« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2009, 09:26:32 AM »
Please. I'm fairly outspoken in real life, and I'm fairly candid with my friends who are AU fans as well. However, in all fairness to them, they are not raging retards such as yourself. They are fairly intelligent people who don't go around flaming every single thing, but they still speak their minds. Calling somebody a coward on a message board? Seriously? How is that any better than what you are accusing me of? My comment about CNS > CGC was said in passing, not so much in reference to anything but you saying our coach isn't anything to be scared of. It wasn't really the main idea of my argument, but whatever. Generally, when somebody criticizes somebody for something, it implies that they think they are better in the area that they are criticizing.
For example, when I say that you are a stupid fuck, that automatically implies that I believe I am more intelligent than you are. Otherwise, I would be hypocritical. Therefore, when you tell somebody else that their team's coach isn't shit, or that their team isn't shit, you believe that your situation is better. Thats how I see things, anyway. Also, the only reason I said I was going to have fun fucking with you is because of how you react to what I post.
I never said that I thought everybody was scared of Saban, you put those words in my mouth and then proceeded to get your Prowler Panties all in a wad over it. That is something you decided to come up with all on your own. Oh, and for the record, I'm quite welcome on Bama boards. Never had a problem. I simply like coming to an AU board as well because its a nice change of pace. Nobody wants to just agree with everybody 24/7 365. Its fun to come over and fuck with some of you, and you have to admit, some of you love fucking with us just the same. FWIW, I didn't just stumble on this site and sign up, I was invited to be here. Your bretheren were the ones wanting to get rival fans over here, so bitch at them, not me.