HAHHA, I see Coach Lee just about every time I go home. Coach Lee and My dad are really good friends...they live right down the street from each other. We joke around that Coach Lee and Joyce and my parents are attached at the hip.
BTW... my dad was probably around when you were there. He started coaching there in the early 70's. Coach Wilson.
You're dad is a child molester. He paddled my ass several times.
I keed..not about the paddling though. He lit my ass up. (That's from a time when "He lit my ass up" meant you got the board)
Quick story. The coolest thing you could do during high school was to leave campus..legally. At P.E. one day, big ole, lumbering Coach Abernathy told me and a buddy to run down to Hardees and pick him up a Big Twin and super sized fries. We did and when we got back in the parking lot and started walking towards the coaches offices, Coach Wilson nabbed us. "Alright guys, you know you can't leave campus. I believe the Hardees bag is all the evidence I need."
But, Coach Wilson, Coach Ab sent us there. This is for Coach Ab.
I don't want to hear it. You're not supposed to leave campus.
Coach Ab...Coach Ab (Handing Hardees bag to him) Tell him Coach Ab.
Shut up and grab that table. (Pulls out the freakin' terminator paddle board from hell)
Coach Ab, man that ain't right. Tell him. (Coach Ab can't speak. His mouth is full of Big Twin and fries and a big ass grin on his face.) Coach Ab...
Come on Coach Ab....WHACK. Damn Coach Ab, you know you're wrong for that.
We had to laugh because we knew we got abused big time. That was back in the day when you could straighten kids out with a big ass stick. Gettin' lit up was actually a badge of honor back then.