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Kaos' way behind movie reviews


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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #740 on: August 25, 2011, 08:15:23 AM »
I want my actors to act and leave their fucking politics at home.

If you are putting that qualifier on then you are not going to have much outside entertainment in your life.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #741 on: August 25, 2011, 08:34:00 AM »
Winter's Bone

Very grim movie.

Imagine if your typical Finebaum caller, say Legend, had a family.  This is what it would be like. 

Don't ever want to hear anything about Alabama rednecks or trailer trash after watching this look into Mizzourah hillbilly life. 

Desperate to save what little her family has 17-year old Ree Dolly sets out determined to buck the hillfolk ways and find her missing daddy before he jumps bail on an upcoming court date and sacrifices the cabin and land he put up as bond.  She's essentially alone in the world raising two younger siblings after her mom mentally checked out and dad is either in jail or on the run due to his meth-cooking lifestyle.

The white trash authenticity is outstanding right down to the cheap shit on the walls and cluttered kitchen counters.

If Ree can't find her daddy her only possible hope of escaping the abject misery of her existence is the Army but even that dream has no wings.

There's no grand and tidy resolution, drug-baked dad doesn't magically appear after being rehabbed with the keys to a fantastic new home, Ree doesn't get a miracle scholarship that saves the family.  In the end she is what she is and will likely never rise above the anchors of her family's poverty.  This film illustrates the shame of that situation because she is obviously smart, she's filled with courage, she's savvy and determined. She clearly aspires to be something other than Ree Dolly, hillbilly meth whore.  Too bad that's the only path realistically available to her.

In one of my previous vocations I used to sell/rent furniture, appliances and electronics to people like the Dollys.  I can't count the number of times I saw teenage boys and girls who were bright enough but just had nothing.  I often wondered what they could have become had they just had half a chance of shedding the burden of their situation.  Remember one girl in particular who lived in a rented shack in Holt with her five brothers and sisters, her indifferent mom and her sometimes employed dad (when he wasn't laying out drunk or stoned).  She was smart, she was beautiful and with just a sliver of opportunity there's no telling what she could have done with her life.  Instead she was married by 17, had a bruised and battered face and a kid by 18, divorced by 20 and strung out on some nasty shit.  Last time I saw her was in a mug shot.  She looked haggard and mean and her eyes were dead. 

But I digress. 

The film was very well done.  The pace was a little slow, but the tone was right, the actors were all completely believable and the background was depressingly realistic. 

Jennifer Lawrence, who played Ree, was fantastic.  If she was acting you couldn't tell it.  It was like they plucked somebody from the hills and told them to just be themselves.  I'll be interested to see her in something else to see if she can carry that same legitimacy to other roles. 

Best line came from her uncle to his wife/live-in:

"I already told you to shut up once with my mouth..."
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #742 on: August 25, 2011, 09:16:53 AM »
If you are putting that qualifier on then you are not going to have much outside entertainment in your life.
I was about to say that. Tim Robbins and Sean Penn have to be the absolute worst. But if they are in a good movie, I will probably watch.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #743 on: August 28, 2011, 02:06:13 PM »
Wanted to watch this because it evoked a little Oceans 11 cool and because Idris Elba is a pretty decent actor. 

Too bad Matt 'Chompers' Dillon and Obi Wan Kenobi were on hand to fuck it up. 

The ending was idiotic and contrived.  Where you gonna go with three silver suitcases full of cash, a bullet in the gut and partners dying in a hail of bullets?  Drive to Vegas?

The resolution of the dirty cop arc was idiotic and contrived.

Bullets blow holes in walls and doors but can't penetrate couches and mattresses?

Decent performance by Elba but I typically like him.  Shitty performances by Dillon, Kenobi and Marianne Jean-Baptiste who should have stayed her ugly ass in Without a Trace on tv.  Paul Walker was adequate, Chris Brown was stupid, but could run. Some Ealy character was fair.  T.I. needs to stick to rapping although is isn't much good at that either. Zoe Saldana was pretty much wasted in a "you my bitch, ho" role. 

Stole the entire blowing up the street bit from The Italian Job, but otherwise the larcenies were nicely planned and organized if a little hokey.  Could they really have planned an escape around a news chopper showing up at the precise moment it was needed?  And being stupid enough to land?

Movie aspired to be way more than it was.  Wasn't horrific. Just wasn't that good.  Stupid ending hurt it badly.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #744 on: August 30, 2011, 08:22:38 AM »
The Adjustment Bureau

Matt Damon and Emily Blunt. 

I pretty much like Damon.  There are very few movies he is in where I don't like his character or his performance. 

This fit that pattern.  I thought he did a very good and credible job.  Blunt is like a low-rent Katy Perry.  I tend to like her too.  I thought the interaction between her and Damon felt real and wasn't forced. 

The story itself?  Well, I don't know about hat-wearing forces that control everything but I wouldn't rule it out.  We've all had things in our life that are just too impossible to be random and you wonder who is pulling the strings. 

The movie was better than I expected.

Not something you buy to watch over and over, but a decent story well acted and worth the viewing. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #745 on: August 30, 2011, 08:36:43 AM »
The Adjustment Bureau

Matt Damon and Emily Blunt. 

I pretty much like Damon.  There are very few movies he is in where I don't like his character or his performance. 

This fit that pattern.  I thought he did a very good and credible job.  Blunt is like a low-rent Katy Perry.  I tend to like her too.  I thought the interaction between her and Damon felt real and wasn't forced. 

The story itself?  Well, I don't know about hat-wearing forces that control everything but I wouldn't rule it out.  We've all had things in our life that are just too impossible to be random and you wonder who is pulling the strings. 

The movie was better than I expected.

Not something you buy to watch over and over, but a decent story well acted and worth the viewing.

I watched it on a plane a couple of months ago.  It made me want to hit the emergency exit....While in flight.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #746 on: August 30, 2011, 10:31:42 AM »
The Adjustment Bureau

Matt Damon and Emily Blunt. 

I pretty much like Damon.  There are very few movies he is in where I don't like his character or his performance. 

This fit that pattern.  I thought he did a very good and credible job.  Blunt is like a low-rent Katy Perry.  I tend to like her too.  I thought the interaction between her and Damon felt real and wasn't forced. 

The story itself?  Well, I don't know about hat-wearing forces that control everything but I wouldn't rule it out.  We've all had things in our life that are just too impossible to be random and you wonder who is pulling the strings. 

The movie was better than I expected.

Not something you buy to watch over and over, but a decent story well acted and worth the viewing.

It felt weird.  It had moments, but got way out in left field for me with the hat and doors thing.  And I fucking hate goofy hats too.  But goofy hats with magical powers?  It had potential, but went the wrong way.  It also felt like it stole discarded shitty ideas and combined them in a not so good way from movies like that shit thing where Nick Cage played the angel that turned mortal for love, Heaven Can Wait, and something else that escapes me.  I kept waiting on a cameo by Sinatra too.  Chairman?  The fuck?
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #747 on: August 30, 2011, 10:34:30 AM »
Oh, and not to mention the whole Hollyweirds poking fun at Christianity crap.  God and Angels who are called "The Chairman", and whatever the fuck the adjustment fucks were called.  Then the whole "God has a plan, but if you want to change it bad enough you can" routine.  Nah, I wanted to like it...I couldn't.  And I do like Damon.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #748 on: August 30, 2011, 12:19:55 PM »
It's actually from a 1954 story by Hugo winner Phillip K. Dick (heh heh heh, I said dick) called "Adjustment Team"

So maybe all that other shit you mentioned stole from this, I dunno. 

I wasn't looking for deep metaphysical meaning.  And I liked the brims. 

The questions I wanted answered were as follows:

Were the lead characters believable?
Did the chemistry between the primary actors work?
Was the film well-acted, well-paced and well directed? 

Yes, yes, yep.  Good enough for me. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #749 on: August 30, 2011, 12:25:09 PM »
It's actually from a 1954 story by Hugo winner Phillip K. Dick (heh heh heh, I said dick) called "Adjustment Team"

So maybe all that other shit you mentioned stole from this, I dunno. 

I wasn't looking for deep metaphysical meaning.  And I liked the brims. 

The questions I wanted answered were as follows:

Were the lead characters believable?
Did the chemistry between the primary actors work?
Was the film well-acted, well-paced and well directed? 

Yes, yes, yep.  Good enough for me.

I could probably agree with all that.  Just that some of the off the wall shit distracted me, and yes, I know, it's make believe...still, not all "impossible or improbable concepts" in movies distract me.  This one did.  I knew it was a remake or rehash of some kind.   
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #750 on: August 31, 2011, 01:49:27 AM »
The Mechanic

I like Jason Statham less and less every time I see a movie he is in. 

This is utterly and absolutely unwatchable. 

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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #751 on: September 01, 2011, 12:23:31 AM »
The Machinist

Christian Bale lost a lot of weight.  Looked like a concentration camp survivor. 

Too bad he did it for this plodding dreary film. 

Saving grace?  Jennifer Jason Leigh's pretty tits.  I loved them in Fast Times at Ridgemont High when she was Stacy and I liked them a lot here. 

Christian Bale lost a scary amount of weight. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #752 on: September 02, 2011, 01:40:13 AM »
True Grit

Preface:  Never seen, never intend to watch the original.  Blasphemous as some may think this to be, I consider John Wayne merely William Shatner in a saddle.  I don't care for his acting and never have.  So I had no baseline or comparison when it came to this remake. 

And now the review:

Fuck me. 

What the hell was that?  Jeff Bridges sounded like he was trying to channel Karl Childers from Slingblade.  I kept expecting him to ask for a fucking mustard biscuit. 

Remember what I said about liking Matt Damon's body of work?  There are exceptions and this is certainly one. 

The girl was okay, but compared to Jennifer Lawrence's  amazing work in Winter's Bone she might as well have been Wednesday Adams reciting spider poetry. 

Why did the entire movie seem to me as if they were doing a parody of Raising Arizona or O Brother Where Art Thou?  The funny, clipped and affected speech added to those films.  Here it just sounded stupid.  I could have sworn I heard the girl tell Hi to "get back up there and get her a Chaney." 

I didn't hate the movie, I just didn't care.  The interaction between Mattie and the horse guy was good.  Everything else beyond that sort of sucked dusty, crusty ass. 

I didn't buy Mattie's emotional attachment to Cogburn, I didn't buy her whims of allegiance and her turnaround on LaBeef. 

Seems I heard that in the original LeBeef dies.  That would have been better. 

I don't know if the bullshit about losing an arm, going to a traveling show and Cogburn being dead when she got there was part of the original, but the ending absolutely sucked sweaty pimple laden balls.  If that was the original ending just fuck that completely. 

I could have gone all my life without seeing this badly done film.  In fact I wish I had.  Now when I hear people talk reverently about the John Wayne masterpiece True Grit I'm going to think of this boiler pot of shit. 

I really hope the original was better.  But now I for sure don't want to find out. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #753 on: September 02, 2011, 05:56:30 AM »
True Grit

Preface:  Never seen, never intend to watch the original.  Blasphemous as some may think this to be, I consider John Wayne merely William Shatner in a saddle.  I don't care for his acting and never have.  So I had no baseline or comparison when it came to this remake. 

And now the review:

Fuck me. 

What the hell was that?  Jeff Bridges sounded like he was trying to channel Karl Childers from Slingblade.  I kept expecting him to ask for a fucking mustard biscuit. 

Remember what I said about liking Matt Damon's body of work?  There are exceptions and this is certainly one. 

The girl was okay, but compared to Jennifer Lawrence's  amazing work in Winter's Bone she might as well have been Wednesday Adams reciting spider poetry. 

Why did the entire movie seem to me as if they were doing a parody of Raising Arizona or O Brother Where Art Thou?  The funny, clipped and affected speech added to those films.  Here it just sounded stupid.  I could have sworn I heard the girl tell Hi to "get back up there and get her a Chaney." 

I didn't hate the movie, I just didn't care.  The interaction between Mattie and the horse guy was good.  Everything else beyond that sort of sucked dusty, crusty ass. 

I didn't buy Mattie's emotional attachment to Cogburn, I didn't buy her whims of allegiance and her turnaround on LaBeef. 

Seems I heard that in the original LeBeef dies.  That would have been better. 

I don't know if the bullshit about losing an arm, going to a traveling show and Cogburn being dead when she got there was part of the original, but the ending absolutely sucked sweaty pimple laden balls.  If that was the original ending just fuck that completely. 

I could have gone all my life without seeing this badly done film.  In fact I wish I had.  Now when I hear people talk reverently about the John Wayne masterpiece True Grit I'm going to think of this boiler pot of shit. 

I really hope the original was better.  But now I for sure don't want to find out.

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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #754 on: September 02, 2011, 09:57:28 AM »

I agree with him. Remake was a total piece of shit.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #755 on: September 02, 2011, 09:59:16 AM »
I was about to say that. Tim Robbins and Sean Penn have to be the absolute worst. But if they are in a good movie, I will probably watch.
Sean Penn hasn't been a good actor since playing Spicoli
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #756 on: September 02, 2011, 10:01:10 AM »
Sean Penn hasn't been a good actor since playing Spicoli


But some of the movies he has been in have been 'decent'. Not much anymore however.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #757 on: September 02, 2011, 10:01:48 AM »
I watched it on a plane a couple of months ago.  It made me want to hit the emergency exit....While in flight.

At least it was original, I didn't mind it.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #758 on: September 02, 2011, 11:08:05 AM »
I agree with him. Remake was a total piece of shit.

Not as good as the original, not even close, but it had no chance to be.  Not a bad movie IMO.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #759 on: September 02, 2011, 11:12:34 AM »
True Grit

Preface:  Never seen, never intend to watch the original.  Blasphemous as some may think this to be, I consider John Wayne merely William Shatner in a saddle.  I don't care for his acting and never have.  So I had no baseline or comparison when it came to this remake. 

And now the review:

Fuck me. 

What the hell was that?  Jeff Bridges sounded like he was trying to channel Karl Childers from Slingblade.  I kept expecting him to ask for a fucking mustard biscuit. 

Remember what I said about liking Matt Damon's body of work?  There are exceptions and this is certainly one. 

The girl was okay, but compared to Jennifer Lawrence's  amazing work in Winter's Bone she might as well have been Wednesday Adams reciting spider poetry. 

Why did the entire movie seem to me as if they were doing a parody of Raising Arizona or O Brother Where Art Thou?  The funny, clipped and affected speech added to those films.  Here it just sounded stupid.  I could have sworn I heard the girl tell Hi to "get back up there and get her a Chaney." 

I didn't hate the movie, I just didn't care.  The interaction between Mattie and the horse guy was good.  Everything else beyond that sort of sucked dusty, crusty ass. 

I didn't buy Mattie's emotional attachment to Cogburn, I didn't buy her whims of allegiance and her turnaround on LaBeef. 

Seems I heard that in the original LeBeef dies.  That would have been better. 

I don't know if the bullshit about losing an arm, going to a traveling show and Cogburn being dead when she got there was part of the original, but the ending absolutely sucked sweaty pimple laden balls.  If that was the original ending just fuck that completely. 

I could have gone all my life without seeing this badly done film.  In fact I wish I had.  Now when I hear people talk reverently about the John Wayne masterpiece True Grit I'm going to think of this boiler pot of shit. 

I really hope the original was better.  But now I for sure don't want to find out.

We finally agree on something: Wayne is an overrated hack.
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