rabbit hole.
There were also some random and completely unrelated/unnecessary scenes where the lead guy was listening to self-help tapes. No explanation or exposition. Had nothing to do with the movie and meant absolutely nothing to the story. This again probably was intended to be a bigger part of the story before editing cut all that fluff out.
The lead in the movie, Angela, (played by 22-year old Florence Pugh) wasn't even what you'd call pretty but there was an odd sexiness about her that made her scenes easier to endure. The guy playing her brother was smarmy enough and fairly believable.
You could pretty much see what was coming for the most part. Definitely not something to add to annual the Halloween viewing list.
But for a Netflix movie it was reasonably well done.