I would assume so as well. Which this also bothers me. Not only do I smoke 3-5 cigars a week, I probably dip 4 to 5 cans of Copenhagen as well.
Alright, I just confirmed that it does affect practically all forms of consumer tobacco products including smokeless tobacco. Short answer is all tobacco products will increase at the retail level effective 1 Apr 2009. And if you're a tobacco retailer or wholesaler you get to pay a hefty tax on your floor inventory due by 1 Aug 2009.
This stuff will bore you to tears; the revenue stream for the new S-CHIP program comes from modifying Section 5701 of the Internal Revenue Code. What I'll post below is the excerpt from the revenue section of the new S-CHIP bill followed by the actual code that it modifies if anyone is so inclined to review it. There are also links to the actual bill and the revenue code:
The new S-CHIP bill revenue provisions:
(a) Cigars- Section 5701(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended--
(1) by striking `$1.828 cents per thousand ($1.594 cents per thousand on cigars removed during 2000 or 2001)' in paragraph (1) and inserting `$50.33 per thousand',
(2 ) by striking `20.719 percent (18.063 percent on cigars removed during 2000 or 2001)' in paragraph (2 ) and inserting `52.75 percent', and
(3) by striking `$48.75 per thousand ($42.50 per thousand on cigars removed during 2000 or 2001)' in paragraph (2 ) and inserting `40.26 cents per cigar'.
(b) Cigarettes- Section 5701(b) of such Code is amended--
(1) by striking `$19.50 per thousand ($17 per thousand on cigarettes removed during 2000 or 2001)' in paragraph (1) and inserting `$50.33 per thousand', and
(2 ) by striking `$40.95 per thousand ($35.70 per thousand on cigarettes removed during 2000 or 2001)' in paragraph (2 ) and inserting `$105.69 per thousand'.
(c) Cigarette Papers- Section 5701(c) of such Code is amended by striking `1.22 cents (1.06 cents on cigarette papers removed during 2000 or 2001)' and inserting `3.15 cents'.
(d) Cigarette Tubes- Section 5701(d) of such Code is amended by striking `2.44 cents (2.13 cents on cigarette tubes removed during 2000 or 2001)' and inserting `6.30 cents'.
(e) Smokeless Tobacco- Section 5701(e) of such Code is amended--
(1) by striking `58.5 cents (51 cents on snuff removed during 2000 or 2001)' in paragraph (1) and inserting `$1.51', and
(2 ) by striking `19.5 cents (17 cents on chewing tobacco removed during 2000 or 2001)' in paragraph (2 ) and inserting `50.33 cents'.
(f) Pipe Tobacco- Section 5701(f) of such Code is amended by striking `$1.0969 cents (95.67 cents on pipe tobacco removed during 2000 or 2001)' and inserting `$2.8311 cents'.
(g) Roll-Your-Own Tobacco- Section 5701(g) of such Code is amended by striking `$1.0969 cents (95.67 cents on roll-your-own tobacco removed during 2000 or 2001)' and inserting `$24.78'.
(h) Floor Stocks Taxes- ...
The Link:
***Be forewarned, this link my not exactly work since this website does require a refreshed search; Doing a search on "H.R. 2" will get you back to the raw data.
Here's the excerpt from Internal Revenue Code Section 5701 that is modified by this bill (to increase revenue for S-CHIP):
Sec. 5701. Rate of tax
(a) Cigars
On cigars, manufactured in or imported into the United States,
there shall be imposed the following taxes:
(1) Small cigars
On cigars, weighing not more than 3 pounds per thousand, $1.828
cents per thousand ($1.594 cents per thousand on cigars removed
during 2000 or 2001);
(2) Large cigars
On cigars weighing more than 3 pounds per thousand, a tax equal
to 20.719 percent (18.063 percent on cigars removed during 2000
or 2001) of the price for which sold but not more than $48.75 per
thousand ($42.50 per thousand on cigars removed during 2000 or
Cigars not exempt from tax under this chapter which are removed but
not intended for sale shall be taxed at the same rate as similar
cigars removed for sale.
(b) Cigarettes
On cigarettes, manufactured in or imported into the United
States, there shall be imposed the following taxes:
(1) Small cigarettes
On cigarettes, weighing not more than 3 pounds per thousand,
$19.50 per thousand ($17 per thousand on cigarettes removed
during 2000 or 2001);
(2) Large cigarettes
On cigarettes, weighing more than 3 pounds per thousand, $40.95
per thousand ($35.70 per thousand on cigarettes removed during
2000 or 2001); except that, if more than 6 1/2 inches in length,
they shall be taxable at the rate prescribed for cigarettes
weighing not more than 3 pounds per thousand, counting each 2 3/4
inches, or fraction thereof, of the length of each as one
(c) Cigarette papers
On cigarette papers, manufactured in or imported into the United
States, there shall be imposed a tax of 1.22 cents (1.06 cents on
cigarette papers removed during 2000 or 2001) for each 50 papers or
fractional part thereof; except that, if cigarette papers measure
more than 6 1/2 inches in length, they shall be taxable at the rate
prescribed, counting each 2 3/4 inches, or fraction thereof, of the
length of each as one cigarette paper.
(d) Cigarette tubes
On cigarette tubes, manufactured in or imported into the United
States, there shall be imposed a tax of 2.44 cents (2.13 cents on
cigarette tubes removed during 2000 or 2001) for each 50 tubes or
fractional part thereof, except that if cigarette tubes measure
more than 6 1/2 inches in length, they shall be taxable at the rate
prescribed, counting each 2 3/4 inches, or fraction thereof, of the
length of each as one cigarette tube.
(e) Smokeless tobacco
On smokeless tobacco, manufacturered (FOOTNOTE 1) in or imported
into the United States, there shall be imposed the following taxes:
(FOOTNOTE 1) So in original. Probably should be
(1) Snuff
On snuff, 58.5 cents (51 cents on snuff removed during 2000 or
2001) per pound and a proportionate tax at the like rate on all
fractional parts of a pound.
(2) Chewing tobacco
On chewing tobacco, 19.5 cents (17 cents on chewing tobacco
removed during 2000 or 2001) per pound and a proportionate tax at
the like rate on all fractional parts of a pound.
(f) Pipe tobacco
On pipe tobacco, manufactured in or imported into the United
States, there shall be imposed a tax of $1.0969 cents (95.67 cents
on pipe tobacco removed during 2000 or 2001) per pound (and a
proportionate tax at the like rate on all fractional parts of a
(g) Roll-your-own tobacco
On roll-your-own tobacco, manufactured in or imported into the
United States, there shall be imposed a tax of $1.0969 cents (95.67
cents on roll-your-own tobacco removed during 2000 or 2001) per
pound (and a proportionate tax at the like rate on all fractional
parts of a pound).
(h) Imported tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes
The taxes imposed by this section on tobacco products and
cigarette papers and tubes imported into the United States shall be
in addition to any import duties imposed on such articles, unless
such import duties are imposed in lieu of internal revenue tax.
The Link:
http://www.taxalmanac.org/index.php/Internal_Revenue_Code:Sec._5701._Rate_of_taxBored to tears...