Wow. This is why I don't spend much time in the political forums. It doesn't take long before an idiot makes an ignorant, myopic, ridiculous, argument based on nothing but their own generalizations, which themselves are based on nothing but what the agenda they support perpetuates. You can't argue with ignorance. But I'll try.
Shouldn't you be a bridesmaid in some gay marriage today? Hey FUCKTARD, it's not ignorance. It's humorous sarcasm. Have fun with it. If you can't take the jabs, get the fuck out. Don't get so bitchy when someone throws a little mud on your shoes. I don't care to stroke your worthless feelings and emotions. This feminization of America's younger generations is driving me nuts!
Yes. Things have changed since you grew up. I don't know if you're aware but you have to be 21 to buy alcohol now. Penalties for contributing to minors are serious. For high school kids it is FAR easier to find a 16 year old that grows pot in his room to sell it to you than it is to get someone to go the the store to pick up a 6 pack for you.
Yes, the legal age was 21 when I was 16 too. So what? We still got our hands on it. Where's the study that shows more kids experiment with MJ than alcohol? You made the statement. Let's see some facts.
Who taught you that term? Cognitive ability? Just because someone used it to burn your argument before doesn't mean that it is a trump card to just pull out when you have nothing else to say.
Actually, I believe that I officially learned about it in my freshman psychology course in college. Plus, just about every scientific study that I've seen on MJ use mentions the ill affects on cognitive ability, but thanks for asking...

When I originally typed that, I KNEW you would say something about what scum of the earth lawyers are. You are a joke. Yeah, nothing but burnouts and unmotivated losers make it through law school. It's basically where the special ed class and in school suspension kids end up ten years down the road, right?
And I'm not talking about 2 or 3 I know. I'm talking about at least 90% of the 40+ law school students I know.
This is too easy... Next, you're going to throw out movie stars and musicians. In your shallow little feminized mind, these are the "great achievers" and "great contributors" to society. The joke's on you...
God forbid, my kid ends up one of those no good doctors. Man, I tell you, I will make damn sure to tell my kids every night, "Whatever you do, don't experiment with drugs. You don't want to end up in a dead-end job working as a doctor or lawyer."
God forbid, your seed produces a kid... If these are the types of "doctors and lawyers" that you want on your side... nevermind... :thumbsup:
Wait! Did you just mention "God"? You people and your concepts of morality!!!
I'd be willing to bet the house that they will be. I'm basing this on the fact that I actually know the people I speak of, and knowing how intelligent and successful they are already at such a young age. I'm sorry I'm 26, so my peers too are in their 20s. This cripples my argument how? The law school and med school students I know today, will be doctors and lawyers in the next couple of years. And there's nothing to indicate with a year left of med school or a semester left of law school that any of them are anywhere near any kind of danger of flunking out, as I guess you're assuming.
Look man, I appreciate your position on this, but you haven't even tried to understand the affects of MJ use if your argument is based on kids in the present. You're only focused on the here and now, and you're not looking at how the damage manifests itself in the future. That's all I'm trying to say. Look at these guys down the road and tell me how they stack up to their peer group. At least, based on the things that I have read, you'll see something there that supports my side of this.
I don't know what you do for a living that's so high and mighty, but I do know that you probably make less than the 24 year old "clown", I'm fairly certain that you did when you were his age, and I also know that most people in the real world consider doctors and lawyers to be esteemed occupations. It's safe to say most would probably rank it above whatever it is you do, in terms of success and the drive and motivation it takes to get there. And no, I'm not trying to turn this into an elitist "You don't make as much as so-and-so" argument, but you're the one lumping everyone who smokes pot into this dregs of society, absolute bottom tier of the caste system.
No... You just don't get it; you're not keeping up. I'm saying, based on everything that I have read on the topic, people who use MJ are handicapping themselves. I'm not really talking about who earns more and less right now. There's no "high and mighty" argument here, although I'm throwing out some humorous sarcasim to keep you going (and WOW is it working!). None of that matters. This is where the conservative versus liberal view comes to light, and your view is the liberal view. You're too focused on the here and now, even with the risks. If it feels good, do it. Don't worry about those pesky consequences... On the other hand, the conservative point of view recognizes that there are consequences to everything. If scientific study after scientific study suggest that MJ use during the developmental years can lead to longer term mental issues, why take that risk? That's it.
How many gold medals have you won for the United States? More than anyone ever in the entire 3000 year old history of the Olympics, or zero? You'd think this would be the Jesse Owens to your inferiority argument, Hitler, but I guess you're more closed minded than Adolf himself. I tell you, that marijuana just makes you a completely worthless drain on society, incapable of reaching goals or having ambition. A perfect model of an unhealthy lifestyle.
Again, you continue to be focused on the here and now. You can teach a monkey to do just about anything. If this twirp is the pothead that he appears to be, let's see where he ends up in another couple of decades when the damage to his brain becomes more evident. If he is what he appears to be, I suspect that he'll end up just like those other washed-out thug athletes. On top of the world today... Swimming in the gutters tomorrow...
He's an idiot when it's convenient to your argument. A misunderstood genius when THAT fits your argument.
You can't keep up... I've never called him a "genius", but it must be acceptable for YOU to use generalizations of some straw-man Republipuke that you've assembled in your feminized mind. You're pathetic with your brush and your broad strokes...

What about Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Let me guess, he's not a REAL Republican either. No kind of success story there...
How about another Republican Governor, Michael Bloomberg? Look up his response when New York Magazine asked him if he ever smoked pot. "You bet I did. And I enjoyed it!" Eighth richest man in the world worth over 20 billion dollars...He must have acquired that from sucking dick in back alleyways, since we all know that's all that a pot smoker can amount to.
We probably need another discussion thread to review how those who win beauty pagents and popularity contests aren't really producers and achievers. By the way, those evil Republicans aren't exactly proud of these two mental giants, and I thought Bloomberg became an independent.
Ted Turner funds the Kentucky Hemp Museum...sure would hate to have his billions...Oh yeah, I forgot he's a communist because he founded CNN. Damn, when you can so quickly shoot my arguments because they're on your 10 billion page black list, I guess I just have no credibility.
My blacklist isn't that big... Seriously, you're not even discussing the original topic. You're searching for role models to excuse the behavior. Is this how you win arguments?
I'm growing tired of this pathetic whining and bitching... "I know you are but what am I?" Blah, blah, blah...

It goes without saying that every musician ever is on your list. Nah, you strike me more of a Toby Kieth fan. Oh, damn, guess you've never heard "Smoke Weed With Willie".
More into the "pure" country artists, probably then right. Like Hank Williams Sr. & Jr., Johnny Cash, David Allan Coe, Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson...damn damn damn!!!

Are we done here?
Well, if all you have are silly little emotional outbursts with the occassional "role model" exception, I guess so...
Ogre already pointed out what should be painfully obvious, so I won't repeat it here.
Well, give me some real science that says it's good for you, or not as bad as alcohol. You guys try to justify your behavior by bringing up others who do it, admitted to doing it, or have been caught doing it. Most people grow out of that by age 10. It seems that some don't...
This is laughable. The one that lacks an agenda? Seriously? Damn science and it's agenda. Damn actual facts besides the made up statistics you can parrot from the same inventors of this farcical war on drugs.
There you go with that brush again... You haven't even scratched the surface of the "war on drugs" issue. So, do we only legalize pot, or how does it work in your mind? What do we do about cocaine? And, crack is a whole other issues... Meth is really big right now too! :eyeroll:
And after all this, keep in mind that I can count on one hand the number of times I've smoked pot, so don't paint me into your hippie devoid of all credibility brush.
Me too...