If the merits, safety, benefits or whatever you believe about MJ could stand on their own, MJ would already be legal.
This is what you said. It isn't confusing, except perhaps to you. My post was in response to what you said. Not what you said you said after you said what you said.

The next step in your logic path is off the edge of a cliff.
MJ was legal. Can you tell me the reasoning that was given for it's illegalization after being legal since the inception of this country? If you don't think that paper/lumber companies played a huge role in its illegalization then you are so completely uninformed that this debate is not worth continuing.
Also, your hippie comments are amusing and also show your complete lack of understanding of what you are arguing against. Please continue with those. It's like Hank Jr once sang, "You're the only one that you are screwing, when you put down what you don't understand". Also, if you deny that religious zealots played a huge role as well then, once again, you are completely uninformed.
I smoked pot for many years and smoked with hundreds if not thousands of people and that is where the lesser dehabiliting effects comments come from. I have smoked shit that is as good or better than you see on the cover of high times magazine and the only thing I can promise you is that the effect of the most potent mj in the world pales in comparison to a drinking binge. Not just on me but on hundreds of other people I know and have smoked with. There is no comparison. If you get too high you want to lay down and go to sleep. If you get too drunk you will lose control of your senses and judgment. Perhaps piss and vomit all over yourself. Perhaps decide to drive your car when you are barely capable of standing for more than a few moments without falling down, or maybe black out and god knows what will happen then.
This isn't just my own opinion. It is the opinion of hundreds of people that I know that actually know what they are debating about. From small town losers to multi-millionaires. So rattle on about your "knowledge" about the effects on different people and thc levels and all that stuff. Anyone who knows wtf they are talking about recognizes the idiocy of your argument.
Some people fall out unconscious if they have a half a dose of nyquil. Some nearly go into defib. if they drink half a cup of coffee. I have met more than a few people in my former line of work that say that ingesting any levels of aspartame gave them dehabilitating migraine headaches and worse.
The great thing about arguing for the legalization of pot is that logic is on your side and the other side is mostly debated by people who have absolutely no clue wtf they are talking about. I understand why you dont people using the alcohol to mj comparison to debate. It shoots all of your reasoning right in the ass.