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« on: February 16, 2009, 05:20:53 PM »
Does Auburn push character too much?  Tuberville often harped on getting the guys with character.  Once again, our coaching staff puts a strong emphasis on getting guys with "character." 

I, for one, like the fact that we push for the good ole boys that aren't time bombs.  But I'm thinking it's getting a little worn out. 

Chizik, Taylor, Malzahn, and today, Luper, have all been quoted saying we're going after the guys with character.  Luper said that he doesn't care if other schools start loading up on early commitments.  He'd rather wait until he's properly evaluated them character wise along with how they fit into our system. 

I hope this isn't stealing too much, but here is a small quote from Rivals:

You really have to slow the process down as much as we can to make sure we thoroughly evaluate the players because we can't make any mistakes on character

Other schools push for guys who will help them win championships.  Once again, we're pushing character. 
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole

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Re: Character
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2009, 06:02:57 PM »
I vote "no" for this reason: We are not going to turn down a kid that wants to come to Auburn because he has a few "issues". We will still recruit the guys and then give him the proverbial "second chance". It is good to be known for building a good clean program where the kids stay out of the negative spot light. Up until this year, Tubs ran this kind of program and it did not hurts us on the field talent wise. I say we can get more kids recruiting like this than not. A lot of the kids talk about "family" when they come to Auburn and I think that is important. it buils team unity which helps in a lot of different ways, on and off the field.
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Re: Character
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2009, 06:19:42 PM »
I vote "no" for this reason: We are not going to turn down a kid that wants to come to Auburn because he has a few "issues". We will still recruit the guys and then give him the proverbial "second chance". It is good to be known for building a good clean program where the kids stay out of the negative spot light. Up until this year, Tubs ran this kind of program and it did not hurts us on the field talent wise. I say we can get more kids recruiting like this than not. A lot of the kids talk about "family" when they come to Auburn and I think that is important. it buils team unity which helps in a lot of different ways, on and off the field.
Let alone character does not impede talent. Usually guys that are disciplined and have their heads on straight end up being the most successful.

Emory Blake poised to be a textbook example.
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Re: Character
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2009, 07:58:17 PM »
"We have to make sure we roll out the orange carpet."

Nice... :tits:
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Re: Character
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2009, 10:54:59 PM »
Let alone character does not impede talent. Usually guys that are disciplined and have their heads on straight end up being the most successful.

Emory Blake poised to be a textbook example.

Would the same be said about Julio Jones? 
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Re: Character
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2009, 10:58:11 PM »
Here is rest of the article. I don't see anything about "character". What I do see, is INTENSITY!!! I haven't seen that in a long long time on the plains and this fires me up!

There is a quote about character in the article.  I already quoted it.

I appreciate the intensity as well, and I'm incredibly excited to have this staff on the road for AU.  However, it just seems JABA when I hear all of our coaches preaching character.  Maybe I got burned out on it with Tuberville as the years rolled on and the victories disappeared. 
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Re: Character
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2009, 11:38:49 PM »
Would the same be said about Julio Jones? 
Where Julio used to live, it is just one big drug community called Aaronville. Its a pretty rough neighborhood and mostly low income government housing. Alot of his relatives have ended up in trouble and he didn't want to end up that way, and felt football was his only hope of getting out of that environment. He's always been real good about staying out of trouble, but sometimes doesn't keep the best of friends. Other than his Tahoe being broken into at a Tuscaloosa bowling alley, he's avoided any trouble so far.
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Re: Character
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2009, 11:55:17 PM »
Where Julio used to live, it is just one big drug community called Aaronville. Its a pretty rough neighborhood and mostly low income government housing. Alot of his relatives have ended up in trouble and he didn't want to end up that way, and felt football was his only hope of getting out of that environment. He's always been real good about staying out of trouble, but sometimes doesn't keep the best of friends. Other than his Tahoe being broken into at a Tuscaloosa bowling alley, he's avoided any trouble so far.

I never said he's been a problem for Tuscaloosa.  But based on his past history, you would assume that Julio Jones runs with a rough crowd and would need to clap his hands to keep himself from stealing stuff. 

That's kinda makes my point.  How do these coaches know if a kid has the right amount of character for Auburn?  Tuberville never made it clear, and it came across as an excuse for not getting the top guys. 

Of course we all want character guys, but we don't watch Auburn football solely to see young men learn life lessons.  We want to see good football.  We want to win big games, and we want to see trophies.  That comes from getting championship calibur prospects, and quite honestly, I think Auburn can attract that kind of talent.  However, making sure the world knows character is a primary concern doesn't sit well with me. 
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Re: Character
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2009, 02:01:38 AM »
So...we're not only recruiting Texas?  Shit, I've got a ton of sky to try to paste back up on the ceiling.
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And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
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Re: Character
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2009, 10:24:59 AM »
Where Julio used to live, it is just one big drug community called Aaronville. Its a pretty rough neighborhood and mostly low income government housing. Alot of his relatives have ended up in trouble and he didn't want to end up that way, and felt football was his only hope of getting out of that environment. He's always been real good about staying out of trouble, but sometimes doesn't keep the best of friends. Other than his Tahoe being broken into at a Tuscaloosa bowling alley, he's avoided any trouble so far.

He's got a Tahoe? Coming from the ghetto, that must have been one good streak of luck....
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Character
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2009, 11:37:59 AM »
He's got a Tahoe? Coming from the ghetto, that must have been one good streak of luck....

The owner of the dealership called in to a radio station here to "explain."   

He got that car right after he signed with Alabama, but that was merely coincidental timing. The dealership did all the requisite checks and put Julio and his family through the same screening process they would anybody.  They had the downpayment and qualified for the car, just like anybody else would.  It's NOT an escalade, he stressed.  It's a four or five year old Tahoe with some miles on it.  Now Julio did trick it out with some big rims and a sound system and a few other goodies, but what college kid doesn't? 
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Re: Character
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2009, 12:17:10 PM »
The owner of the dealership called in to a radio station here to "explain."   

He got that car right after he signed with Alabama, but that was merely coincidental timing. The dealership did all the requisite checks and put Julio and his family through the same screening process they would anybody.  They had the downpayment and qualified for the car, just like anybody else would.  It's NOT an escalade, he stressed.  It's a four or five year old Tahoe with some miles on it.  Now Julio did trick it out with some big rims and a sound system and a few other goodies, but what college kid doesn't? 
He had that Tahoe way before he signed with Alabama. It was more of a family vehicle, really. He was the primary user, though. If you would remember, ESPN even did a segment on Julio where he was talking about how he had wrecked it while acting like a fool with it. That segment was during the Daphne vs. Foley game. He didn't commit to Alabama until signing day. Its a 2001 Tahoe and had about 85,000 miles on it when he got it. Other than the pleather seats, it was a basic package when he got it.

And if you must know, his mother won a settlement from an accident. Thats how they got some of their cash, and thats also how they got out of Aaronville and moved into a small house near the fire station. The house his mother now lives in is around 20 years old. It was renovated before they even bought it.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 12:17:57 PM by runswithscissors »
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Re: Character
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2009, 03:41:47 PM »
He had that Tahoe way before he signed with Alabama. It was more of a family vehicle, really. He was the primary user, though. If you would remember, ESPN even did a segment on Julio where he was talking about how he had wrecked it while acting like a fool with it. That segment was during the Daphne vs. Foley game. He didn't commit to Alabama until signing day. Its a 2001 Tahoe and had about 85,000 miles on it when he got it. Other than the pleather seats, it was a basic package when he got it.

And if you must know, his mother won a settlement from an accident. Thats how they got some of their cash, and thats also how they got out of Aaronville and moved into a small house near the fire station. The house his mother now lives in is around 20 years old. It was renovated before they even bought it.

Then I guess the MOTHERFUCKING OWNER OF THE MOTHERFUCKING DEALERSHIP WHO SOLD HIM THE MOTHERFUCKING CAR IS A MOTHERFUCKING LIAR.  MOTHERFUCK. He certainly wouldn't have nearly as much information as a message board fuck with a Saban fixation.

Horseshit, bullshit and dogshit, rws. 
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 03:42:20 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Character
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2009, 04:13:23 PM »
Then I guess the MOTHERFUCKING OWNER OF THE MOTHERFUCKING DEALERSHIP WHO SOLD HIM THE MOTHERFUCKING CAR IS A MOTHERFUCKING LIAR.  MOTHERFUCK. He certainly wouldn't have nearly as much information as a message board fuck with a Saban fixation.

Horseshit, bullshit and dogshit, rws. 
Anyone that watched the Daphne vs. Foley game will tell you the same goddamned thing. They ran a segment about Julio and showed him standing next to the Tahoe in his front yard talking about flipping it on its side. They showed shots of where he lives and the inside of his house. Folks on AUN were even making smartass remarks about it afterwards.

WAR-MATT made the following comment:
"RWS - since you've got the inside info on JJ, who paid for that vehicle that he and his friends trashed?"

Grider added:
"I had the same though when I saw the nice rolled ~$35,000 SUV."
and also
"Really? I thought I heard JJ say he had it 2 or 3 weeks before someone rolled it. I could have misheard him though."

Apparently you didn't watch the game, and apparently you didn't see the special segment they did on JJ. If you heard somebody call in and say they were the owner of the dealership, and they said all of that, they are full of shit. Horseshit, bullshit and dogshit to be exact. There was fucking video evidence during the Daphne/Foley game that proves that. I have seen the kid in it before then for fucks sake. I know you can't possibly be this stupid, so I will just chalk it up to not doing your homework.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 04:16:44 PM by runswithscissors »
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Re: Character
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2009, 04:22:17 PM »
There was fucking video evidence during the Daphne/Foley game that proves that. I have seen the kid in it before then for fucks sake.

If it is on ESPN the Ocho and a LA message board hack confirms it.....it is like the gospel.
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Re: Character
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2009, 05:39:02 PM »
All I got to say to this is maybe the car dealer confused "committed" with "signed."  Either that or Who-the-fucking-lio had the motherfucking car for several months without paying for it -- special loan rate, you know -- and didn't sign the papers (get to keep it) until after he inked with Saban. 

Either way, the guy called in and said that shit. The fucking hosts verified it was him because his dealership advertises on their station. 

I don't give a flippity fuck if you blew Julio on the pleather seats in March of 200-fucking-4.  The fuck who sold him and his "family" (he mentioned extended family, but I can't remember that part of it) the motherfucking vehicle knows more about the situation than you do.  PEE-REE-ODD.

Anyone that watched the Daphne vs. Foley game will tell you the same goddamned thing. They ran a segment about Julio and showed him standing next to the Tahoe in his front yard talking about flipping it on its side. They showed shots of where he lives and the inside of his house. Folks on AUN were even making smartass remarks about it afterwards.

WAR-MATT made the following comment:
"RWS - since you've got the inside info on JJ, who paid for that vehicle that he and his friends trashed?"

Grider added:
"I had the same though when I saw the nice rolled ~$35,000 SUV."
and also
"Really? I thought I heard JJ say he had it 2 or 3 weeks before someone rolled it. I could have misheard him though."

Apparently you didn't watch the game, and apparently you didn't see the special segment they did on JJ. If you heard somebody call in and say they were the owner of the dealership, and they said all of that, they are full of shit. Horseshit, bullshit and dogshit to be exact. There was fucking video evidence during the Daphne/Foley game that proves that. I have seen the kid in it before then for fucks sake. I know you can't possibly be this stupid, so I will just chalk it up to not doing your homework.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 05:39:36 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Character
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2009, 06:12:14 PM »
All I got to say to this is maybe the car dealer confused "committed" with "signed."  Either that or Who-the-fucking-lio had the motherfucking car for several months without paying for it -- special loan rate, you know -- and didn't sign the papers (get to keep it) until after he inked with Saban. 

Either way, the guy called in and said that shit. The fucking hosts verified it was him because his dealership advertises on their station. 

I don't give a flippity fuck if you blew Julio on the pleather seats in March of 200-fucking-4.  The fuck who sold him and his "family" (he mentioned extended family, but I can't remember that part of it) the motherfucking vehicle knows more about the situation than you do.  PEE-REE-ODD.

Committed, signed, it all happened on the same day. He was a signing day decision. He had the Tahoe before his senior season even started. So, I guess you're telling me that before he became this huge recruiting sensation, the owner of a dealership gave him and his family an extra special deal where they didn't have to pay on it for over a year? Bullshit. What car dealership are we talking about? What fucking radio show are we even talking about? At least I'm providing something that was seen on national fucking TV as proof. You're providing some shit you heard one time from some guy on some radio show. Do you live in South Alabama? Why would a dealership down here advertise on a radio station that isn't in South Alabama or the Panhandle? Why did you feel the need to bring a knife to a gunfight?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 06:17:07 PM by runswithscissors »
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Re: Character
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2009, 06:23:10 PM »
Committed, signed, it all happened on the same day. He was a signing day decision. He had the Tahoe before his senior season even started. So, I guess you're telling me that before he became this huge recruiting sensation, the owner of a dealership gave him and his family an extra special deal where they didn't have to pay on it for over a year? Bullshit. What car dealership are we talking about? What fucking radio show are we even talking about? At least I'm providing something that was seen on national fucking TV as proof. You're providing some shit you heard one time from some guy on some radio show. Do you live in South Alabama? Why would a dealership down here advertise on a radio station that isn't in South Alabama or the Panhandle?

Yes. I live in South Alabama.
Moved here this summer. So fuck you there.

Whoo-lee-oh Jones was a bama lock for months and you know it.  You said as much yourself. 

Fuck if I know why they guy let him have the car.  All I know is that he said it.  They were making fun of Wheel-io on the radio one morning for driving a tricked out Escalade and the owner of the dealership -- who advertises on their station and was identified as such -- called the show to "clarify."   So maybe you better bitch to him about it because one of you bitches is lying. 
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Re: Character
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2009, 07:14:08 PM »
Yes. I live in South Alabama.
Moved here this summer. So fuck you there.

Whoo-lee-oh Jones was a bama lock for months and you know it.  You said as much yourself. 

Fuck if I know why they guy let him have the car.  All I know is that he said it.  They were making fun of Wheel-io on the radio one morning for driving a tricked out Escalade and the owner of the dealership -- who advertises on their station and was identified as such -- called the show to "clarify."   So maybe you better bitch to him about it because one of you bitches is lying. 
Why won't you answer what radio station or what show this was on? I'm quite interested, I never heard anything of this call or saw any discussion of it anywhere.
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Re: Character
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2009, 08:34:24 PM »
What the fuck ever station does sports down here.  It is pretty weak and the fuckng host talks about Ole Miss all the time.  I usually listen to something else. Thanks to Sirius I have absolutely no idea what stations are what other than TK101.   
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