MaxIn this new era of Trumpish patriotism how can you not be in love with a movie that celebrates the loyalty and dedication of the dogs who serve the United States military, searching out weapons and warning of danger? How can you screw up a movie that pays homage to those magnificent creatures.
Let me count the ways:
1) Wooden, emotionally vacant performances from every actor in the film except the dog. Thomas Hayden Church and Lauren Graham were both unconvincing and looked like they wanted to be anywhere else but playing a married couple dealing with a dog. The lead kid, Josh Wiggins, was particularly awful. He failed to convey a single convincing emotional response. He was abysmal. The poor dog was ashamed to be involved with that dead-legged cast.
2) Cliched and inept mexican bad guys
3) A ridiculous story about arms dealing that involved crooked cops, crooked soldiers and the cliched inept mexican bad guy
It was just a silly plot dragged down by lifeless performances.
I'd really like to see a good story about a military dog who recovers from the trauma of war, but without the ridiculous "wanna buy some RPGs and ship them to Mexico? Sure, but what about those meddling kids and their dog?" plotline.
Turned what should have been an inspiring story into an episode of: