Fierce CreaturesEssentially A Fish Called Wanda set in a zoo.
Curtis, Kline, Cleese, Palin. At one point Cleese even calls Curtis' character Wanda (instead of Willa, which is her name here).
Take Palin's stuttering character and make him a chatterbox who won't shut up. Change the fish for a marmoset. Basically the same movie.
Not quite as funny as Fish but there was something about Curtis beginning in 1983 (Trading Places) and ending prior to 1999 (Virus/Halloween H20 when she cut her hair off) that I liked. And this movie, released in 1997, was right at the end of the Curtis wheelhouse. Liked her and liked looking at her in this.
Add former Law & Order assistant DA Carey Lowell in a bra and garters and there's an interesting mix.
I liked Fish Called Wanda and I'm a little surprised that I never ever ever heard of Fierce Creatures before it showed up on some channel in the middle of my insomnia.
Wasn't great, wasn't bad, just missed the edge that Fish had and I guess it just dissolved in the wake of that.
For the record, Fish made about 63 million in domestic box office. Fierce made 9.
Thus ended the Kline, Cleese, Palin, Curtis pairings.