Oh thank God. Welcome sisters!! These are the most loveable bunch of perverts you will ever come to know, love and wish you could kick in the nuts all at the same time. Bottom line, they are a bunch of fucking Neanderthals, so just accept that up front and all will be well. (Except for AWK,who is just precious and loves graham crackers and long walks on the beach. He is SUCH a sweetie.)
One hint - no flashing them when you are drunk at a TigerX tailgate party unless you like having pictures of your boobs on teh interwebs. One of these bastards is a disrespecful camera phone using dickhead.
Oh, and Randall (Pale Rider) just loves the use of emoticons - the more the better. That is the best way to get in his good graces. He feels that you can't ever have to many to make sure your point is taken as intended. :thumbsup:
I am so glad you guys are here!!