An offense that can put up 40+ and a defense that can hold teams to 14 or less? hell yeah! Gonna be sweet!
Screw finbaum, all he does is pander to the redneck, mullet headed, slack jawed, knuckle dragging, piece of shit bammer fucks. He can go to hell and take the rest of the bammerham media jack-offs with him. Bammaham media make me 
Stewie.... you watch your language you little shit, or I'll send you to bed without breast-feeding!

Finebaum.... I'd love for someone to take his raio-show over by force and have him gang-raped by a pack of silver-back gorillas on air. Fucking bamma fucktards would prob still be calling in
"uhhh, Paul? Does it feel good Paul?"
"oooch ouch aaaiiiiaaa"
"Paul? I wanna be like you Paul? Do I need to fist myself like a 800 pound monkey Paul?"
"Oooooch ouch (just imagine it is Saban) -------- ummmm oh yeah. YEAH! YEAH! Harder you fucking Crimson cock sucker!! HARDER!!"
Now that's good radio