Suicide SquadDaughters wanted to go. So I gave it a shot.
Batman is my favorite superhero/comic character. Joker is my favorite villain. Harley is my favorite evil sidekick.
Mother of Zod, the DC Universe cannot be salvaged. In the hands of Warner, it's completely tone deaf, gratingly ham-handed, murky, muddled, bloated and asinine.
Zac Snyder has to go. Ben Affleck has to go. Fuck both of those blundering clowns. Their vision for this franchise is suffused with doom.
This could have been the perfect answer to Deadpool -- a perfectly irreverent, self-aware, well-acted, on-target, massively crude film. Instead it was a dingy swirl of horrific performances, moronic storylines, wooden acting, idiotic setups and sloppy execution.
It wasn't as bad as Batman v. Superman, but it lives in the same neighborhood. Bullet points of the good and bad.
1) Harley Quinn: B+. M Robbie is hot and tried really hard to nail the part. Unfortunately the director kept her reined in too much and didn't let her come nearly as unglued as she should. And the backstory was laughably unbelievable and pitifully interjected into the film. Still, she was far and away the best part of the movie.
2) Joker. D-. I didn't care for Leto's take on the clown prince of crime at all. Terribly disappointed. I understand that he didn't want to go Ledger and that Nicholson's version is too clownish to fit the current vibe, but still. Just didn't work for me. I thought it was awful and not true to the character's history.
3) Killer Croc. C-. Really poorly done. Added nothing to the film.
4) Deadshot. C-. Just not enough there, couldn't connect with the character. Will looked like he was sleepwalking through it just to get a payday.
5) Diablo. F. Shiiiiiity execution and the CGI morph had people in our audience laughing.
6) Kitana, Boomerang, Whoever the fuck else? D. Poorly fleshed out characters with little to no purpose.
7) Enchantress. F-. What the fuck was that thing at the end? I kept expecting it to ask Bill Murray to "choose the form of the destuctor."

It was so badly done I heard people laughing out loud at it.
8) The CGI. F. Absolutely terrible. Eye-rollingly bad.
9) Battfleck. F --. Fuck that asshole. I was wrong. He's a shitty Batman.
10) Viola Davis: D. Pathetic. And how the blazing blue hell did she hold on to that stupid cell phone?
11) Rick Flag: F. The guy was spectacularly bad and had any of the rest of it worked, this abysmal performance would have dragged the rest of it down by itself. Astonishingly bad.
12) The climbing dude. F. Waste of a character and just stupid.
There were too many plot holes and inconsistencies to even begin to list them all. The pacing was shitty. The characters just didn't resonate. There was nobody to care about, no reason to give a shit and the setup with the witch and the brother and Zul and Gozer and crossing the streams was monstrously awful.
It was so disappointing to see characters in which I am invested being mishandled and abused in this manner.
So boo. Why can't somebody competent take over the DC Universe and start over from scratch?