I thought this appropriate for this thread
I think I will all that Tarheel is doing to celebrate Earth Day. I will take it one step further and eat some really unhealthy food, drink a little more than normal, and smoke two cigars tomorrow. I think I will intentionally miss the trash can when I am in town tomorrow 
Great post, AUTiger1! You've managed to find a recent story singling out one other group (besides Christians;
reference The Haley Center Basement posts about Ms. California "As I stand here shaking my fist...") that it's OK to vilify...those equally evil, inconsiderate, selfish, excessive, FAT people! They ought to be ashamed of the carbon footprint they create! They're probably all evil, super-Republicans too! That wouldn't surprise me at all!
Again, great post! Very germane to the topic.
Things to do for Earth Day:
Leave all of the lights on (use incandescent light bulbs where possible).
Flush for no reason, multiple times.
Smoke a cigar or three.
Grill out (especially using a charcoal grill; making sure to cook something unhealthy from an animal that has a large carbon footprint...like red meat).
Leave all of your electronics on.
Wash your car in the driveway.
Do multiple small loads of laundry (use hot water).
Take a hot bath.
Leave your lawn sprinklers on.
Any more?