I didn't bother to watch his "speech." But I have seen snippets of it. Enough to form a judgement. Here's Kaos' take:
In the business world, you have the Peter-Principle, a theory that says people will rise to their level of inefficency, basically ensuring that businesses will have the least productive persons in the most critical positions. People rarely stay where they are the most effective, they are promoted until they can no longer adequately function and there they linger.
As I've watched The One over the last few months, I've been reminded of this. In politics it isn't exactly the same, but some of the same core principles apply. Call it Campaignitis.
For most of the past 20 years, The One has been continually campaigning. He's gone from this position to that position, promoting himself, promising this, claiming credit for that, railing against the other. He's never really stayed in any one position long enough to distinguish himself. Each successive conquest only opened the door for an immediate campaign for the next target on his list.
Here The One stands today, however, with no new vistas to reach. He's not going to be elected World Emperor. He can't campaign for President of the UN. The One has finally reached that plateau where he must actually produce as opposed to promise.
His recent speech confirmed what I already suspected. He has no idea how to do anything other than campaign. Actually producing what he promises is a completely foreign concept.
Oh, but he was in the Illinois legislature for seven years, you say. Yes, he was. But on two separate occasions during his tenure, he spent at least 18 months preparing for and campaigning for other positions. One he lost.
When I watch him today, it's completely apparent he's fully engaged in campaign mode, barrelling along the campaign trail slamming those evil Republicans and promising pies from the sky.
He doesn't know what he's doing. He doesn't understand the basics of free market economics. His entire career was crafted by knocking down strawmen with pretty words and a lilting cadence.
My question is how long will the American people cheer this clown? How long will it subsist on empty rhetoric and finger-pointing? When the Obama 2012 campaign kicks off in about six months and he continues the only thing he has the first clue how to do, will the populace be mollified?