My opinion on this matter, is the exact opposite of you guys. I feel that running around, hanging Confederate Flags, is a sign of ignorance and fulfills every stereotype that people try to push on the south. Also, the Civil War was almost 150 years ago, its over, the North won... To me, hanging a Confederate Flag is similar to Germans trying to hang the Nazi flag on local graves/monuments and explaining that its "National Socialist Party heritage month." The German's lost, many of their friends and families died, but they realize it is not ok to bring back up a War that was wrong in the first place. To say, "But, no, no AWK, we did not commit genocide and try to eliminate an entire race." Um...Slavery?
However, let me make this clear. I don't give a fuck what people want to do on their own time. If people want to hang confederate flags all over their cars and what not, go ahead. As long as no one personally screws with my property, I have no problems. Public Property, well, that is another story...