I wonder if that toting guns and stripping moose extends to toting a fishing rod and killing whitetail, dove, and turkey. If so then you know I must not care about "what they do to Jews and blacks". 
What's next, swastika wearing donkeys... high steppin' with Nazi Pelosi? Tarheel is going to blow his lid when he sees this one.
First step of re-education is to provide the place to do so.
After reading this article (which I assume is from a right leaning source), I was outraged. I did some research and checked some left leaning blogs, the left is outraged also by this. They are calling it "FEMA prisions" or some stupid shit like that.
So, I read the resolution itself at:
I'm going to say it might be a good proposal, if instituted to the exact wording of the resolution.
I read this article and it almost made me apoplectic with rage. On the surface the purpose and intent of the "camps" this bill will authorize is all well and good but the broad definition of "national emergency" coupled with the broad, and clearly un-constitutional, authority it gives to the DHS and it's head is vexing at best.
Fed-Gov, as an entity, is drunk with power right now and there are some very dangerous (and deliriously giddy) socialists working with The ONE. And, they think they have a mandate to do anything necessary "for the good of the people" as they see it (because they know how to take care of us better than we do). Especially during this financial crisis which gives them even more reasons to take sweeping action. I know that the left has said exactly the same thing about the evil Bush administration after the Patriot Act however most folk forget that fascism, Nazism, communism, and socialism arose from the left NOT the right. And it seems to me that everything the socialists are acting on as an entity is based on political motivations rather than real solutions; also making them dangerous in my opinion. Especially with little or no checks or balances but that's another rant.
Using camps like these is not unprecedented in this country during a time of war (FDR over-stepped his authority to intern Americans during WWII). I think that it sets a new precedent in a time of national emergency.
I am very concerned about the stated purpose "to meet other appropriate needs, as defined by the secretary of homeland security"; worrying indeed. When considered in terms of how Fed-Gov handled certain aspects of the Katrina hurricane aftermath such as using the "crisis" as a reason so suspend second amendment rights and confiscate lawfully owned rifles, shotguns, and handguns. Some of which Fed-Gov has yet to return to the rightful owners.
Having written that I have to temper my anger with the reality that it's always best to study the source when it comes to most things. In this case it's Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) who is an impeached judge and is as corrupt as the day is long. I think that this slime-ball politician will not have a snow-ball's chance in hell of getting a bill like this through the Congress without significant revisions if at all. The fact that the far left is all hot and bothered with it too is also encouraging that it's not going anywhere as is.
No, I think that Fed-Gov will work a little more subtly than this...like making it impossible to get ammunition first then slowly legislating away our liberty while we watch American Idol.