My .02 cents on Willis.
I hold no I'll will for someone to take another job that he thinks is better for him and his family. If the information is true that he was bad mouthing Auburn, just because, then FUCK him, he is a disgrace to the coaching profession.
That being said not one of us could sit here and say that we would absolutly unequivocally not do the same thing (take the Alabama job I mean). Listen I am an Auburn fan to the ninth degree much like most of you. However, it is very easy for us to say "yeah fuck him what a traitor" when we have nothing on the line. We don't know what happened or what went down, but when you are talking real money with family involved, it is a whole different ball game. It is easy for me to say that I would never take a job for uat, I hate the school with every fiber of my being, but the chances of them even offering me a coaching job are about 99999999999999 to 1.
However, if Satan called me up tomorrow and said hey I want to offer you 400,000 and a new car, you better fucking believe I would at least consider it, ah fuck me I would take it. As I would suspect most of you would. So cast the stones you want, just keep that perspective in mind.
As far as those of you that
don't think Chizik was involved in some way, might want to cut back on the drugs. He's the one that has been picking the staff last time I checked, and he fucked up the Willis deal. Whether he hired him back because of the recruits or not is immaterial it just looks bad and obviously pissed Willis off. I would think that Chizik would do all of his due dilligence before making a decision as harsh as firing someone. Was he 100% part of the problem no one here knows and I would venture to say that only Chizik and Willis know, but bottom line is Chizik deserves part of the blame! Prowler and Chop you guys are entitled to your opinions as Kaos is entitled to his but the whole Chizik can do no wrong chest bumping makes me

I haven't made a decision on him either way, I would like to see how we play, but jesssuussss you guys are making me not like him. Why don't we let him get through a season of play before crowning him king of kings, just sayin!
Last thing....

its called capitalization and punctuation RWS look into it. I mean God knows I am no writer and my gramah is teh sux, but good lord man I can't even read half your shit it gives me a headache. How do you expect us to even take you somewhat seriously when you don't even have the minimum space that shit out. Halleluiah where's the Tylenol.