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Kaos' way behind movie reviews


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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2100 on: March 15, 2016, 09:07:36 AM »
Funny sidebar, The Scooby Doo and Kiss movie has become the stepkids favorite cartoon.  It has weaned them off of pup patrol and given me a catalyst to introduce them into rock and roll.

The end will justify the means.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2101 on: March 15, 2016, 09:14:48 AM »
The end will justify the means.

But is the juice worth the squeeze?
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2102 on: March 15, 2016, 10:03:08 AM »
Funny sidebar, The Scooby Doo and Kiss movie has become the stepkids favorite cartoon.  It has weaned them off of pup patrol and given me a catalyst to introduce them into rock and roll.

Reviewed on page 98 of this thread.

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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2103 on: March 15, 2016, 10:39:20 AM »
Reviewed on page 98 of this thread.

Oh I know, that's is what alerted me to it so I could roll it into their cartoons.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2104 on: March 16, 2016, 08:58:54 AM »
The end will justify the means.
It's just so bad though that he has to start with such a shitty band.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2105 on: March 16, 2016, 10:36:12 AM »
It's just so bad though that he has to start with such a shitty band.

Well I figured get them started off on the bubble gum rock then move them to the real shit to get them hooked.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2106 on: March 20, 2016, 12:54:37 AM »
John Dies At The End

Wanted horrorish movie.  Got whatever the hell this was.  It was by turns

a) idiotic
b) senseless
c) ridiculous
d) terrible
e) absurd
f) poorly acted
d) poorly scripted
e) poorly executed
f) confusing
e) poorly directed
f) god awful

One of the biggest wastes of 90 minutes I've ever spent. 

I can usually find some small thing to appreciate in most every movie.  Not this one. Well, the dog was pretty.  So there's that.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2107 on: March 20, 2016, 01:11:21 AM »
Pee Wee's Big Holiday

I've always enjoyed the silly work of Pee Wee Herman. From the first time I saw him as the cocaine-snorting hamburger man in Nice Dreams, I found his work to be absurdly amusing.  I thought his Saturday show was borderline brilliant.  Pee Wee's Big Adventure was not comedic genius, but it was a good use of his character. Big Top Pee Wee wasn't quite as good, but it stayed true to the character and I enjoyed it too. 

And then he choked a chicken in a Florida porn house and got busted for having an enormous porn collection. 

Pee Wee Herman died.  Pretty much disappeared from the radar completely.

Thirty something years later, he's back with a Netflix only release.  Same silly schtick. Same crazy setups. Same fish-out-of-water scenarios, this time with Joe Magliominolo along for parts of the ride. 

He looks older and some of the behavior almost seems sad/pathetic but as much as I hate to admit it, this movie made me laugh.  The snake scene and showing the Amish how to have fun cracked me up for reasons I don't understand and can't explain. 

I've since seen the film described as a homo-erotic fantasy and the gayest movie since Brokeback Mountain.  I didn't see it that way at all. I've always thought of Pee Wee as a naive man child and his sexuality is not even a consideration.  I think only a gay would watch Pee Wee's movie and see it as some kind of fruity romp. 

I enjoyed the movie and am glad I watched it.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2108 on: March 20, 2016, 01:15:37 AM »
The Collection
Followup to The Collector, which I think I may have reviewed somewhere in here. 

Creepy dude in a mask kidnaps people and subjects them to perverse experiments/torture for reasons unknown.  He hides out in an abandoned hotel which he has rigged up with some inventively gruesome booby traps. 

After he slaughters a club full of people and kidnaps one, a former victim and a crew of mercenaries storm the hotel to retrieve the kidnapped girl.  Gore ensues. 

Not the best movie I've ever watched, but the creative and gruesome deaths were entertaining. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2109 on: March 20, 2016, 09:36:50 AM »
Saw The Big Short. Interesting presentation and ways of breaking the fourth wall to tell the story.

By the way, iff that is all true, we have failed as a society.

Finally got around to watching this last night.  Great movie with an excellent cast (less and except the makeup on Gosling...off-putting).

The true story of the fucked-up, masturbatory system that created the housing crisis should be required viewing for all citizens.

My only beef was that they glossed over the characteristics (other than rating) that made the loans "subprime".  The mortgage douches that Mark Baum and his crew speak with ("Last year I was a bartender...now I have a boat") touched on the bullshit "underwriting" that their mortgage companies performed, but they missed an opportunity to explain the shitty mortgage products that Countrywide and some of the other egregious offenders offered (ie - negative amortization "pick a payment" loans).

Great movie told from the perspectives of a handful of people that saw the bubble coming...and bet against the American Dream.

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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2110 on: March 23, 2016, 10:12:43 AM »
Finally got around to watching this last night.  Great movie with an excellent cast (less and except the makeup on Gosling...off-putting).

The true story of the fucked-up, masturbatory system that created the housing crisis should be required viewing for all citizens.

My only beef was that they glossed over the characteristics (other than rating) that made the loans "subprime".  The mortgage douches that Mark Baum and his crew speak with ("Last year I was a bartender...now I have a boat") touched on the bullshit "underwriting" that their mortgage companies performed, but they missed an opportunity to explain the shitty mortgage products that Countrywide and some of the other egregious offenders offered (ie - negative amortization "pick a payment" loans).

Great movie told from the perspectives of a handful of people that saw the bubble coming...and bet against the American Dream.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2111 on: March 25, 2016, 10:48:09 AM »
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

First let me preface this by saying I'm a borderline obsessed batnerd.  Batman is by far my favorite comic character of all time. I've got a Batman comic collection that dates back now to the late 50s.  There's a small bat-sticker somewhere on every car I've ever owned.  I'm able to appreciate every bat incarnation on the big and small screen to a degree. Adam West, Keaton, Kilmer, Clooney, Bale and now Affleck all brought something different to the table with varying degrees of success.  At this point I think Keaton probably made the best Bruce Wayne and Bale (minus the stupid voice) probably makes the best Batman. But I'm not even sure about that. 

What I am sure about is that Affleck was not the best Batman, nor was he the best Bruce Wayne.  But he wasn't always the worst either.  I was so unnerved by his casting that I expected him to bomb in a big way. That he didn't is about the best I can say. 

And now the movie.  I'm sure many of you will like it.  I've now seen it and it wasn't horrible, but I have no interest in seeing it again.   It missed so many marks and cracked under it's own weight in innumerable places. 

What a plodding, ponderous, mangled mish mash of a handful of stories.  The director was so ham-handed, so mechanically driven that the heart of the story simply didn't exist. 

Here there be spoilers......

Among the myriad problems:

1) The run time.  The movie (with the 15 previews that came before it) started at 9:30 and let out at 12:18.  There just wasn't enough meat to carry the story for that length of time so it bogged down terribly in a number of places.  There were too many pointless threads that meandered nowhere.  The director really is a hack. By the time it got to the Batmanning and Supermanning, many in our crowd had mentally checked out.

2) Amy Adams was mind-numbingly horrible. Every second she was on the screen was an absolute waste.

3) As bad as Amy Adams was, Holly Hunter was exponentially worse.  Dreadful.  Her motives were never clear, her stances were left unexplained and her death was welcome. 

4) Eisenberg.  Maybe he'll grow into it in the future, but his frenetic bopping simply is NOT Lex Luthor.  And you'd think that a movie that ran close to three hours would have been able to rationally explain his Superman loathing.  But it didn't.  Complete fail. Oh, it hinted at it here and there, but the root of his animus was never successfully explored.

5) Batman.  Yes, I know the current trend is to portray him as a morose and brooding bitch, but that's not all he is (or should be).   There was the obligatory training scene where Affleck got to show off his muscles, but his Batman was unconvincing in the fight sequences. Not nimble or agile enough.  And guns, bullets, brands, murder... That's not Batman either.  The Bat is not a murderous brute, bulling through the city with tanks, rockets and machine guns.

6) Did I mention the director sucked?  Two (no, actually three) dream sequences that muddied the plot.  Fucking dream sequences.  Grrrr.

7) Location, location, location.  I've always envisioned Gotham as being New York and Metropolis as being Boston or Chicago or LA or something.  Or even vice versa.  This fucked up movie is trying to tell me that the two are fucking ACROSS A BAY FROM EACH OTHER?  And that the fucking Bat Signal can be SEEN FROM METROPOLIS?   No fucking way.  Bullshit. Idiotic.  That Batman and Superman exist on two peninsulas separated by a sliver of water?  And that Batman rarely strays into Metropolis to fuck up Luthor or any of Superman's problems and Superman never drifts across to help with Joker, Clayface, Riddler, Catwoman, Penguin, Twoface, etc. etc. etc?  That's lunacy.  If any one thing ruined this movie, that was it. 

8) Not enough exposition or explanation.  Again, three hours, but so much was left in a muddy mess.  Way too much was left just hanging out there for no reason.  Why? Why? Why?  If Superman can hear Lois fart from half a world away, how come he couldn't hear his mother screaming when she was kidnapped?  Was his Super bathtub boner getting in the way? 

9) Stupidity.  Example: So Batman and Superman fight and Batman's got this spear that he hides somewhere so he can use it in the end.  And they crash through block after block of buildings, rooftops, walls, and who knows fuck all.  But when he gets Superman down?  Why there's that fucking spear, right where he must have left it, within easy reach.  The fuck?  How could he possibly have planned to have the damn thing just sitting right there?  That was one.  I could list 50 more but won't. 

10) All of a sudden everybody knows who everybody is.  Well hey, Clark. What's up Bruce. Everybody in the world has it figured out. Like literally 20 people in this movie.   So why even fuck with the masks and fake jobs?  Jeez. 

11) Wonder Woman setup.  Oh, hey, look!  That's Chris Pine in the old photo of Wonder Woman!  I bet that would make a good origin movie!  Could they be ANY more clunk-fuckingly obvious? 

12) Doomsday. Eh.  Kid behind me wanted to know why King Kong was fighting Batman.  Just not well rendered.  The story could have been told so much better without that big explosion-laden distraction tacked on to the end. 

13) Oh hey!  There's Aquaman.  And Flash!  Ohhh! Cyborg!  All clumsily revealed.  And where's Green Lantern?  Oh, that's right. He's Deadpool now and mocking himself. 

14) Superman period.  It's hard to get the character right.  This guy does as good as anybody I guess, but I just don't care for him or his story at all.   He's the Captain America (which Marvel does better) to Batman's Tony Stark-Ironman (which Marvel also does exponentially better). 

15) No self awareness.  What I like about the Marvel movies is that they are almost completely self aware. They inject just enough humor to remind us that we are supposed to be having fun watching the most improbable bunch of freaks save the world in the most violent and explosive way.  Hell, even the first Transformers got that right.  Batman v Superman is a relentlessly dark movie. No fun allowed.  That makes it much harder to connect with the characters. Why should you care what happens to either of them, really?  And what's to fear from lightweight Jesse E?  The movie needed a better director.

16) The Dark Knight Returns.  Great comic series by Frank Miller that told the story of an older Batman coming out of a forced/negotiated retirement because the city was near out of control.  The government (a thinly veiled Ronald Reagan, actually) sends Superman to take him out.  Cue epic fight, some masterful bat trickery and a satisfying ending.   This movie borrowed pieces of that.  The bat suit for the showdown is almost a carbon copy of the one Miller drew up for the comic.  So, too is the bulkier batman frame, the fatter bat logo and the much shorter bat ears (believe it or not, ear length is a significant touchstone in bat history.  This alteration is a major change from the ears that had gotten longer and longer through Clooney).  But whoever did this story didn't take all of Miller's story.  Yeah, there was a kryponite weapon, but in the book Green Arrow had it.  And Batman did have his foot on Superman's throat.  But there wasn't the absolutely ASININE moment of ... "Wait, did you say Martha?  Oh hell, my mom's name is Martha too!  Dang bitch, I guess I should stop trying to kill your ass and we can just partner up and be all cool together.  Man, if you'd just told me her name was Martha, all this seething rage I've been building up for years would have gone away.  Martha.  Be damned. Her name, too, huh?"   My daughter actually blurted out "What the Faaahhhh" when he turned that fast for no good reason. 

17) Fishburne.  I'm still mad at that racist bastard from his work in Boyz in the Hood.  He can kiss my ass.

18) The score.  Teeth achingly bad, beat you over the head music.  Relentless, pointless pounding.  Absolutely worthless.

19) Terrible director.  Have I mentioned that? As he has the Justice League contract, I have no hope for that at all. It’s going to suck beyond all imagination and probably kill the super hero genre for the remainder of my natural life. 

20) No cohesive focus.  Why were Batman and Superman really pissed at each other?  Do we know?  Do we care?  Why jam in the electro monster?  And Wonder Woman?   The movie would have been so much if it had just taken two hours to compare and contrast the ways Batman and Superman effect their own brands of justice and then set up some legitimate beef between the two that demanded a violent resolution.  If it had told the story of each of their relationships with the public maybe.  Instead, we got this.   

So after all that, would I suggest that you go see the movie?  Sure.  I actually didn't hate it, but I want so much from a Batman movie that this just left me meh.  It wasn't great, it wasn't awful. I will never watch it again.  But now I'm definitely not enthused about any Justice League movie and I probably won't do Aquaman, Wonder Woman or Flash.  I probably won't even do CA: Civil War.  I'm sick of the trailers for that. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2112 on: March 26, 2016, 12:14:04 AM »
10 Cloverfield Lane

Interesting thriller about 3 people in a bunker, sealed off from the world.

The aliens appear at the very end just to make sure there was a connection to JJ Abrams' work.

It was not an IMAX movie, it was not a Cloverfield/alien/monster movie.

It was ok...see it on demand.

Gonna have to be a little more positive in regard to this one. 

Enjoyed it more than I did dawn of justice. 

I've always thought the lead chick was hot.  So I enjoyed that.  John Goodman was weirdly creepy. Emmett was a good character. 

Some of the problems I had though?  Couldn't get a sense of elapsed time.  Did weeks or months pass?  I assume this was purposeful to give the same sense of disorientation faced by the characters.  Also don't understand why they put the whole "that's not his daughter that's a missing girl" angle in.  Again I presume it was to solidify the urgency of escaping and cast further doubt on Goodman's motives.  But it just seemed like a poor choice.  It should have been left out or fleshed out. 

Even though the ending had been somewhat spoiled by the review above I still enjoyed the sheer helplessness and resigned shock that followed the frantic drama of the escape.  It was a good turn.  Was pretty funny when I heard a black dude two rows over mirror her "oh fuck" almost beat for beat when she realized what she was facing after escaping and in the process destroying what might be the only sanctuary remaining. 

A nicely put together film that I enjoyed more than I anticipated. 
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 08:52:52 AM by Kaos »
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2113 on: March 26, 2016, 08:27:58 PM »
My take on ‪Batman v Superman‬:

Mark Zuckerberg fails to get Jesus and Mark Cuban to kill each other. They team up with  Jane Pauly & Xena to destroy The Incredible Cloverfield Hulk Monster.

Was a fun enough ride. Not the greatest thing but not bad either.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 08:35:35 PM by The Six »
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2114 on: March 27, 2016, 11:49:05 PM »
My take on ‪Batman v Superman‬:

Mark Zuckerberg fails to get Jesus and Mark Cuban to kill each other. They team up with  Jane Pauly & Xena to destroy The Incredible Cloverfield Hulk Monster.

Was a fun enough ride. Not the greatest thing but not bad either.

Zero fun.  That was one of my biggest complaints.  Zero fun. 

I'm watching a few minutes of The Dark Knight right now and despite its flaws, it is so far superior to Dawn of Justice that words cannot do it justice.  Dawn is like Zapped! to Dark Knight's Breakfast Club.   If DK is a prime rib, DoJ would be a can of stale potted meat.  If DK is Jessica Alba, DoJ is Momma June. 

The only thing that really keeps DK from being near perfect (except for being too long with too many stories at once)?  Maggie Fuglyhall.  Lord that creature is difficult to look at.  She's hideous. Disgustingly so. 

Other than that, everything about DK is exponentially better -- like times 200 better -- than DoJ.   Watching this now, I'm stunned at just how miserably Dawn actually failed.  It's even worse in hindsight than it was in real time.  I'm amending my initial review to rate that Dawn as one of the most disappointing movies ever. It's a great big turkey.

It's also worth noting that the awfulness of DoJ is not related in any way whatsoever to what I thought would sink it - Ben Affleck.  He wasn't that bad. With a better director, better script and some better costuming I think he could actually have been one of the best to play the role. 

Zac Snyder is the problem.  If there is to be a Justice League, he HAS to go.  The franchise absolutely cannot be left in his hands.  I'm a DC guy at my core.  I want that franchise to find its way and rival the power of Marvel.  It will flop like a fish on a griddle if he helms the rest. 
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 12:31:37 AM by Kaos »
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2115 on: March 28, 2016, 09:35:37 AM »
Zero fun.  That was one of my biggest complaints.  Zero fun. 

I'm watching a few minutes of The Dark Knight right now and despite its flaws, it is so far superior to Dawn of Justice that words cannot do it justice.  Dawn is like Zapped! to Dark Knight's Breakfast Club.   If DK is a prime rib, DoJ would be a can of stale potted meat.  If DK is Jessica Alba, DoJ is Momma June. 

The only thing that really keeps DK from being near perfect (except for being too long with too many stories at once)?  Maggie Fuglyhall.  Lord that creature is difficult to look at.  She's hideous. Disgustingly so. 

Other than that, everything about DK is exponentially better -- like times 200 better -- than DoJ.   Watching this now, I'm stunned at just how miserably Dawn actually failed.  It's even worse in hindsight than it was in real time.  I'm amending my initial review to rate that Dawn as one of the most disappointing movies ever. It's a great big turkey.

It's also worth noting that the awfulness of DoJ is not related in any way whatsoever to what I thought would sink it - Ben Affleck.  He wasn't that bad. With a better director, better script and some better costuming I think he could actually have been one of the best to play the role. 

Zac Snyder is the problem.  If there is to be a Justice League, he HAS to go.  The franchise absolutely cannot be left in his hands.  I'm a DC guy at my core.  I want that franchise to find its way and rival the power of Marvel.  It will flop like a fish on a griddle if he helms the rest.

Nolan-verse movies are far superior to everything Marvel or DC, no argument. Just saying I didn't hate it outright. It was fine considering the heavy-handed subtext (described in my take on it) and I went with the ride. Would I watch it again? Maybe...if it is on Netflix or something and I want some noise in the background while I clean or something.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2116 on: March 28, 2016, 11:45:16 AM »
Nolan-verse movies are far superior to everything Marvel or DC, no argument. Just saying I didn't hate it outright. It was fine considering the heavy-handed subtext (described in my take on it) and I went with the ride. Would I watch it again? Maybe...if it is on Netflix or something and I want some noise in the background while I clean or something.

You had a different opinion and take on it. We must alert the church elders at once.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2117 on: March 28, 2016, 12:18:00 PM »
You had a different opinion and take on it. We must alert the church elders at once.

It's called "discussion"

Alert the founding fathers.  Tell them that constitution thing works pretty well when liberals aren't twisting it. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2118 on: March 29, 2016, 01:55:53 AM »
Just saw a new trailer for Captain America: Civil War.

It looks very much like the exact same movie as Dawn of Justice.  Except it looks much better. 

Giving Super Captain Man America grief over the destruction wrought by the Avengers.   And Bat Iron Man has to fight him.   

But instead of just Wonder Woman there are acres of guests -- including one that I wish had not been completely spoiled by the fucking trailer I just saw.  Why ruin the reveal?

Oddly enough it came on right before a trailer for Dawn of Justice, one that reminded me of how wrong that movie got Lex Luthor, Alfred, and so much else. 

« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 10:44:45 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2119 on: March 29, 2016, 12:11:43 PM »
But instead of just Wonder Woman there are acres of guests -- including one that I wish had not been completely spoiled by the fucking trailer I just saw.  Why ruin the reveal?

Because it is based on the comics and Spidey has the pivotal role in how everything plays out.

Plus this was huge news months (years?) ago when Sony (they own the Spidey rights) agreed to let Marvel Franchise (Disney) use him.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 12:25:58 PM by Godfather »
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