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Kaos' way behind movie reviews


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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2720 on: October 23, 2018, 04:25:16 PM »
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2721 on: October 23, 2018, 04:29:40 PM »
Image result for Elisha Cuthbert images
Snaggs, you've been doing a fine job around here lately, and I applaud your efforts!
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2722 on: October 23, 2018, 04:39:28 PM »
Snaggs, you've been doing a fine job around here lately, and I applaud your efforts!
Why thank you for the kind words.  I'm into the arts.
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2723 on: October 23, 2018, 06:41:35 PM »

Still looks damn good. It’s been what 15-18 years since that first time we saw her? There’s something about the older version I like more. 

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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2724 on: October 24, 2018, 09:10:41 AM »
I'd do her if she was a grandmother.  When she is a grandmother. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2725 on: November 01, 2018, 04:07:47 PM »
The Good Neighbor

James Caan in a slightly dysfunctional tale of pranking gone wrong.  

Caan's teenage neighbors decide to high-tech prank his surly character as a test of what people will believe.  Their plan is to rig his home so as to appear haunted and then see how he responds.  The technical explanation and installation of the devices was both intriguing and a little scary.  

For a movie with tons of exposition spoken directly to the camera there remained some pretty big gaps and plot holes that could have used some filling.  

It wasn't a bad movie.  It kept circling around the real issues and did that part of it fairly well.  There were motivations that didn't come out until it was time for them to do so.  There were plot points that stayed hidden well enough that you maybe didn't see what was coming next.  

The bouncing timelines sometimes gave me problems.  So too, did the introduction of a legal proceeding randomly in the middle of the movie, even though that proceeding eventually led to the point of the film.  

I think the movie was trying to say something profound, particularly in its final scene, but that message wasn't really borne out by what preceded it and seemed artificial. The ending scenes also seemed rushed and out of touch with the rest of the movie. 

Also in this movie was an underutilized Anne Dudek.  For reasons I can't explain I've always found her extremely appealing.  On the rare occasions she appeared in the movie, she was mostly in baggy sweats, messy hair, no makeup, just plain.  I sort of like that too. 

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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2726 on: November 01, 2018, 04:10:34 PM »

Build the wall daddy, a monster's coming.  

This movie didn't play out the way i expected it to at all.  

The little girl is creepy and the story is slowly played out very well.  You're not really sure where the harm is coming from until the story decides to tell you.  I liked that.  

Not the best horror movie I've ever seen, but it was compelling enough to keep watching to see how it would turn.  

So yes.  I liked it.  
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2727 on: November 01, 2018, 06:13:06 PM »

Build the wall daddy, a monster's coming. 

This movie didn't play out the way i expected it to at all. 

The little girl is creepy and the story is slowly played out very well.  You're not really sure where the harm is coming from until the story decides to tell you.  I liked that. 

Not the best horror movie I've ever seen, but it was compelling enough to keep watching to see how it would turn. 

So yes.  I liked it. 

Prime? Netflix?
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2728 on: November 02, 2018, 11:38:24 PM »
Halloween 2018

I expected to dislike this movie just on principle.  I did not dislike it. 

Knowing ahead of time that the film essentially trashed everything from Halloween 2 to Halloween 37: Michael on the Space Shuttle helped.  After viewing this version I think rebooting by pretending that none of that ever happened was exactly the right move.  Josh Hartnett never existed, LL Cool J didn't die, Busta Rhymes never tased Michael's junk, Paul Rudd never stole a baby.  All of the big three franchises (Halloween, Friday the 13th and Nightmare) skidded off the rails with sillier and sillier premises.  Making Michael some supernatural immortal creature (as in Halloween Resurrection) was ridiculous.  Resetting the series back to square one was, in my opinion, a brilliant move.  It allowed the film to flow naturally without having to conform to the asinine spirals of the sequel storylines.  I liked it. 

If we're being honest, the first film really wasn't great cinema.  The Omen and The Exorcist were far superior films.  But Halloween was in a class all to itself. It was sort of hokey in a lot of ways. But it was great for what it was.  It completely changed the horror genre. No, it basically created a new genre.  I loved it then and I respect it now.  And while we're being honest, part of my adoration for the film was the sight of PJ Soles exceptional frame.  I absolutely adored her.  Love, love, loved her. 

Back to 2018.  This film was pretty much standard slasher fare.  The same slasher fare that Halloween spawned 40 years ago.  Serial killer escapes, takes out his frustrations on some random teens and goes after the one that got away.  No new ground was really broken. 

I did think it was telling that one of the characters said (paraphrased) "So he killed five people 40 years ago.  By today's standards that's nothing."  I gotta tell you, I've thought the same thing about Charles Manson for years. 

What I liked most about this film was how much love it showed the original (and even some of the ignored sequels).  Not going to spoil it all, but here's a for instance.  In one scene Michael tosses Laurie off a balcony where she hits the ground with a thud and lies there motionless.  He looks down at her from the railing, looks backward at a noise in the house and when he turns to look down at the ground again, Laurie's gone.  It was a note-perfect homage to the climactic scene of the original.  Just beautiful.  There was no doubt the people directing and guiding this film had a real affection for the series.  So, so many callbacks to the original it would take a book to catalog them all.

Now, the few complaints.

1) This is a constant complaint for me.  How. The. Hell. Does. Michael. Know. How. To. Drive?/  I've been asking that since 1978 and nobody can answer me. 
2) The ending felt rushed and out of place.  Like a lot of films it felt to me like they said "Oh hell, we're at 88 minutes, got to close this out now."  It was less ambiguous than the original, but still left far too much unanswered. 
3) There were pieces and parts of the film that seemed unnecessary and/or tacked on.  The cheating boyfriend/lovelorn pal rabbit hole didn't yield any fruit and really only served to make the granddaughter look like a bitchy twat.  Also badly done and completely unnecessary was the New Loomis turn. 
4) The killings seemed a little too random.  In the first there was some sort of rationale for who he chose to take down.  Here, some of the targets seemed just to be objects of convenience rather than purpose.  That seemed out of character.  

During October I ALWAYS watch Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween III (an underappreciated film), Rocky Horror, Friday the 13th 1, 2 and 3 (my favorite because of the girl in it), The Exorcist and Trick or Treat. I've started mixing in some of the Saw movies, Hellraiser and others. 

I expect I will add this one to the mandatory list.  It's a nice bookend to the first.  I'm actually looking forward next year to watching them back to back. 
« Last Edit: November 02, 2018, 11:40:58 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2729 on: November 03, 2018, 08:46:25 AM »
Halloween 2018
1) This is a constant complaint for me.  How. The. Hell. Does. Michael. Know. How. To. Drive?/  I've been asking that since 1978 and nobody can answer me. 
In the novelization, it is explained that Michael was very persuasive and DID con a guard into teaching him how to drive. That was cut from the movie for budget (they had none) and time, but Loomis gets some cursory line about "maybe someone gave him lessons" to another admin. 

2) The ending felt rushed and out of place.  Like a lot of films it felt to me like they said "Oh hell, we're at 88 minutes, got to close this out now."  It was less ambiguous than the original, but still left far too much unanswered.  
That's because it was reshot after bad test screening with the original ending. Michael and Laurie get into a knife fight on the front lawn with all the flood lights, the daughter shoots him with a crossbow, the granddaughter stabs him and he falls. They run away and the last shot is him doing the famous sit up and he turns to look at the screen. End credits. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2730 on: November 04, 2018, 08:15:38 AM »
In the novelization, it is explained that Michael was very persuasive and DID con a guard into teaching him how to drive. That was cut from the movie for budget (they had none) and time, but Loomis gets some cursory line about "maybe someone gave him lessons" to another admin.
That's because it was reshot after bad test screening with the original ending. Michael and Laurie get into a knife fight on the front lawn with all the flood lights, the daughter shoots him with a crossbow, the granddaughter stabs him and he falls. They run away and the last shot is him doing the famous sit up and he turns to look at the screen. End credits.

Well if it isn’t bill nye the science guy. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2731 on: November 07, 2018, 05:56:46 PM »
Motel Hell
I loved this goofy, campy, silly horror movie back in the 80s.  It was the cheesy answer to Friday the 13th/Halloween.  Not to the level of, say, Rocky Horror, but still pretty dosed up on the absurd.  

It doesn't completely hold up 38 years later, but it's still better than so much of what's out there today that it's worth the trip back to the past.  

Rory Calhoun plays the owner of a motel and smokehouse, known far and wide for his delicious meat products.  Known mostly for serious roles and westerns, his turn here is like Leslie Nielsen when Leslie became Airplane! Leslie.  The movie also features the future Beulah Ballbricker of Porky's fame and the future Officer Arthur Grossman of CHiPS.  

The real reason I'm willing to watch this is the girl playing Terry (Nina Axlerod).  Much like PJ Soles did it for me in Halloween, Stripes and Carrie, Nina does it for me in a big way here.  I love the 80s look of her. She makes me think of days gone long by.  Wonder where she went?  

Back to the movie. 

Rory 'rescues' a young woman (Nina) who has a motorcycle accident near his farm and takes care of her.  She grows fond of him and his sister (Ballbricker).  But Rory has some family secrets and their April-December romance may be doomed.  

Watch for a budding Cliff Claven and an oddball Elaine Joyce (if you watched the old Match Game, you know who this is) just for fun.  

Yeah.  I know it sucks.  But I like it.  Sue me. 

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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2732 on: November 07, 2018, 06:06:26 PM »
Nice pencil erasers 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2733 on: November 07, 2018, 11:27:01 PM »
Motel Hell. 
So a movie that ends with a fight scene featuring a maniac wearing a pig's head, wielding a chain saw and trying to hack up someone whilst they fight among a cooler of human bodies hanging from meat hooks, has a closing line of...."I guess we should call the police." 

You reviewed that.  And kind of liked it. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2734 on: November 08, 2018, 01:05:50 AM »
Motel Hell.
So a movie that ends with a fight scene featuring a maniac wearing a pig's head, wielding a chain saw and trying to hack up someone whilst they fight among a cooler of human bodies hanging from meat hooks, has a closing line of...."I guess we should call the police."

You reviewed that.  And kind of liked it.
That's not the last line, is it?  

The movie took me back.  It took me back to drive ins and the soft glow of bucket seat simulated sex.  It took me back to late night movies in the basement where Kavanaugh-esque groping occurred.  It took me back to hands under the afghan her mom knitted while we sat on the couch with her parents in the room and pretended to watch said chainsaw fight (my eyes were blurring, hard to focus...)  

So year.  I liked it.   For nostalgia's sake at least.  
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2735 on: November 08, 2018, 01:20:12 AM »
Bohemian Rhapsody 

Fantastic movie.  

If Rami Malek isn't nominated for an Oscar (yes, a worthless award but still) for his performance as Freddie Mercury, just shut the Academy down.  Incredible job at capturing Mercury's mannerisms.  

The film had its flaws.  All do.  There was no way it could tell that complicated personal story and get enough of each of the myriad versions in to appease them all.  It was too gay, not gay enough, too condemning of the gay lifestyle, not condemning enough, didn't focus enough on the drugs, focused too much on the drugs.  Whatever.  There were probably parts that were fabricated or exaggerated and others that were glossed over or left out.  

The movie did an absolutely stunning job of somehow making you both loathe and pity Freddie's tortured soul. It made you both understand and despise the self-destructive excesses to which he went to tame his demons.  

For what shall it profit a man to gain the entire world and lose his own soul?  If this version of his life is to be believed, that quote directly applies to Mercury.  Fame, fortune and everything that goes with it yet still completely empty and utterly alone.  Malek was outstanding in portraying that vulnerability.  

Less of the music than I would have liked, probably, but otherwise a just a really good film.  Good pace, good performances, well-crafted story.  

My favorite part was a sly nod to Wayne and Garth (which I didn't really like) during a scene when a record executive (look hard and you'll recognize who it is) is debating the viability of releasing Bohemian Rhapsody as a single.  I got the joke.  Think I was the only one in the theater who did though.  

Should you see it in a theater?  I vote yes, because I just don't think the movie will have quite the same resonance at home.  
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2736 on: November 08, 2018, 09:17:28 AM »
That's not the last line, is it? 

The movie took me back.  It took me back to drive ins and the soft glow of bucket seat simulated sex.  It took me back to late night movies in the basement where Kavanaugh-esque groping occurred.  It took me back to hands under the afghan her mom knitted while we sat on the couch with her parents in the room and pretended to watch said chainsaw fight (my eyes were blurring, hard to focus...) 

So year.  I liked it.  For nostalgia's sake at least. 
Image result for Motel Hell images
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2737 on: November 17, 2018, 08:42:27 AM »

A movie about an ancient Indian curse that manifests itself as a profane murderous turkey.  What could possibly go wrong?  


Campy is fine. Corny is fine. This never rose to that level.  It was just bad. Bad bad. It was a turkey. (And that's a better line than anything in this film). 

You know they're trying to make a bad movie -- which sometimes works -- but it's not so bad it's good, it's just so bad.  

Five friends in Ohio -- which destroys the whole premise of the curse which allegedly dates back to the first Thanksgiving, which was not in Ohio -- leave school to do something for Thanksgiving.  Stereotypical jock, fat ass, nerd, whore and nice girl cross paths with the killer poultry and ignorance ensues.  Sheriff with the worse stuck-on moustache in the history of bad costuming laying in the kitchen floor with his face pecked off?  No problem, let's watch a movie and make popcorn.  Friend disemboweled on the sidewalk?  Oh well, let's go for a ride.  Stilted dialogue, poorly conceived and executed characters, horrible acting.  It's all terrible. It's like they were writing the script ten minutes before filming it. Actors can survive bad performances in bad movies early on.  See Matthew McBongahuey and Rene Zellwigging who both overcame Texas Chainsaw: Next Generation to win Oscars.  None of the flat, one-note duds in this movie have any chance of surviving this.  

The only things to recommend it?  An interesting opening theme song which combines typical horror-type music with cackling turkey gobbles. 


As hard as it is for me to believe, there are two sequels to this dud, neither of which I will watch.  Gobble gobble, motherf!@#$*. 
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2738 on: November 21, 2018, 01:11:27 AM »
Exorcist II: The Heretic

As iconic, masterful, powerful and captivating at The Exorcist was?  Take that number, whatever it was, divide by a thousand, put a negative sign in front of it and multiply that to the third power.  That would get you close to the ragged depths to which this movie plunged. 

What a dopey load of horseshit.  Caba-Regan and Richard Burton gamely muddle through this mix of laughable CGI, stupid dialogue, Squeelin Bobby from Deliverance and Mufasa in an African headdress, but even a growed up pre-Rick James bitch Linda Blair tarting it up with her 18-year old self could save this warbling turkey from the gutter.   

This is one of those movies you have to just pretend didn't exist.  The original was so good and this was just so shittily done it doesn't bear further discussion. 

« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 01:25:24 AM by Kaos »
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Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Reply #2739 on: November 21, 2018, 09:18:03 AM »
Exorcist II: The Heretic

As iconic, masterful, powerful and captivating at The Exorcist was?  Take that number, whatever it was, divide by a thousand, put a negative sign in front of it and multiply that to the third power.  That would get you close to the ragged depths to which this movie plunged. 

What a dopey load of horseshoot.  Caba-Regan and Richard Burton gamely muddle through this mix of laughable CGI, stupid dialogue, Squeelin Bobby from Deliverance and Mufasa in an African headdress, but even a growed up pre-Rick James bitch Linda Blair tarting it up with her 18-year old self could save this warbling turkey from the gutter. 

This is one of those movies you have to just pretend didn't exist.  The original was so good and this was just so shoottily done it doesn't bear further discussion. 

Ever seen the 3rd one? Much better sequel than Kukumo-laden trash that is part 2.
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