I didn't copy & paste from specific sources, because everything that was being said was common knowledge for anyone that has done five minutes of research on the topic. That's like asking me to provide a source that states the Earth is not flat. I wasn't going to insult your intelligence until you demanded it. Since you had such a strong opinion on the matter, I thought surely you would at least pretend to know what you're talking about.
Far from common knowledge... You know that, or at least, you should. If it were "common knowledge" as you put it, we wouldn't even be having this discussion because your beloved pot would already be legalized. Right?
Hit and run? Not that this is of any consequence, but I'm a founding member of this board and a moderator with the sixth highest post count on this board. Pointing this out seems silly and a waste of time, but this is another example of a blatant falsehood I'm burdened with disproving to you.
Oh yes...
YOU are a hit-and-run poster. How many times have you jumped into the political forum to muddy the water in a particular thread and disappear to never post in that thread again? I've lost count... Of course, I know that you're a moderator. BIG F'n DEAL!

I made it personal? Please refer to post #34, only your second post in this thread. In it you asserted that I was "operating with limited cognitive ability" twice, attacked the moral fiber of my law school friends, along with everyone that pursued that career path, referred to my other friends as "more fucking kids", "young dumb punks", "clowns" and "young twirp pukes" and asserted that they were my "role models" (all themes you've referred to over and over again). What did I saw before this that was personal?
AND, YOU didn't think that using words like "ridiculous" and "ignorance" in your post #33 to me, which comes before #34 by the way, was personal? What? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???
AND, IF I'M SO FUCKING IGNORANT, DON'T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD HAVE SHARED SOME OF THAT "COMMON KNOWLEDGE" WITH ME? I mean you're so fucking brilliant as a moderator of this FUCKING board, one would think that you'd FUCKING know better!
You posted it as if to prove a point. You realized the fallacious nature of the reference, so now you're backpedaling by laughing it off as a joke.
I posted it to demonstrate the absurdity of this. It was another worthless jab to tease and provoke. Do you really think that I, of all people, care about kittens? You don't know me. :thumbsup:
Tell me one reason marijuana use makes you "stupider" than alcohol use. You aren't saying that college kids who consume alcohol on a weekly or monthly basis are going to amount to nothings "not on par with their peers." Remember, the whole argument here concerns the legality of marijuana use. Therefore any argument you make against marijuana, must not also be the case for alcohol, unless you advocate the outlawing of both. You, however, happily condone one, while adamantly condemning the other, despite all the evidence that alcohol is more the more dangerous of the two if anything.
First of all, most of that is
your argument, not mine. I never said any of that. My original argument was only about MJ. You're the one who is constantly trying to compare it to alcohol. Why don't we compare it to saturated fats or McDonald's Cheeseburgers? That would make about as much sense. The last thing this country needs is another drug to fuck with the masses. The country's in enough of a decline already, and you guys want to introduce another drug. That just doesn't make any sense to me.
You insinuated it here:
Pointing to one dumb pothead who abused an animal, as if this guy did this BECAUSE he was on pot, and that it makes people do things similar to this, and that the "victims" are the people (and animals in this case) that are unfortunate enough to be around when someone is partaking in marijuana use. Sarcastically referring to this as a "victimless crime", insinuates that this type of behavior is exclusive to marijuana use, and people are completely responsible when drunk off of alcohol.
WOW... Take a Pamprin and get some sleep. You put a whole story together and brought up things that I haven't even debated in this thread. You're broad sweeping those strokes with that brush of yours, again.
Pot, meet kettle. I have deconstructed YOUR arguments. You have broadly brushed everyone who uses marijuana, in spite of your backpedaling now.
I haven't backpedaled on anything in here. I never used terms like "burnout scum" or anything like that. You have taken much of what I said, multiplied it by 100 and pushed it to silly extremes, and you keep doing that. You also keep fighting with this Republipuke straw-man that you've built up in your mind by assigning these perceived stereotypical values to me and challenging me on them. I can't defend them, because I don't have those silly values or beliefs. Maybe, you should layoff the bong a little.
Heaven forbid you research a topic before shooting off at the hip, violently debating the side that you inherited from your predefined cookie cutter party line, without bothering with your own individual thought.
There you go again... Paintbrush meets straw-man. Look, I have the beliefs that I have because of my own research and experiences. I said it once before that there's enough research on both sides of this debate to share and review. You didn't post one fucking thing to support your position until today. The points in my original post stand. There is no party line anything there. MJ fucks with the brain. How much consumption is necessary to cause this? I don't really know, but I don't think that anybody knows for certain. Why take the fucking risk? That's it... Nothing more... Nothing less... Nothing about alcohol... Not even anything about kittens...