Human CentipedeStupid. And gross. Significant inconsistencies.
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans Eva Mendes is smoking hot. Fairuza Baulk is hot and essentially wasted.
Nicholas Cage is the absolute worst actor in the history of American film. You put a sniveling gibbon in his role and this movie might have elevated itself. With Cage? Just an absolute, complete and total suckfest. He fucks up every single scene he is in -- and he's in every fucking scene.
I'm done with this assclown. Unless it's Valley Girl or Raising Arizona, I won't watch another movie Mr. Cage is ever in. If you took Will Ferrell, John Travolta, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, porn's Randy Spears, Owen Wilson, Brendan Fraser, Josh Hartnett and David Caruso and merged them all together, and they collectively had a baby they named Prudence with Kristen Stewart, dearl little Pru would be a much, much better actor than Nicholas Cage.
He's without question the worst fucking actor on the planet and that's saying a lot. I couldn't enjoy the movie and have no idea what the story was supposed to be thanks to his shit-tastic performance. God he sucked balls.
Here's a visual example of just how bad he sucked:
And another

And here's why I bothered:

And another