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Kaos' way behind movie reviews


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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #340 on: March 28, 2010, 11:09:21 PM »
The Bank Job
Serviceable movie.   Whoever did the direction should have left off the "It was always you, Terry" garbage.  

Jason Statham tried really hard to demonstrate his emotional range.  He should stick to just punching people.  

Lots of odd british references and comments that were a little difficult to follow.  

The story itself was good, however.  "Based on a true story" makes me wonder how much was true.

Wish it had been set in America so I could assess the authenticity of what was supposed to be a 70s backdrop.


This is one of those movies I saw the trailer for and thought it might be interesting.  Then I just forgot about it.  As far as I know it never did anything at the box office. Saw it come up again on one of those trailer TV shows and rescued it to my queue.

Guy breaks up with his girlfriend, develops insomnia (for weeks at a time) and as his senses withdraw he discovers he has the ability to freeze time around him.  Whether he's just doing it in his imagination or not, you really can't say.  To pass the boredom of the extra eight hours, he gets a job at a supermarket working the nightshift.  

I wish I knew where this supermarket was because it was filled with remarkably attractive women.  As part of his frozen in time meanderings, the hero removes their clothes.  (See below) He's an art student, so he draws them.  

From there, though, the movie bogs down into a formulaic "boy gets girl, girl misunderstands something she sees, boy tries to get girl back" story.  

Many random British humor and references.

The movie couldn't decide what it wanted to be.  Was it a love story? A comedy? An Office Space style riff on the supermarket industry? A twisted look at a world flash frozen? A story of discovery and redemption?  In trying to be all those things, it ended up really being not enough of any.  

The store manager and the two doobs who work there aren't as funny as meant to be.  The chemistry between the clerk and the insomniac is believable enough and rings true.  The chemistry between Mr. Insomnia and the girlfriend with whom he breaks up is zero.  That throws things off from the start.  

A quirky movie.  You'll know how it's going to work from the first 30 minutes, but it's a decent journey to get there.  Lots of introspection if you're into that.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 10:54:45 AM by AUChizad »
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #341 on: March 28, 2010, 11:29:21 PM »
"Snatch" is freaking awesome.  Girl I worked with dated a dope smoking hippie that I coined him the name Pikey in reverence to that movie.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #342 on: March 31, 2010, 12:47:55 AM »
The Men Who Stare at Goats

Marketing was a real problem for this movie.  The trailers portrayed it as a broad comedy in the O Brother/Raising Arizona style when it really wasn't. 

It suffered from critical rejection when people went expecting to see one thing and got something else entirely. 

I enjoyed the movie.  Clooney is outstanding playing a wacko.  That's his niche, I guess. The rest of the cast was also sharp. 

It would have been easy to cast judgement on the people profiled in the film, but while it told a story that was at least (incredibly) partially true it left judging the validty of the entire enterprise largely to the viewer.  Could Clooney's character really "disperse clouds" with his mind?  Maybe. Maybe not.  The fact that he thought he could and was able to convince a relatively sane acquaintance to accept that he might actually have the capacity is the real story.

If you saw this film in theaters, you didn't get the featurette on the DVD where some of the real participants in the actual First Earth Battalion.  Seeing them and listening to their earnestness, it's easy to see why the film wasn't played strictly for laughs.

First Earth:  http://www.firstearthbattalion.org/

It wasn't the greatest movie I've ever seen and it had a hard time figuring out how seriously to take itself but I found it a lot more enjoyable than the average critic.  Interesting, even. 

No chicks at all in the movie.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #343 on: March 31, 2010, 02:31:32 PM »
What do you think about "The Foot Fist Way" and "Garden State". Both indie and just saw them in the last few days. Curious as to what you thought if you've seen em.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #344 on: March 31, 2010, 03:02:11 PM »
What do you think about "The Foot Fist Way" and "Garden State". Both indie and just saw them in the last few days. Curious as to what you thought if you've seen em.

Never seen (or heard of) either. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #345 on: March 31, 2010, 03:06:11 PM »
Never seen (or heard of) either. 
I own both on DVD.

Garden State is ok, but Foot Fist Way is one of my favorites.

I doubt Kaos would like it.

It's where Danny McBride got his start. Will Ferrell picked it so that it got a wider distribution, and the director Jody Hill went on to direct East Bound & Down, and the movie everyone but me here apparently hated, Observe & Report.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #346 on: March 31, 2010, 03:08:01 PM »
I own both on DVD.

Garden State is ok, but Foot Fist Way is one of my favorites.

I doubt Kaos would like it.

It's where Danny McBride got his start. Will Ferrell picked it so that it got a wider distribution, and the director Jody Hill went on to direct East Bound & Down, and the movie everyone but me here apparently hated, Observe & Report.

Yeah, sounds like a bowl full of fail in my estimation.  I can only take McBride in miniscule doses.  He was on the screen too much in Tropic Thunder, for instance. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #347 on: March 31, 2010, 04:14:54 PM »
Yeah, sounds like a bowl full of fail in my estimation.  I can only take McBride in miniscule doses.  He was on the screen too much in Tropic Thunder, for instance. 
Mother Nature just pissed her pants suit.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #348 on: April 01, 2010, 07:22:00 AM »
K you should add this one to your list....

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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #349 on: April 01, 2010, 10:05:38 AM »
I own both on DVD.

Garden State is ok, but Foot Fist Way is one of my favorites.

I doubt Kaos would like it.

It's where Danny McBride got his start. Will Ferrell picked it so that it got a wider distribution, and the director Jody Hill went on to direct East Bound & Down, and the movie everyone but me here apparently hated, Observe & Report.

I thought both were pretty good. Maybe its because I wasnt expecting much so they both exceeded what I thought they would be. Two totally different movies - Garden State was like Elizabethtown on drugs - depressing to me for the most part but very good.

Foot Fist was one of those that I dont think everyone will like. It has that Napoleon Dynamite/Dumb and Dumber slapstick quirky humor in it. McBride was hilarious to me. His character was like Rex Kwon Do meets Uncle Rico - dude is seriously delusional. The Chuck "The Truck" Wallace subplot was very funny as well.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #350 on: April 01, 2010, 10:43:21 AM »
I thought both were pretty good. Maybe its because I wasnt expecting much so they both exceeded what I thought they would be. Two totally different movies - Garden State was like Elizabethtown on drugs - depressing to me for the most part but very good.

Foot Fist was one of those that I dont think everyone will like. It has that Napoleon Dynamite/Dumb and Dumber slapstick quirky humor in it. McBride was hilarious to me. His character was like Rex Kwon Do meets Uncle Rico - dude is seriously delusional. The Chuck "The Truck" Wallace subplot was very funny as well.
Dentistry? I can't even believe that's something that's real.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #351 on: April 01, 2010, 03:32:30 PM »
The Informant

I started thinking a bit before I watched this movie.  I'm quick to credit Johnny Depp as the best actor of our time and I think that's probably deserved.  If you compare Donnie Brasco to Captain Jack to John Dillinger you'll see that the guy has some incredible range.  I've noticed that Robert Downey, Jr. (who I think is a good actor) seems to play basically the same guy in every film.  That led me to thinking about Matt Damon who stars here.  He did serious in Bourne.  He did ridiculous in Stuck on You. He did quirky and neurotic in Oceans. He did corrupt in The Departed.  And dammit, he did all of them pretty well. 

So as I watched the movie I was thinking that he could really slide up there into Depp-land in terms of diversity if he was able to pull off the unhinged character at the center of The Informant.  He came close.  He came really close.  In the end, though, you could almost see him holding back just a little, afraid to take that last little step over into crazy where Mark Whitacre probably lived.

The film was decent enough.  I think it could have done a better job of establishing Whitacre's credentials and given a tighter explanation of what was going down.  It left you not really knowing who to believe and wondering if Whitacre was a deranged nutcase or a white knight who was mowed down by an international conglomerate (probably closer to the truth). 

It tried to play it for laughs, but when you remember that this was essentially the guy's true story it's not quite as funny to consider the weight of billions of dollars and mountains of political favors pouring down to crush Whitacre and destroy his family. 

Was he crazy?  Well in my book a guy making $400k a year who's getting millions in untraceable kickbacks has to be just a little unbalanced to get trapped by a Nigerian money scam.  My grandmother wasn't even that unschooled.  He's also got to be just a little goofy to volunteer to slaughter the golden goose for no apparent reason (or at least one that was never satisfactorially explained).  He definitely should have worked out a better deal for himself in advance, that's for sure.  Our (corrupt) DOJ reamed his ass out. 

Interesting movie, but it could have told the story in a much better way and been far more compelling. The direction kept Damon fettered.  It might not have been his fault that he never quite reached the full potential.  Movie was backed by Clooney. The whole time I was watching it I thought how much better he would have been in that role.  When he makes the crazy face, you believe it. 

The BluRay was utterly devoid of additional material.  No extra clips, no documentary on the real Mark, no exposition, no upcoming features, no nothing.  All kinds of boo on that. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #352 on: April 01, 2010, 05:13:28 PM »
Dentistry? I can't even believe that's something that's real.

LOL - When he said that at the dinner table, I honestly thought she looked like a dude (Rex Kw 
on Do's Starla).

Then by the end of the movie- ie - when she was riding out on Chuck the Truck - she was ok.

"If you were in prison, you'd be raped because you exude feminine qualities. You're also a big ole fat piece of ass."
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #353 on: April 01, 2010, 05:15:15 PM »
The Informant

I started thinking a bit before I watched this movie.  I'm quick to credit Johnny Depp as the best actor of our time and I think that's probably deserved.  If you compare Donnie Brasco to Captain Jack to John Dillinger you'll see that the guy has some incredible range.  I've noticed that Robert Downey, Jr. (who I think is a good actor) seems to play basically the same guy in every film.  That led me to thinking about Matt Damon who stars here.  He did serious in Bourne.  He did ridiculous in Stuck on You. He did quirky and neurotic in Oceans. He did corrupt in The Departed.  And dammit, he did all of them pretty well. 

So as I watched the movie I was thinking that he could really slide up there into Depp-land in terms of diversity if he was able to pull off the unhinged character at the center of The Informant.  He came close.  He came really close.  In the end, though, you could almost see him holding back just a little, afraid to take that last little step over into crazy where Mark Whitacre probably lived.

The film was decent enough.  I think it could have done a better job of establishing Whitacre's credentials and given a tighter explanation of what was going down.  It left you not really knowing who to believe and wondering if Whitacre was a deranged nutcase or a white knight who was mowed down by an international conglomerate (probably closer to the truth). 

It tried to play it for laughs, but when you remember that this was essentially the guy's true story it's not quite as funny to consider the weight of billions of dollars and mountains of political favors pouring down to crush Whitacre and destroy his family. 

Was he crazy?  Well in my book a guy making $400k a year who's getting millions in untraceable kickbacks has to be just a little unbalanced to get trapped by a Nigerian money scam.  My grandmother wasn't even that unschooled.  He's also got to be just a little goofy to volunteer to slaughter the golden goose for no apparent reason (or at least one that was never satisfactorially explained).  He definitely should have worked out a better deal for himself in advance, that's for sure.  Our (corrupt) DOJ reamed his ass out. 

Interesting movie, but it could have told the story in a much better way and been far more compelling. The direction kept Damon fettered.  It might not have been his fault that he never quite reached the full potential.  Movie was backed by Clooney. The whole time I was watching it I thought how much better he would have been in that role.  When he makes the crazy face, you believe it. 

The BluRay was utterly devoid of additional material.  No extra clips, no documentary on the real Mark, no exposition, no upcoming features, no nothing.  All kinds of boo on that. 

Agree on Depp - dude is seriously talented.

Downey as well.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #354 on: April 12, 2010, 02:27:09 PM »
The Blind Side

Bullock deserved the Oscar, Jesse James should be bitched slapped and have his balls stuffed into his mouth for cheating on her.   I think most everyone knows the story of Michael Oher, so no surprises.  Just a great feel good story, I don't know how much of it was "hollywoodized" but in my humble opinion it is a must rent, and unlike the Ugly Truth will probably get you laid.

Seriously??? I was forced to watch that piece of shit move last night and I'm going to have to disagree with you. Every Oher line in the movie is a cliche quote and the little kid in the movie is fucking annoying. I would have to say that Kaos is making a smart move by avoiding this one.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #355 on: April 13, 2010, 11:46:20 PM »
Seriously??? I was forced to watch that piece of shit move last night and I'm going to have to disagree with you. Every Oher line in the movie is a cliche quote and the little kid in the movie is fucking annoying. I would have to say that Kaos is making a smart move by avoiding this one.

Agreed.  Awful movie.  It had a terrible script.  That was the main problem.  The writers and director introduced a super sad story and then let it play itself out. 

Also, it was 100% unbelievable.  I get it.  They helped the kid out.  But the movie portrayed Leanne Tuohy as super-badass woman who wouldn't take shit from anybody. 

You tell me if this is realistic: super hot blond woman wearing a skirt that wraps perfectly around her ass goes into the projects alone and talks shit to the hardest looking guys there AND lives without getting fondled or raped. 

Or how about this: goofball coach in the opening game of the season answers his cell phone in the middle of the game and listens to Leanne Tuohy give advice on what plays to call. 

Or:  a seven year old teaches a gigantic black kid who can't read the details of playing offensive football using spice cans and salt shakers. 

Or:  The Tuohy's encouraged Oher to go to Tennessee because they wanted the best opportunity for him. 

None of that shit happened and it was laughable that the movie even tried. 

On another note, I saw Up in the Air tonight.  Not bad.  Kind of boring and had a lackluster ending.  I don't know why, but I'd absolutely destroy the girl playing Natalie.  I noticed her in the first Twilight movie.  Something about her that's just flat out cute.

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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #356 on: April 14, 2010, 09:35:39 AM »
Agreed.  Awful movie.  It had a terrible script.  That was the main problem.  The writers and director introduced a super sad story and then let it play itself out. 

Also, it was 100% unbelievable.  I get it.  They helped the kid out.  But the movie portrayed Leanne Tuohy as super-badass woman who wouldn't take poop from anybody. 

You tell me if this is realistic: super hot blond woman wearing a skirt that wraps perfectly around her ass goes into the projects alone and talks poop to the hardest looking guys there AND lives without getting fondled or raped. 

Or how about this: goofball coach in the opening game of the season answers his cell phone in the middle of the game and listens to Leanne Tuohy give advice on what plays to call. 

Or:  a seven year old teaches a gigantic black kid who can't read the details of playing offensive football using spice cans and salt shakers. 

Or:  The Tuohy's encouraged Oher to go to Tennessee because they wanted the best opportunity for him. 

None of that poop happened and it was laughable that the movie even tried. 

On another note, I saw Up in the Air tonight.  Not bad.  Kind of boring and had a lackluster ending.  I don't know why, but I'd absolutely destroy the girl playing Natalie.  I noticed her in the first Twilight movie.  Something about her that's just flat out cute.

This wasnt the true story. It was a Hollywood movie BASED on the true story. If every movie based on the true story went totally by what actually happened 100%, most would be boring. There do have to be certain liberties taken in the movies by the hollywood folks. Very few can tell the real story line by line and still make for a good movie - the opening scene to Saving Pvt Ryan comes to mind.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #357 on: April 14, 2010, 11:44:10 AM »
Saw The Promotion last night.

It's that type of really dry, dark comedy that I love, and apparently no one else here appreciates.

If you hated Observe & Report or Foot Fist Way, chances are you'll hate this too.

I loved it.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #358 on: April 14, 2010, 12:12:20 PM »
Saw The Promotion last night.

It's that type of really dry, dark comedy that I love, and apparently no one else here appreciates.

If you hated Observe & Report or Foot Fist Way, chances are you'll hate this too.

I loved it.

I enjoyed both.  Observe & Report was a damn good movie. I'll check into the promotion.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #359 on: April 14, 2010, 01:08:16 PM »
I enjoyed both.  Observe & Report was a damn good movie. I'll check into the promotion.
Where were you for all of Page 19 of this thread? I needed some backup.
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