You may find this hard to believe, but there are cops out there that will run information for their buddies despite the fact it's not legal to do so.
It is all public information. Some of it is more protected than others...can we agree there? But if I have a legitimate reason, it can be accessed. You might have to go through some red tape, but if you have a legitimate reason you can get a large portion of personal information.
Anything that you would have to "go through red tape" or show legitimacy for your request for, wouldn't be public record in the first place. Public record is ask and ye shall receive, while maybe paying a small fee for copies, etc. Such as the financial report of a fire department, minutes of a water board meeting, minutes of a Board of Education meeting, wreck report, etc. You do not have to do anything more than ask and possibly pay a fee.
If you are requesting something that you are going to have to show an order from a judge, or something similar to obtain, I wouldn't imagine that what you are requesting is a "public record".