None of these dumb hillbillies have ever play football in their life! The closest thing they have come to a sport is cow tippin! 
Hey, Paw...Paw. Guess whut I done today. I wuz over at Billy T's an we wuz playin on his computer. He found one of them Barner websites and got us all regsitered an everything. Man, we wuz givin' them Barners hell. I let Billy T do all thuh typin' cause he makes it sound all big city an shit. You shoulda' seen it. I threw that score all up in their faces and called em' dumb hillbillies.
I did. An Billy T...he wuz on there the other day an called one them Barner players a dumb N*****!!! I swear I bout' pee'd my pants...agin.
An they gots these little cartoon thingies that you can use that even flips em' the middle finger. We used it about 4 times and laughed our asses off. Billy T says he's done see'd this Bama board that has tons of em', more better than that Barner board. He says he'll show it to me after they's through suspendin' him fer showin' those pictures of that night him and Tommy got drunk and went skinny dippin' in Johnson's Lake. I'm goin' over there again this afternoon when school lets out an we's gonna' give them Barners what for.
Oh, oh, oh...and you shoulda' seen this guy on this thang called UTube. He goes by the name of Cowboy and don't nobody give them Barners hell like that. We gotta' get our own computer Paw, I swear....