Extract Mike Judge is known for skewering social commentary. Beavis and Butthead helped create an entirely new way of looking at the world (and at comedy). Office Space is amazing in its ability to capture the pointlessness, frustration and dullness of the corporate world. King of the Hill -- even though I didn't much care for it -- skillfully carved up mundane suburbia in a less vulgar and disturbing way than the crude Family Guy.
In Extract, though, he moved away from what he does best. There was no social commentary. He didn't shine a light on a particular way of life and expose its banality. Instead he attempted to tell a relatively tame story of personal discovery and redemption.
It wasn't his best work, but it wasn't horrible. It was just a little flat and two-dimensional.
Jason Bateman was adequate. Much better in this role than he was in Couple's Retreat.
Ben Affleck is a significantly better supporting actor than he is a leading man. He was good here although he was essentially channeling Lawrence (Diedrich Bader's role in Office Space).
JK Simmons (one of my favorite actors since his turn as Schillinger the Nazi in Oz) was essentially wasted in a minor role.
Mila Kunis upped her worth with a good performance even though her role didn't really require her to do much beyond look super hot. Having seen her in Book of Eli and knowing that she's capable of more, that made her understated performance here even more appreciated. And did I mention she was super hot to look at?
Kristen Wiig, who I don't care for at all on SNL, actually looked pretty hot in this movie. Sexy even. That was a pleasant surprise.
Gene Simmons, well... Gene needs to stick to singing. He was over the top and should have taken a little more time to learn his lines. For somebody who's in front of thousands on a nightly basis, you'd think he would understand a little better how to play a role.
Overall not a bad movie. I just expected a little more depth, particularly since Judge was at the helm. I expected it to have a little more to say.