So they said but I'm sure they were enjoying every minute of it.
You know they were, they hated Bush so much that it was obvious. They hated him from day one b/c he was a republican and not a
democrat socialist. Although he was fiscally liberal. Funny how that works. He grows the government in services and function and he's still a bad guy (my biggest gripe with Bush, he could have wielded the veto stamp to have limited this). Obama will do it and he will be a savior.
And funny how the news was full of threats from "white supremacists," yet nothing happened. Stark contrast from 2001, when Bush had to cancel his walk because the blacks were threatening to riot. Pardon me, when they actually did riot. Funny how that is so easily forgotten.
And in the ultimate classy move, the White House website now officially bashes the previous administration. much for building bridges. The honeymoon is over, jackass. I now intend to be as savage towards "Neo" as every single leftard was/is towards Bush. Combined.