Justice League Watching it now. Notes along the way.
1) REALLY shitty opening. Godawful song. Fits very well with Zack Snyder's equally shitty musical choices from stuff like Sucker Punch. Whoever was singing that must have been kin to somebody. There's no excuse for that. Horrible. Just horrible. Completely out of place and set a terrible tone for the film.
2) Martha Kent's home is foreclosed on? Seriously? I'm calling double bullshit there.
3) The action sequences to this point are poorly done. Even the hottest woman on the planet didn't generate any fire in the bank scene. But holy jizzbag she's hot.
4) Oh good GRIEF. Have we learned nothing? The CGI at Thermopalye is atrocious. The CGI in Game of Thrones is 1000 times better than this pail of shit.
5) Damn, damn, damn. Having the "big bad" be 100% CGI (and not even good CGI) is a balls out disaster.
* Note: I'm barely 20 minutes in and I'm ready to give up now. I'm going to stick around hoping it gets better, but this movie is already a monument to just how completely tone-deaf the entire DC universe is. It's not interesting, it's poorly rendered, it's just a hodgepodge of dumbfuckery.
6) Oh hell. More shitty CGI as Wonder Woman explains what the stupid boxes are. This is as bad as a SyFy movie. Or worse maybe.
7) Mercedes product placement overload.
8) I hope like hell Bro-quaman gets better. I'm not behind his portrayal at all. And here we go with incredibly shitty music again.
9) Shitty, shitty dialogue. This is not even Beastmaster quality. If you've never seen Beastmaster do so. At least it's fun. If I'm being honest? If'd paid for this in the theaters I would have walked out. The only thing keeping me now is the occasional glimpses of Gal Gadot's ass ad cleavage.
10) How is it possible to so completely fuck up entertaining, dynamic characters? Batman is like somebody's granddad. Gordon is fucked up. Alfred is fucked up. Flash is fucked up. Broquaman is fucked up. The only character with any resonance is Wonder Woman and that's only the result of her personal magnetism.
11) Good fuckity FUCK. Cyborg is horrible. Add another layer to the shitty CGI cake.
12) I'm done. Time of death? 54:28. These characters mean too much to me to watch them be bungled so horribly. Everything Marvel gets right, DC gets completely wrong. Maybe if there had never been Iron Man or Avengers this turd wouldn't stink so terribly. But it would still be a turd. It makes Nolan's three Batman films look like The Godfather, To Kill a Mockingbird and Gone with the Wind. It's historically bad.
I'm disappointed beyond words. I so hoped not to be let down, but the near hour I survived of this shit was so maddeningly awful I can't abide it.