Not everything the government and society tells you to do is the right thing for you and your children. That is why I still believe it is the parent's right. They have a vaccine for chicken pox now. We just got it, stayed home a week and then mostly never got it again. Whatever happened to letting nature take it's course on the simple things? Just because there is a pill for it or a shot for it, does not make it the right thing to do.
I agree with the idea that the govt or society should not be the final say so for my decisions regarding my child. But from history, we do know what an epidemic such as smallpox or measles can do to large segments of the population if allowed to gain a foothold. No way would I want my child to experience that. That is not the govt or society telling me what to do - that is a decision based on my own research, and weighing the odds of a one in a million allergic reaction versus a child with a potentially lethal disease.
As for letting nature take its course, I also think that since the advent of vaccines, the diseases themselves have probably become stronger and more resistant to treatment - plus, there is really no effective treatment for a virus - you can't use antibiotics. So I would not let one case of possible reaction to the vaccine sway me from having my child vaccinated. Esp in Texas - cases of TB are skyrocketing because of the large influx of unvaccinated illegals crossing the border. Damn right I am getting my kids vaccinated.
We take medicaton to prevent heart attacks and high blood pressure and other diseases. Some people have a bad reaction to those meds too, but the vast majority of people are benefited by the medications, so we don't take them off the market. How is a vaccine any different? More people benefit than are harmed.
I am not arguing with you, CC - just my opinion.