This has to be a sign that the end of the world is approaching. During the past few hours of watch Fox News, at least 10 times I have seen a commercial advertising a Barack Obama commemorative coin set, called the Change Collection.
Topps, the company responsible for Baseball Cards is producing President Obama Cards, "Sure I will trade 2 Mickey Mantles for 1 Barack and 1 Michelle" And the Associated Press has even published a Glossary of Obama related words like Obamatopia, that must have Webster spinning around in his grave so fast that his remains could will be able to generate enough electricity to power New York City For a decade. Words like:
OBAMAPHORIA: The postelection rapture that swept over Obama's supporters worldwide.
OBAMANATION: A twist on "abomination," expressed by evangelicals and other conservatives who oppose Obama's stance on abortion, gay marriage and other social issues.
OBAMANOS: A play on "Vamonos," or "Let's go," among Obama fans in Mexico.