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Kaos' way behind movie reviews


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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2000 on: January 02, 2016, 12:20:36 AM »
Daddy's Home

Man child, befuddled, overly happy elf Ferrell has gotten old.  But it wasn't too bad here. 

Wahlberg plays basically the same guy he played in Date Night right down to the "put shirt on" scenes. I wondered at one point if the character name wasn't even the same.  Didnt  look it up. 

Some mildly amusing moments sprinkled in.  Not really "funny" per se.  But did end with a cute and tidy wrap and a semi funny reversal. 

Marky and Will banter well together. 

It's no classic.  And it wasn't even really that funny.  But I've seen way worse from Ferrell. Wahlberg too.

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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2001 on: January 04, 2016, 08:38:51 AM »

 It's always been hard for me to take Kurt Russell seriously. Too many Disney type roles in his early years. He stepped it up a notch here.  Played the late 1800's hard ass to a tee.

Watch Bone Tomahawk.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2002 on: January 10, 2016, 10:40:39 AM »
The Revenant
First the good. The movie is stunning visually.  It makes you feel every ache, every frozen breath.  DiCaprio -- one of the best actors of our time -- is really good, acting for much of the movie with little more than his eyes. 

The weasel or otter or whatever tom hardy has on his head. Liked that.

Now the bad.
The movie is far too long.  It clocks in at 2:40 when the story could easily have been compellingly completed in half that.  There are entire arcs and characters that are superfluous.  Some actually detract from the story. Some were made up by the director entirely in the name of creative license when the "real" story was probably the better one.  It just dragged and dragged layering one improbable misery on top of another.  Just too much extraneous scenery snd story.

Tom Hardy.  What the fuck is the attraction with this guy? In every movie I've ever seen him he affects some mumbling out-of-place accent that should require subtitles.  Batman. Mad max. Lawless.  No idea what he's saying half the time in the dumbass accent he picks.  No different here.  Says something in s weird accent.  Makes a face. Pouts. Fucking sucks.  He's terrible.

Is worth seeing for Leonardo's performance and the cinematography/setting.  But bring a snack and something with caffeine in it. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2003 on: January 10, 2016, 01:57:57 PM »
Is worth seeing for Leonardo's performance and the cinematography/setting.  But bring a snack and something with caffeine in it.

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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2004 on: January 10, 2016, 03:27:58 PM »
Star Wars was sold out.  Decided at the last minute on The Hateful Eight.  Would not have gone if I knew it was a Tarantino film. Didn't realize until we got in there. Scumbag cop hater can die in a fire as soon as possible.  Fuck him with a goat aids infected cattle prod.  Now, to the movie.  Not a spoiler...just an overview of the plot.

It's a "western" set in the hills of Wyoming with 90% of it played out in one huge room, a general store where all 8 characters get stranded during a blizzard.  Samuel L. Jackson and Kurt Russell play two bounty hunters trying to get their kills/catches to Red Rock to collect their cash.  Russell's bounty is a girl, (Jennifer Jason Leigh), who he is trying to get to Red Rock for a hanging.  The 8, including one of my all time favorites, Bruce Dern, play out a mystery of who dunnit..who's siding with who...who is going to get out of this alive...or not.  Played out in 6 chapters. Loved every one.   

The positive:  Funny as hell.  Countless one liners from several characters that had me and the entire audience bent over laughing.  Jackson is awesome.  Delivers non-stop, whether it's comedy or gruesomely deep, morbid story telling.  Saw numerous commercials for this.  Thought I saw a cameo by Walton Goggins.  Fuck sake, he almost stole the show.  Was a close second to Jackson in delivering the side splitting line and being the focus of the whole show.  Damn fine and underrated actor.  The guy is long overdue for some lead roles.  It's always been hard for me to take Kurt Russell seriously. Too many Disney type roles in his early years. He stepped it up a notch here.  Played the late 1800's hard ass to a tee.

The negative:  I saw a write up that said 'black" was said 65 times in the film.  I think they mis-counted,  Look, I'm the farthest thing from politically correct you'll ever see.  But it was clear they were intentionally putting it in there for effect and honestly, it got real old.  The same with the graphic blood scenes.  Waaaayyyy over the top.  Jennifer Jason Leigh's character stayed covered in blood in one form or another for the entire film.  Completely unnecessary. Over the top graphic on blowing people's heads off. 

Overall, very entertaining film.  My 15 year old was with me but I took a chance and snuck him in to a Super R film.  He knew it was over the top but the comedy effect was worth the risk. Just be prepared for mega cussing, mucho negro and new ways to splatter blood and brain matter.     

Agree with you on all points except the last two.  Those are QT signatures, you had to know that was coming when you entered the theater.  Debate the merits of the language and gore, but they are his personal signature.

Thoroughly enjoyed this movie.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2005 on: January 10, 2016, 10:59:14 PM »
The Forest

Once again violating one of my main rules, I tried a PG-13 horror movie.  Once again, I was reminded of why I made that rule in the first place. 

Stupid. Inane. Boring. Pointless. Dull. Dumb. Awful.

I've seen worse movies. I've seen movies that were way worse than this one, actually. But this was an incredibly mind-numbing drone of banality. 

Don't waste your time. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2006 on: January 11, 2016, 09:21:32 AM »
Agree with you on all points except the last two.  Those are QT signatures, you had to know that was coming when you entered the theater.  Debate the merits of the language and gore, but they are his personal signature.

Thoroughly enjoyed this movie.
It's in my top 3 of QT Movies, I loved it.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2007 on: January 11, 2016, 09:39:09 AM »
It's in my top 3 of QT Movies, I loved it.


The need to nail the door shut (with two pieces of wood!) was never explained, was it?  The door worked fine when the "four passengers" arrived at Minnie's.  Then calamity was unleashed upon Minnie, et al, but the door was never affected.  When did the door hardware get fucked up?

Also, thought it was great that QT worked in the classic Red Apple cigs.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2008 on: January 11, 2016, 10:09:46 AM »
I think the two pieces of wood was strictly for comedy.  Every time someone new walked in, everybody in the house was yelling over each other. It got funnier each time and we started waiting for the chorus every time someone opened the door.   
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2009 on: January 11, 2016, 10:14:00 AM »
I think the two pieces of wood was strictly for comedy.  Every time someone new walked in, everybody in the house was yelling over each other. It got funnier each time and we started waiting for the chorus every time someone opened the door.

Agreed...but for such a prominent running joke you'd think some setup would be given.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2010 on: January 11, 2016, 10:27:45 AM »
The Forest

Once again violating one of my main rules, I tried a PG-13 horror movie.  Once again, I was reminded of why I made that rule in the first place. 

Stupid. Inane. Boring. Pointless. Dull. Dumb. Awful.

I've seen worse movies. I've seen movies that were way worse than this one, actually. But this was an incredibly mind-numbing drone of banality. 

Don't waste your time.

Saw this one Saturday.

I was meh about most of it. Wasn't bad. But wasn't The Conjuring or Sixth Sense either if were talking Scary Thrillers that play off fear of the unknown in a non gorey kind of way.

Spoiler alert....dont read below if you are going to see this....

The main character to me,  almost purposely violated every rule in the book. She was stubborn, wouldn't listen to anyone. To the point where it was noticeable and annoying.

I was also left at the end, of what really happened and what she thought really happened? Did the journalist guy really have bad intentions ever at ANY point other than trying to get in her pants at the bar? I dont think he did. I think she imagined them all. Including the pic on his phone. When it turned out the movie was more about her own internal struggles with her parents and sister, than the actual Forest, it was underwhelming. Blahhhh. Was just a twisted maze of random shit that never really tied together or wrapped up. Kinda messy. Ive seen worse, but glad I paid the matinee price.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2011 on: January 11, 2016, 10:30:30 AM »
Why don't we just get in that running car?

Are you crazy?  Let's hide behind those chainsaws.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2012 on: January 11, 2016, 10:32:49 AM »
Why don't we just get in that running car?

Are you crazy?  Let's hide behind those chainsaws.

Ummmm, thats EXACTLY what it reminded me. THAT obvious. Kaos probably noticed it too.

Hey, the Japanese guide just told me to not walk off this path and that bad things lurked off the path and would happen. Hey, whats that scary thing over there OFF the path im seeing? I think I will leave the path to go see if its something bad. (LOUD SCREAM 4 seconds later)
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2013 on: January 11, 2016, 11:46:42 AM »

The need to nail the door shut (with two pieces of wood!) was never explained, was it?  The door worked fine when the "four passengers" arrived at Minnie's.  Then calamity was unleashed upon Minnie, et al, but the door was never affected.  When did the door hardware get fucked up?

Also, thought it was great that QT worked in the classic Red Apple cigs.

Yes Bob shot out the door when the black guy stumbles in from putting the horses away. He hits him in the shoulder and the door closes but Bob keeps firing and blows the lock off.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 11:50:13 AM by Godfather »
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2014 on: January 11, 2016, 12:02:08 PM »
Yes Bob shot out the door when the black guy stumbles in from putting the horses away. He hits him in the shoulder and the door closes but Bob keeps firing and blows the lock off.

Forgot that he was shot through the door before Joe/Grouch went out to finish him.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2015 on: January 12, 2016, 08:22:58 PM »
Mad Max: Fury Road

This review will be written using lines from the movie uttered by Max.

No No No.

Unh, Hrm. Grrrr. Unh.  Ugh.

The end. 

Translation:  Meh?  It would have to crawl across the Sahara to reach up to meh.   Maybe I was high when I tried to watch it, but it was like a really dumb Cannonball Run if Burt Reynolds was a bald girl and the Sheriff wore a Halloween mask. 

Eleven kinds of terrible.

I'm late on this, but I finally got around to watching this today. I loved it. Absolutely amazing action film that needed little dialogue.

I will say that Mad Max was an irrelevant character. The story was about Furiosa and Max was as important as the bald headed gremlin that was tagging along with them.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2016 on: January 15, 2016, 11:10:16 AM »
I don't understand how anyone could rave over Mad Max Fury Road.  It was hot garbage, unintelligible and just a string of ridiculous scenes strung together for the sole sake of creating faux mayhem. Little story, less exposition and just a lengthy parade of carnage for no reason.  Bleh.

On to...

This movie had some great components and some that were dreadful.  As a result it lost the power it could have and hurt itself at the box office.  It did fair largely due to some soft competition (Pan which flopped, Hotel Transylvania 2 which sucked even for kids, The Intern which further pussified Don Corleone).  But it didn't resonate like it could have.

On the whole I enjoyed the movie. It kept me entertained and there were some extreme moments that really should have evoked shock or something. But the pacing struggled so that the "oh shit" events lacked that sting.

Let's start with the dreadful. 
1) The Name.  Sicario.  It's not an automatic draw. It's a spanish word that means hitman.  But you'd have to know that to look at movie listings and go "yeah, I want to watch that."  So pffft on the name. 
2) The story.  There were gaps, there were holes, there were unexplained connections, unlikely actions and reactions. It needed to be cleaned up a little and tightened in places.  For instance there was some alleged connection between Emily Blunt's character and her partner.  It was never fleshed out and in the final denoument didn't matter. It was a waste and his character could have been omitted entirely without changing the film in any real way.  He was extraneous and needed to be chopped.  So too was this entire arc of a somewhat corrupt cop. I understand what it was supposed to represent, but it took up too much screen time.
3) Emily Blount.  She's a cute thing, but does not have the gravitas or the acting chops to pull off the role of a hardened FBI assault team member turned task force semi-bad ass.  Her response to the overwhelming nature of the role was reduced to making dour "I need to take a shit" faces, looking doe-eyed and confused, grimacing, moping, acting bitchy and talking without moving her mouth.  She was terrible. I read recently that there are talks of a sequel and if there is one, she will not be a part of it.  Good move. She was hideously bad here.

Now the good:
1) Cinematography was outstanding.  The way shots were framed was fantastic. Excellent job making the film look and feel right.  The way some of the transitions were filmed was creative and spot on.  Really good job with the tone of the movie. 
2) Benicio Del Toro.  I'm not really a major fan of his work and think he's highly overrated for what he brings to the table, but here he was extremely good. The writers gave him a character who had no soul (or at least had it removed) and also provided him a scene that should have been a topic of much discussion and consternation. The fact that it wasn't speaks to the flat effect of the movie that was due in part to Blunt's dulling performance.  De Toro's character had no remorse and displayed that in a way that should have been brutally shocking.  I'm surprised I heard nobody mention that scene (or this movie) at all. 
3) Josh Brolin. Pretty good as a loose-cannon CIA-type.  Numerous other actors (Downey, McBongohey, Harrellson, etc.) would have fit the bill but Brolin held his own.

It's a shame that the name (in my opinion), Blunt's numbing performance and a wobbling story that kept the major plot points from having the impact they should derailed what could have been a truly outstanding film.  Not that I didn't enjoy it, I did, but it just left me thinking how much better it could have been.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2017 on: January 15, 2016, 12:01:25 PM »
I don't understand how anyone could rave over Mad Max Fury Road.  It was hot garbage, unintelligible and just a string of ridiculous scenes strung together for the sole sake of creating faux mayhem. Little story, less exposition and just a lengthy parade of carnage for no reason.  Bleh.

On to...

This movie had some great components and some that were dreadful.  As a result it lost the power it could have and hurt itself at the box office.  It did fair largely due to some soft competition (Pan which flopped, Hotel Transylvania 2 which sucked even for kids, The Intern which further pussified Don Corleone).  But it didn't resonate like it could have.

On the whole I enjoyed the movie. It kept me entertained and there were some extreme moments that really should have evoked shock or something. But the pacing struggled so that the "oh shit" events lacked that sting.

Let's start with the dreadful. 
1) The Name.  Sicario.  It's not an automatic draw. It's a spanish word that means hitman.  But you'd have to know that to look at movie listings and go "yeah, I want to watch that."  So pffft on the name. 
2) The story.  There were gaps, there were holes, there were unexplained connections, unlikely actions and reactions. It needed to be cleaned up a little and tightened in places.  For instance there was some alleged connection between Emily Blunt's character and her partner.  It was never fleshed out and in the final denoument didn't matter. It was a waste and his character could have been omitted entirely without changing the film in any real way.  He was extraneous and needed to be chopped.  So too was this entire arc of a somewhat corrupt cop. I understand what it was supposed to represent, but it took up too much screen time.
3) Emily Blount.  She's a cute thing, but does not have the gravitas or the acting chops to pull off the role of a hardened FBI assault team member turned task force semi-bad ass.  Her response to the overwhelming nature of the role was reduced to making dour "I need to take a shit" faces, looking doe-eyed and confused, grimacing, moping, acting bitchy and talking without moving her mouth.  She was terrible. I read recently that there are talks of a sequel and if there is one, she will not be a part of it.  Good move. She was hideously bad here.

Now the good:
1) Cinematography was outstanding.  The way shots were framed was fantastic. Excellent job making the film look and feel right.  The way some of the transitions were filmed was creative and spot on.  Really good job with the tone of the movie. 
2) Benicio Del Toro.  I'm not really a major fan of his work and think he's highly overrated for what he brings to the table, but here he was extremely good. The writers gave him a character who had no soul (or at least had it removed) and also provided him a scene that should have been a topic of much discussion and consternation. The fact that it wasn't speaks to the flat effect of the movie that was due in part to Blunt's dulling performance.  De Toro's character had no remorse and displayed that in a way that should have been brutally shocking.  I'm surprised I heard nobody mention that scene (or this movie) at all. 
3) Josh Brolin. Pretty good as a loose-cannon CIA-type.  Numerous other actors (Downey, McBongohey, Harrellson, etc.) would have fit the bill but Brolin held his own.

It's a shame that the name (in my opinion), Blunt's numbing performance and a wobbling story that kept the major plot points from having the impact they should derailed what could have been a truly outstanding film.  Not that I didn't enjoy it, I did, but it just left me thinking how much better it could have been.

Fuck me.  I agree with Kaos almost whole-heartedly in a movie post.

Max was devastatingly disappointing and I agree with your take on Sicario (less and except the take on Del Toro...love that guy).
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2018 on: January 15, 2016, 01:52:27 PM »
Fuck me.  I agree with Kaos almost whole-heartedly in a movie post.

Max was devastatingly disappointing and I agree with your take on Sicario (less and except the take on Del Toro...love that guy).
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2019 on: January 15, 2016, 04:56:16 PM »
Love Franky 4 Fingers

Bubby, I'll bet there's a lot I know that you don't.
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