FYI b'ham, but Jake Holland is a fuckin' heat seeking missile of a Linebacker....Kowaski Kitchens will probably remind everyone of Karlos Dansby if the coaches decide to utilize him at Linebacker, if not then he'll remind everyone of Anthony Mix while he's laying your linebackers flat on their backs. As for Cody Parky, he's one of, if not The, Best Kicker in the yeah, right now, Auburn is off to a really good start.
As for your own team....lets take a look at some of your Pot Heads from last year and Lard Asses from the past two years, shall we.
Here's a guy's
Mug ShotRod Woodson (2009 recruit that apparently just got out of Jail)
This guy is so fat that he can't even open his eyes, the Ganja probably helps his Thighroid problem
DJ Fluker (2009)
Here's a guy that'll remind everyone of Towelie, from South Park...."Wanna get High?"
Nico Johnson (2009)
He and Towelie are Really friends
Chris Bonds (2009)
This guy makes the China Buffet people cry
Chad Lindsey (2010)
This one super sizes....Everything
Austin Shepherd (2010 prospect that uat stole from their brother/son....UAB)