Not sure if already posted, because I didn't sift through all the posts, but I LOVE when people bring up the "only losers, lazy, poor people smoke Marjiuana"...all I have to say to that is three names Ted Turner, Steve Jobs & Bill Gates
I also love the "we don't know the long term effects of Marjiuana" which I say Marjiuana has been used, in different forms, for THOUSANDS of years, it's a plant that was here before mankind walked the Earth and as long as the big tobacco companies don't get a hold of it, then it won't have around 20 different types of carcinogens added...also, Willie Nelson has been smoking Marijuana for 50+ YEARS.
As for scientific study, our Government owns patents on the Marjiuana plant, patents that include it's medical benefits and our Government also owns the only Marijuana Facility in the Country (Oxford, MS...Ole Miss' campus) in which they've been giving Marjiuana to certain patients since the late 70s-early 80s (namely a guy in Florida with a rare bone cancer, gets 300 pre-rolled Marjiuana joints every 25 days and he's been receiving them since 1982...he's still alive today, 32 years later)

Just saying, legalize it, tax it, educate people (note: not with fucking scare tactics like reefer madness or yellow journalism) & take it out of the hands of the drug dealers...because people just like me have a lot of pain, just to get out of bed due to ruined joints from arthritis &/or gout (btw, THC has 7 different types of anti-inflammatories in it).