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Someone ratted me out.


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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2009, 10:45:20 AM »
maybe not retired but I haven't posted in a long time (months), do I need to re-fist my dog?
What's up with this guy? did Chiz poke his old lady or something?

Yes, you do need to re-fist. It's in the rules.  And therein lies the problem for GW.  He joined the X, was instructed to fist and went home only to find clear and convincing evidence that Chiz had successfully completed a preemptive fisting strike on his dog.  Wouldn't have been so bad if the dog hadn't been smoking a cigarette, smiling and just looked at GW as if to say, "What".

He's hated him ever since.
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2009, 11:59:52 AM »
Yes, you do need to re-fist. It's in the rules.  And therein lies the problem for GW.  He joined the X, was instructed to fist and went home only to find clear and convincing evidence that Chiz had successfully completed a preemptive fisting strike on his dog.  Wouldn't have been so bad if the dog hadn't been smoking a cigarette, smiling and just looked at GW as if to say, "What".

He's hated him ever since.

My sources close to the situation, and also posters from other boards verify this very story.... is true.

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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2009, 12:20:00 PM »
maybe not retired but I haven't posted in a long time (months), do I need to re-fist my dog?
What's up with this guy? did Chiz poke his old lady or something?
Nope he fucked Auburn which is way worse in my book.
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2009, 12:21:37 PM »
Yes, you do need to re-fist. It's in the rules.  And therein lies the problem for GW.  He joined the X, was instructed to fist and went home only to find clear and convincing evidence that Chiz had successfully completed a preemptive fisting strike on his dog.  Wouldn't have been so bad if the dog hadn't been smoking a cigarette, smiling and just looked at GW as if to say, "What".

He's hated him ever since.
Nope it was not fuckhead that had fisted my dog. It had been successfully fisted so we ruled him out as a suspect immediatly.
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2009, 12:33:20 PM »
Nope he fucked Auburn which is way worse in my book.

blah, blah, blah blah, droning on and on
get the fuck over it, nobody here has the power to change it
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2009, 12:44:13 PM »

The only person who has comprehension issues is you.  Apparently you couldn't understand that it was on the AUNation board that I posted as an Auburn fan. 

Take a closer look and see if you can comprehend the sentence better without making an ass of yourself.

You also have communication issues which is no surprise at all with you being a festering turd.

Everyone here knows you were a mole on aun. Most, like me, probably couldn't give a smaller fuck about your childish escapades over there. For some reason you feel the need to gloat about it over here, so, whatever floats your turd barge on that one.

I responded to the unedited, first version of your post which mentioned that you enjoyed being an turd fan on an AU site, which would seem to describe your pathetic existence here.  Had you meant to refer to the aun site seems like you woulda mentioned being a mole there.

Truth is your fingers work much faster than your brain and you are not into proofreading for content/meaning. If you reread what you post here you would probably just get confused and lost anyways. So for now we will just amuse ourselves with your pathetically stupid posts.
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2009, 12:50:56 PM »
Thank you, Tiger Wench.  I didn't do it to dick with Auburn fans in general, I did it to dick with the mods of AUNation.  They banned me from using my "Birmingham" account because they said I was just trying to stir shit up.  The funny thing is, the things I wrote as "JordanHareJake" were 10x worse than the things I wrote as "Birmingham" but because I was an "Auburn fan" it was okay.  Hilarious double standard those bullshit mods have over there.

They are so far under your skin it is hilarious. You were an asshole turd over there and thats why you got banned. The fact that you feel the need to be a mole over there is also hilarious. They are like an evil alien force to you guys or something. The more you attack it, the stronger it becomes.
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2009, 12:52:54 PM »
did Chiz poke his old lady or something?

Most likely he is a bammer. Either that or he has mental issues, or most likely of all, he is a bammer with mental issues.
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2009, 02:00:43 PM »
Most likely he is a bammer. Either that or he has mental issues, or most likely of all, he is a bammer with mental issues.

most likely you're right seems bammerperry like in his posts
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2009, 02:14:49 PM »
My sources close to the situation, and also posters from other boards verify this very story.... is true.

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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2009, 03:02:41 PM »

most likely you're right seems bammerperry like in his posts
That's a name that I haven't seen in quite some time.  And, yes, greasey does seem a bit bammerperry in most of his posts.....a bit too much.
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2009, 03:44:32 PM »
That's a name that I haven't seen in quite some time.  And, yes, greasey does seem a bit bammerperry in most of his posts.....a bit too much.

There's no "bit" about it. 

If he hadn't gone off about his personal issues with Chizik, I would wholeheartedly believe he was a Bammer posing as an AU fan. 

What's funny is that he came here because he got tired of being called a Bammer on other sites.  Once again, he's being ridiculed as a cousin grinder.  You think he realizes yet that it's not the message boards, it's him? 

At least with Kaos, he's indicated that he may eat a little crow if Chizik is successful.  You know why?  Because he loves Auburn and only wants the best. 

That prick-bastard Greasey only bashes Chizik.  His anger for Chizik is bigger than Auburn.  That's no true fan.  Label me an AUN mod if you want. 
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole


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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2009, 04:31:53 PM »
I love Auburn myself. If chizik is successful on the field then I will be the utt of many a joke and laughed at. I never will accept him nor consider anything he does a success. And you know what is funny? When you look at his history as a coach I am not afraid of that ever happening.
The loser is a fucking loser. Fuck him.
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2009, 04:36:47 PM »
I love Auburn myself. If chizik is successful on the field then I will be the utt of many a joke and laughed at. I never will accept him nor consider anything he does a success. And you know what is funny? When you look at his history as a coach I am not afraid of that ever happening.
The loser is a fucking loser. Fuck him.

At least you admit that you hate Chizik more than you love Auburn.  You've got a crappy existence as an Auburn fan. 
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole

Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2009, 04:57:01 PM »
I love Auburn myself. If chizik is successful on the field then I will be the utt of many a joke and laughed at. I never will accept him nor consider anything he does a success. And you know what is funny? When you look at his history as a coach I am not afraid of that ever happening.
The loser is a fucking loser. Fuck him.

This post once again proves you are either a normal bammer, an AU fan with serious mental issues (least likely of the three), or a bammer with extreme mental issues (most likely?).
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2009, 05:09:31 PM »
You also have communication issues which is no surprise at all with you being a festering turd.

Everyone here knows you were a mole on aun. Could that possibly be because I talked about it often over here at the X?  Nice detective skills, Matlock.

Most, like me, probably couldn't give a smaller fuck about your childish escapades over there. For some reason you feel the need to gloat about it over here, so, whatever floats your turd barge on that one.  Dude, it's the off season and there's nothing going on around here.  Add to that the fact that you guys have a new coach that is irrelevant.  If it was Kiffin then I could just talk shit about all the lies but as it stands, nothing is going on at Auburn and this board.  You should thank me for adding content.  I love this board.  That it pisses you off only encourages me.

I responded to the unedited, first version of your post which mentioned that you enjoyed being an turd fan on an AU site, which would seem to describe your pathetic existence here.  Had you meant to refer to the aun site seems like you woulda mentioned being a mole there.  Not surprising you have no comprehension of my "top secret" original unedited post either.  The fact that you are trying to make it seem  that it was ridden with ambiguous uncertainties in regards to the board that I was referring to is simply a case of you hoping that nobody still has a copy of it to prove you wrong.  If you're referring to the zero content changes and the 3 spelling errors that were made than I'm sorry that you're attempt at throwing shit against the wall isn't covering your own obvious comprehensive skills.  That it happened right after you had ironically brought up someone else's lack of comprehension is simply a bonus, and a hilarious one.  Pot meet Kettle asshole.

Truth is your fingers work much faster than your brain and you are not into proofreading for content/meaning. If you reread what you post here you would probably just get confused and lost anyways. So for now we will just amuse ourselves with your pathetically stupid posts.  Keep throwing shit at the wall, you were called out because you didn't read the post correctly and now you're bringing up some bullshit story about what my original post said with the comfort of knowing nobody has the ability to go back and read it.  If you couldn't understand that I was referring to the AUNation board by the title of this thread alone than it proves further your negligence in preparing yourself to respond to this thread.  Please do homework before you post.  Your bullshit is obvious and I will call your punkass out for it.  I'm waiting on your response.  Let me guess, it will be centered around posts that nobody has the ability to see.  You bitch.  
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2009, 05:27:08 PM »
I love Auburn myself. If chizik is successful on the field then I will be the utt of many a joke and laughed at. I never will accept him nor consider anything he does a success. And you know what is funny? When you look at his history as a coach I am not afraid of that ever happening.
The loser is a fucking loser. Fuck him.

you're already the butt of many jokes bammer, bet it made you nauseated to type "i love Auburn" you miserable  faker, you are a waste of time, skin and effort.
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2009, 06:46:29 PM »
Stewie your nothing but a march along rah-rah fan. You really don't give a shit about Auburn. Oh you have a shirt and a hat and maybe a sticker on your car but you along with the rest of the quasi faithfull don't have any idea what in fuck you are talking about.
If I was a bammer I would be tickled shitless that complete loser like coach fuckhead and his merry band of division 2 rejects are on the plains. If I didn't love Auburn more than I hated fuckhead then I wouldn'tbe so upset about what he is in the process of destroying at Auburn.
Nopr I'm telling the truth and getting you ready for the ass raping that fuckhead shall deliver to Auburn, and you bitch at me.
Fuck chizik and all who are stupid enough to accept him.
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2009, 07:20:51 PM »

 Could that possibly be because I talked about it often over here at the X? 
Yes, why you felt the need to point out the obvious here is further evidence of your lack of comprehension and communication skills.

Dude, it's the off season and there's nothing going on around here.  Add to that the fact that you guys have a new coach that is irrelevant.  If it was Kiffin then I could just talk shit about all the lies but as it stands, nothing is going on at Auburn and this board.  You should thank me for adding content.  I love this board.  That it pisses you off only encourages me.
It doesn't piss me off so much as make me sad for the site that we have a ignorant turd running around talking about his inane escapades that no one really gives a fuck about.

Not surprising you have no comprehension of my "top secret" original unedited post either.  The fact that you are trying to make it seem  that it was ridden with ambiguous uncertainties in regards to the board that I was referring to is simply a case of you hoping that nobody still has a copy of it to prove you wrong.  If you're referring to the zero content changes and the 3 spelling errors that were made than I'm sorry that you're attempt at throwing shit against the wall isn't covering your own obvious comprehensive skills.  That it happened right after you had ironically brought up someone else's lack of comprehension is simply a bonus, and a hilarious one.  Pot meet Kettle asshole.

The post that I am referring to is the one that I quoted in the second post I made in this thread, before you edited it and added the second paragraph. The first version, which I quoted in its entirety, simply refers to you being a turd on an AU board, which would describe your existence here. You went back and added the second paragraph after I responded to the original version. Also, that would be comprehension skills you illiterate turd, not comprehensive skills.

Keep throwing shit at the wall, you were called out because you didn't read the post correctly and now you're bringing up some bullshit story about what my original post said with the comfort of knowing nobody has the ability to go back and read it.  If you couldn't understand that I was referring to the AUNation board by the title of this thread alone than it proves further your negligence in preparing yourself to respond to this thread.  Please do homework before you post.  Your bullshit is obvious and I will call your punkass out for it.  I'm waiting on your response.  Let me guess, it will be centered around posts that nobody has the ability to see.  You bitch.

Your brain is such a tub of goo that you probably have already forgotten that when you edited your post you added the second paragraph. Like I said, I responded to what you posted. Post what you mean to say sonny. Don't be a pissy little bitch because people respond to what you said and not what you meant to say. Honestly now, do you really have the ability to clearly express your thoughts in writing? It's okay to ask for help. There are agencies that help people deal with this sort of thing.

You just post away spermingham. Like I said, it is amusing how obsessed you are with that site. You hate it and hate it, but it keeps pulling you back in. They kicked you out for being a dickhead and won't let you play there anymore and it is eating you alive from the inside. You point at them and call them idiots and those three other fingers are pointing right back at you. Hmmm, three against one.   
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Re: Someone ratted me out.
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2009, 08:47:39 PM »
I don't understand how you are possibly having a hard time understanding this.  You informed me that I wasn't a mole on this board.  I inform you that I've never tried to be a mole on this board.  The post you're talking about was to Aubie16 in regards to his reference of not knowing what fun was. 

And you're wrong about the word comprehensive.  It doesn't surprise me that yet again you correct someone in the very way that you yourself are wrong.
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