Flirting With Disaster (1996)
Was searching for something to watch in the middle of a bout of amnesia and ran across this. Ben Stiller, Tea Leoni, Patricia Arquette, Mary Tyler Moore, Josh Brolin, Alan Alda, Lilly Tomlin. Figured it would be a stupid harmless comedy.
Concept is that Stiller can't name his baby until he finds out who his birth parents are. So he and his wife (Arquette) take off cross country with an adoption broker (Leoni) to find them. The rest is ridiculous setups designed to introduce bizarre characters (truckers, gay federal agents, etc.) and offbeat locales.
Some of what we were subjected to during this journey?
Discussion and portrayal of armpit licking as a sexual turnon.

Mary Tyler Moore in a bra and panties going down on George Segal (and then flossing her teeth).
Josh Brolin doing gay sex and kissing a dude.
Alda and Tomlin having yoga sex and sharing a joint.
And Stiller finding out that the last name of his birth parents was Schlicting (pronounced "Shitting")
You can hear his mental gears turn. Hey, it was funny when people thought the last name was shitting! What if we make a whole movie about a dude whose last name is FUCKER! Oh ha! What a brilliant concept! We'll make meeeelions.
Sometimes what is seen cannot be unseen. Knob gobbling MTM is one of them.