No it is to stand against the mass of stupidity and sub mediocre protecting fucking morons like you and chowder and others.
Like I said:
Remember, his stated mission in life is to irritate the living fuck out of the Auburn Family on the internet until they become fucking morons thinking like him. Look you stupid motherfucking piece of shit...NOBODY can claim to love Auburn, and then proceed to take a dump on coaches like Dye, and say galactically stupid shit like:
"I don't care if Chizik wins 3 NCs in a row, he's a fucking loser and it will be bad for Auburn", and talk about the whole of the Auburn family like this:
"the mass of stupidity and sub mediocre protecting fucking morons" . And you wonder why people think you're a fucking idiot bammer?
The worst part is, you're just like these bammer trolls, and you wear the hate and disgust the Auburn family has for you like a badge of fucking honor!