THIS is splitting hairs. Congratulations, alcohol is less dangerous than heroine and cocaine. Duh shit.
How did you arrive at that from what I posted? Care to 'splain that one? Oh nevermind...
It's still MORE dangerous than marijuana. It sill can cause death by itself, where marijuana cannot.
Oh, that makes MJ safer... I see. So, when you lock yourself in a plastic bubble and smoke weed, you're invincible, but throw anything else into the mix, it's
NEVER pot's fault if you end up dead. It's always the other stuff whether it be a car, an HIV infected hooker, a knife, a pond, alcohol, cocaine or whatever...
I knew you'd have a problem with that exercise in logic. As I've pointed out time and time again, if we're talking driving under the influence, alcohol is FAR more often the cause of the accident, and marijuana use by itself is almost nonexistant in these cases. And how can anything you've just said NOT be applied to alcohol (more commonly, at that)?
I cannot disagree, but to stretch and say that pot couldn't be just as dangerous if not more when legalized under these circumstances is a ridiculous stretch with nothing to support it. Further complicating matters, you don't typically find recreational pot users doing it out in the open or driving to the next party as pot is currently illegal. Even if you had accurate cannabis consumption numbers, I don't think that you could come to any reasonable conclusion. I wonder how many DUIs would be issued for those under the influence of pot if it were to be legalized? I wonder how many deaths would result when combining pot use with other activities, legal and otherwise? You're suggesting fewer would be the result of direct/alone pot use. I'm saying bullshit. It's all half-assed speculation at best, and I would argue that you're just trying to stretch and confine this discussion to only suit your agenda. If you locked me or anyone else in a plastic bubble with a supply of alcohol, we'd likely pass out long before anyone died, so playing your little game is meaningless in the real world.
And what the hell actual facts am I ignoring? You, sir, are the guilty party there, as you obviously still don't grasp these simple truths presented in data I've displayed as well as the data you yourself attempted to use (and failed) to state your case.
Stretching, backpeddling and redefining words to suit your agenda doesn't work in the real world. That is all.

I particularly like the way you tried to wiggle out of that claim about teen MJ use by trying to confine your "claim" after the facts were presented to "availability" even though we were clearly talking about physical consumption. Nice try...

By the way, I think I could argue and agree that cannabis is relatively safe with enough twisting, contortion and constraining of the definitions and conditions around its use. I just know that it's silly.
I'm the one that corrected myself there, because I knew any chink in my statements would be inflated to become the focus of the argument. I said marijuana is mixed with other drugs when it causes death and then parenthetically said (usually alcohol). This was incorrect when we're talking medical overdoses. Your data does not contradict my previous statement or my correction. It does not give direct links of which combination of drugs are used. I am by my own accord saying that what I had said earlier was probably not true, nor what I meant to say to begin with. Take that and run with it if you must.
Blame cocaine... That'll work!