NeighborThe promo photo (below) looked good. The premise was interesting: Attractive woman with a bent mind moves in, dude next door ends up getting tortured in the basement for her amusement.
Problem? Too many to list. Here are a few:
Film looked like it was shot on some douchebag's hand-held HD camera.
Nobody in the movie could act -- not even a little bit.
The lead actress, America Olivio, was the worst actress of all. I've seen grade school plays with better performances. Maybe if she'd taken her clothes off there would have been some miniscule amount of redeeming value, but not even close.
The score was atrocious.
The storyline was muddled, none of the characters had any depth or believability.
The characters had no viable motive, there was no rationale for their actions. And they couldn't act a lick.
Flipping back and forth in time/dream sequences left the film confused (but you won't care).
Constant continuity foul ups. Slam a door and the sign on it falls off. Next scene sign is back. Same sign appears in three different locations.
Wasn't expecting Pulp Fiction or Halloween (the 70s version) but figured to get a little spooky torture porn to pass the time. Instead, got this abomination.
Absolutely in the top five of worst movies I've ever seen. Give me ten days, $50, two bottles of vodka, and an iPhone and I could make a better film.